
This book is intended as a general information resource and does not constitute legal advice in any jurisdiction in the United States or anywhere in the world. Before undertaking legal action of any kind, consult with a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. Purchase or use of this book does not create or establish an attorney–client relationship between the author, editors, publisher, or consultants, and any purchasers, readers, or viewers.

The sample documents used herein are matters of public record and are available for retrieval via the United States Federal Court System’s PACER website. The documents were selected purely for illustrative purposes and are not meant to imply anything regarding the underlying cases which, to the author’s knowledge, are all closed and concluded.

Some of the standard sample forms contained herein are being revised by the Administrative Office of the United States District Court. The revisions will be phased in by 2016. The information contained in the revised forms will be the same as the forms herein. Only the format of the forms will change. Please be advised that from January 2016 forward, you may see these revised forms in the course of your business.

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