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Chapter 1: User Experience and Why It Matters

What Is User Experience?

User Experience Curve

Expectations and User Experience

User Experience vs. Consumer Experience

First Impressions Last

Long-Term User Experience

Positive Surprises (Wows)

User Experience Applies to Everything


Chapter 2: User Experience and Why It Matters

The Three Levels




Characteristics of Successful User Experience Innovation


Positive Feelings

Uniqueness or Novelty



The Value of User Experience Innovation

Does Innovation Conflict with Good User Experience?


Chapter 3: Identifying Target Users

Defining New Target Users

Targeting a Predefined User Group

Determining the Group Size

Designing for Multiple Target Groups


Chapter 4: Identifying User Needs

User Needs vs. Fundamental Human Needs

User Needs vs. Core Tasks

Types of User Needs

Immediate User Needs

Perceived User Needs

Latent User Needs

Approaches to Identifying Needs

Finding Specific Target Users

Contacting Target Users

Talking to Your Target Users

Interviewing Users or Potential Users

Empathic Design

Market Research

A Day in the Life

User-Created Diaries

Lead User Workshops

Rules for Interviewing End Users

Documenting User Needs


Chapter 5: Identifying Core Tasks

Characteristics of a Core Task

Core Tasks Vary by Product

Core Tasks Are Not Solutions

Core Tasks Differ for Different Groups

Core Tasks Link Back to User Needs

What Makes a Task Evolve into a Core Task?

Time-Critical Core Tasks

Potential Future Core Tasks

Why Innovate Around Core Tasks?

Method for Identifying Core Tasks

Step 1: Identify or Define Your Target Users

Step 2: Identify the User Needs of the Target Users

Step 3: Identify the Core Tasks of Your Product

Step 4: Identify Potential Future Core Tasks

Step 5: Document Your Preliminary Core Tasks

Step 6: Verify and Prioritize Your Core Tasks

Step 7: Identify the Top Core Tasks for Your Product

Step 8: Process and Document the Results


Chapter 6: Innovating Around Core Tasks

Step 1: Identify Target Users, User Needs, and Core Tasks

Step 2: Identify Potential Future Core Tasks

Step 3: List Current Solutions for the Core Tasks

Step 4: Evaluate the Current Solutions for the Core Tasks

Step 5: Innovate Solutions

Step 6: Document the Results and Process the Output


Chapter 7: Innovating for New Technologies

Selecting Technologies

Technologies As Sources for User Experience Innovation

Creating User Experience Innovation Around Technologies

Step 1: Identify Target User Needs

Step 2: Identify Potential Capabilities of the New Technology

Step 3: Put the Technology in the Center

Step 4: Innovate Solutions Based on Customer Needs and Technology Capabilities

Step 5: Document the Results and Process the Output

Using Core Tasks or Pain Points as an Alternative Approach


Chapter 8: Innovating for Applications

Step 1: Identify Target User Needs

Step 2: Identify Applications to Interact With

Step 3: Create a diagram with your application in the center

Step 4: Innovate Solutions

Step 5: Document the Results and Process the Output


Chapter 9: Relieving the Pain


The Method

Step 1: Identify Current Pain Points

Hotlines and Mail Feedback

Use the Internet

Usability Tests

User Interviews

User Experience Expert Teardown

Pain Points in a TV Remote Control

Step 2: Find the Underlying Causes

The Remote Control Does Not Work Unless I Point It Directly at the TV

Many Times, the Remote Control Seems to Not Be Working, but Then I Realize It's Pointing in the Wrong Direction

The Remote Control No Longer Works; I Keep Changing the Batteries, but After a Few Weeks It Stops Working Again

I Only Use the Volume Keys and the Zapper Keys, but It Is a Real Hassle to Find These Keys in a Dark Room

I Cannot Turn the Volume Down Quickly Enough When I Have to Answer a Phone Call

My Remote Control Stopped Working Because I Repeatedly Dropped It on the Floor; I Had to Buy a New and Very Expensive Replacement

Step 3: Verify Your Causes

Step 4: Innovate Solutions

The Remote Control Does Not Work Unless I Point It Directly at the TV

Many Times, the Remote Control Seems to Not Be Working, but Then I Realize It's Pointing in the Wrong Direction

The Remote Control No Longer Works; I Keep Changing the Batteries, but After a Few Weeks It Stops Working Again

I Only Use the Volume Keys and the Zapper Keys, but It Is a Real Hassle to Find These Keys in a Dark Room

