Step 6: Document the Results and Process the Output

How you choose to document the results and innovations is up to you. Figure 6-6 shows one example of how to document the results.

Eventually you'll want to start designing, creating drawings and wireframes, and so on, but first you need to verify your solutions with the users. You can, for example, verify solutions through usability tests and interviews.

You may also want to prioritize your solutions based on resources and time needed, but also on how crucial the core task is and on how often the user will need to perform this core task. You may, for example, want to give higher priority to improvements to core tasks that the user will perform every day or several times a day.

Also consider first impressions. If you are, for example, designing a website on which a core task is performed on the very front page, you should give high priority to improving this core task.


Figure 6-6. New solutions for a few of the core tasks in the low-cost mobile phone example

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