Performance checks



Quick quiz

Question 1    What is meant by the ‘ABC’ of business communication?


Question 2    What is the rough maximum number of people with whom it is practicable to communicate as a team?


Question 3    When you receive a communication, what are the three decisions you could take as to what to do with it?


Question 4    If you are using codes, or abbreviations such as those found in text messaging, what must you and the receiver share?


Question 5    What is the aim of normal management communication?


Question 6    What do you consider a reasonable length of time for a team briefing? How frequently should they be held? Circle your preferred answer:

images  5/10 minutes every week

images  15/20 minutes every fortnight

images  45/60 minutes once per month.

Question 7    Complete the following sentence:

Briefing individuals is ineffective and inefficient because


Question 8    What is the first question you should ask yourself before sending any communication?


Question 9    What are Questions 2 and 3 of the eight key questions to ask when choosing the most effective communication channel for any purpose?

Question 2:


Question 3:


Question 10    ‘It is important to tell people why you need them to do something.’

Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Explain your reasons in one sentence.


Answers to these questions can be found on page 64.


2   Workbook assessment


Nicole has a problem. She has a whole series of issues that she needs to communicate to different people and she doesn’t know where to start. There are so many media available to her:

images    Letters

images    Memos

images    Emails

images    Staff newsletters

images    Staff briefings

images    Staff notice-boards

images    One-to-one meetings

images    Group meetings

images    Telephone

She can’t decide which is the most appropriate for her different messages and audiences.

Look at the list of messages and audiences she needs to communicate to and advise Nicole on the choice of medium (or media, as she could use more than one for each), giving your reasons in each case.



New pension provisions for all employees

All staff she manages

A customer has reported losing a ring which may have dropped off while she was having a tour of the premises

All staff on the site

The schedule for staff performance appraisals

All staff she manages

A report she has prepared on possible changes to working hours

All departmental managers

A letter of complaint about one of her staff, which she needs the person concerned to know about and respond to

The person concerned

Invite people to choose from five options for the departmental Christmas ‘do’

All staff she manages plus other staff in the department

Ask her staff for their holiday requests for the next six months

All staff she manages

Invitation to job applicants to come in for interview

Job applicants

Arrange with her line manager for her own performance appraisal interview

Head of department

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