Step 4: Evaluate the Current Solutions for the Core Tasks

When you have identified the current solutions for the core tasks, you then need to evaluate if the current solutions are adequate and sufficient. Even for core tasks where you have sufficient solutions, you will still want to create user experience innovations for these. You should never stop innovating around your core tasks, since you will want to constantly keep your solutions for the core tasks ahead of the competition.

There are several ways to evaluate your current solutions. You can run usability tests for the solutions to find pain points and areas needing improvement; you can have a user experience expert teardown made; and you can use market research and info from actual consumer feedback, via interviews or mail surveys.

Another way to evaluate the current solutions is to arrange a small meeting to discuss the current solutions specifically. You will again want a small but multidisciplinary group to do this. And you should invite consumer feedback experts as well as real users. Go through each of the core tasks and discuss how well the current solutions allow the users to solve these tasks.

You may want to start your user experience innovation for the core tasks where you find the most serious problems, and for the most important core tasks. But eventually you should go through all the core tasks.

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