Step 5: Document the Results and Process the Output

There are certain places in this chapter's process and method where you can be diverted to a wrong track. Maybe the cause that you come up with for a pain point was wrong. It may also happen that the solution you designed to fix the pain point does not solve the problem—or creates new pain points.

Verifying the solutions is always essential. Verification can be done through usability tests, user interviews, or similar. You can find more inspiration on different ways of verifying solutions in Chapter 18.

You may also want to prioritize your solutions. Some pain points are more prominent than others. Some pain points will be noticed by all users, since they involve the core functionality of your web page, system, or device. Others may be noticed only by the few that use more advanced functionality. I would suggest focusing first on the pain points that most of your customers will experience, and then later focus on the pain points that fewer users experience.

Additionally, you may want to focus on the pain points that get the most negative feedback and areas where you have received the most complaints. These pain points may not be in the core flow of your product, but they may have a big negative impact on your user experience nevertheless.

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