Technologies As Sources for User Experience Innovation

Technologies can, however, if added and designed in the correct way, be a truly great source for successful user experience innovation. Look at how multitouch display technology basically revolutionized the smart phone market. No, the technology itself did not revolutionize the smart phone market; the great and relevant user experience innovations created on top of this technology did.

In a similar way, the TV business went through a tremendous change during the 2000s due to the plasma, LCD, and LED technologies. This happened because the technologies were used to give clear benefits for the user experience: better-quality and larger-screened (yet lighter) TVs at a reasonable price.

For web pages, new HTML formats, Java capabilities, CSS support, and more can in similar ways be used to revolutionize the market, or at least your product. The key is to design with and use these features in ways that bring true value to the end user.

Keeping an eye on technologies and creating innovation around technologies is an absolute core method for successful user experience innovation. Many successful products in the world have taken existing or relatively new technologies and created a superb user experience around them.

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