I Cannot Turn the Volume Down Quickly Enough When I Have to Answer a Phone Call

My Remote Control Stopped Working Because I Repeatedly Dropped It on the Floor; I Had to Buy a New and Very Expensive Replacement

Improved Remote Control: The Final Result

Step 5: Document the Results and Process the Output


Chapter 10: Innovating Around First Impressions

Why First Impressions Are Important

Characteristics of a Successful First Impression

Inviting and Simple

Free of Pain Points

Core Tasks Are at the Center

Provide a Wow Factor

Method for Innovating Around First Impressions

Step 1: Identify Core First Impression Tasks

Step 2: Identify First Impression Pain Points

Step 3: Innovate Solutions

Step 4: Document the Results and Process the Output


Chapter 11: Creating Positive Surprises: The Wow Factor


They Bring a Smile

They Exceed Expectations

They Are in the Open

They Cause No Pain

How to Wow

Visual Surprises and Wows


Hidden Treasures

Intelligence and Context Awareness

Methods for Innovating

Creating Positive Surprises and Wows for Core Tasks

Creating Positive Surprises and Wows for the First Impression

Avoid Unnecessary Wows


Chapter 12: Innovating Around an Ecosystem

Introducing the Method

Step 1: Identify Target User Needs and Potential Future Core Tasks

Step 2: Identify Your Potential Ecosystem

User Needs for Identifying Ecosystem Elements

Core Tasks for Identifying Ecosystem Elements

Pain Points for Identifying Ecosystem Elements

Step 3: Draw Your Ecosystem

Step 4: Innovate Around Your Ecosystem

User Needs, Core Tasks, and Pain Points

Displaced Simplicity

E-book Reader Example

Step 5: Document and Process the Results


Chapter 13: Innovating with Lead Users

Intellectual Property and Secrecy Concerns

Step 1: Find Lead Users

Step 2: Prepare for the Workshop

Step 3: Run the Workshop

Step 4: Document the Results and Process the Output


Chapter 14: Copying with Pride

Step 1: Identify Potential Solutions from a Competitor Product

Use Competitors' Products

Competitor Intelligence

LCD TV Example

Step 2: Categorize Competitor Solutions

Step 3: Innovate Solutions

Solutions That Cover Core Tasks but Are Hidden

Solutions That Cover Core Tasks but Have Moderate or Serious Pain Points

Solutions That Aren't Part of a Core Task but Have Nice Visual Design

Solutions That Aren't Part of a Core Task but Have Some Interesting Interaction Elements

Step 4: Verify Solutions



Chapter 15: Innovating Around Paradoxes

Step 1: Identify Paradoxes

Step 2: Innovate Solutions Around Paradoxes

Simplicity vs. Functionality

Mismatch Between Need and Actual Usage

Relying on Other Products for Core Tasks

Multiple Target User Groups with Conflicting Needs

Business Structure vs. End-User Needs

Video Conversion Software Example

Step 3: Document and Verify Solutions


Chapter 16: Innovating Around Context Awareness

Step 1: Identify Target User Needs

Step 2: Identify Current Sensing Capabilities

Step 3: Innovate Context Awareness Abilities

Step 4: Document Your Results and Verify Solutions



Chapter 17: Innovating Around New Products and Users

Learning to Design for Great User Experience

Steps Needed to Design for Successful User Experience

Step 1: Identify or Define Your Target Users

Step 2: Identify Target User Needs

Step 3: Find and Prioritize Core Tasks for New Target Users

Step 4: Identify Key Core Tasks

Step 5: Design and Innovate Basic User Experience Elements

Step 6: Identify and Design Needed Technologies

Step 7: Identify Applications and Innovate

Step 8: Design Your Product


Chapter 18: Prototyping and Verifying Solutions


Photos and Illustrations

Cartoons and Storyboards

Flash Videos and Simulations


Paper Prototypes


User Interviews

Market Research

Usability Tests

Lead User Workshops


Chapter 19: Meeting Organizational Challenges

Technology vs. User Experience

The “I Know What the Users Want” Attitude


Getting Lost in Big Organizations

Solutions and Methods

Use Customer Insights

Invite People to Workshops

Create Cross-Functional Teams

Provide Examples from Competition

Do Internal Marketing

Deliver Great Ideas and Prototypes

Let Decision-Makers Participate in Usability Tests

Conduct Street Interviews

Involve Yourself in Specific Products

Teach Internally




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