Model Review

If you are lucky, you will get to build your own model from scratch, but most often you will be handed someone else's model to validate, modify, and make your own. One of the toughest tasks for any financial modeller is trying to use, understand, audit, or validate an existing model. While it may seem like a simple enough task, where the hard work is already done, the real challenge will be to understand how the model was designed.

Excel is such a flexible tool, and there are so many different ways to achieve the same end, that trying to understand the way a model has been built is like trying to get inside another modeller's mind! Give three different modellers a problem, and you'll undoubtedly have three different model designs, as each modeller will approach the model design in a different way and almost certainly using different formulas.


Obviously, the best place to start when trying to understand a model is to talk to the original designer if that is at all possible. There is no one who understands a financial model better than the modeller who designed it in the first place. However, the original modeller is often unavailable, and we therefore need to design the model in such a way that it can speak for itself.

If financial modelling best practice has been used, understanding a financial model in Excel should be a fairly straightforward task. However, many inherited models have not been built by professional modellers but rather cobbled together by different areas of a business to achieve a (usually short-term) outcome. These kinds of inherited models can be a real nightmare to unravel, and often it's simply easier to start from scratch. If this is not practical, there are some tricks and techniques in Excel that can help you to take apart someone else's model. By using these techniques, you can make the task of rebuilding an inherited model more achievable. We will explore some of these techniques in this section.

Removing Redundant Assumptions and Source Data in a Model

Common problems modellers encounter when rebuilding an inherited model are redundant assumptions and sources in the data model. This can happen when modellers need to use source information that is already in the spreadsheet and recreate it without realising that they are entering a duplicate set of assumptions or data. Often, as a model evolves, parts of the model calculations are deleted, but the assumptions that fed into those calculations remain, despite no longer being needed.

The easiest way to see if any formulas are linking to an input cell is to use the trace dependents formula auditing tool. This tool will allow you to trace forwards and backwards throughout the model. One technique you can use to remove redundant cells is to colour code all the input assumption and calculation cells, then go to the model outputs and trace back the formulas. As each input assumption is validated, change the colour of the input cells back to their original colour. At the end of the process, if any cells are still coloured, you will know that they are redundant and can be deleted.

If you think a section of the model is not being used, check it using the trace dependents formula auditing tool as described in this chapter before deleting it. Be aware that there are a few tools and formulas—such as INDIRECT and OFFSET—that can sometimes rely on a cell but do not show up in the formula auditing tool. For this reason, make sure you save before deleting and check the output of the model for #REF! or other errors before continuing. If the deletion has caused a problem, you can simply undo or close without saving to revert to the version of the file prior to deletion.

Formula Auditing

One of the most effective ways to start understanding a financial model—especially one that you did not build yourself—is to look at the formulas and identify the precedents and dependents. This will give you an idea of the logic used by the previous builder of the model. Usually, the best place to start in this technique is the final output. Take a look at each output and trace back the predecessors until you eventually find out what calculations, source data, and assumptions have been used by the original designer.

If you have a formula and you want to know which cells it uses, an easy way to do this is to use formula auditing. You can access these features in Excel from the Formula Auditing ribbon under the Formulas tab, as shown in Figure 10.1.

Snipped image of a spreadsheet with Trace Precedents in the Ribbon selected.

FIGURE 10.1 Trace Precedents in Formula Auditing Icons in the Ribbon

Tracing Precedents    To trace the precedents, select the cell you want to audit and click on Trace Precedents in the Formula Auditing ribbon. See Figure 10.1.

The trace precedents feature allows you to see all the other cells whose values are used in the formula in the present cell. It is possible to understand the calculation just by observing the cell formula too, but the arrows make it easier to locate the cells, which reduces the chances of errors in auditing the model. See Figure 10.2.

Snipped image of a spreadsheet with F4 labeled $136,800, highlighted.

FIGURE 10.2 Using Trace Precedents on a Formula

Tracing Dependents    Just like precedents, you can also trace the dependents to a particular cell. These are all the cells that use the value in the current cell for the calculations.

Select the Trace Dependents button, which is located directly beneath the Trace Precedents in the Formula Auditing ribbon under the Formulas tab. This is particularly useful if you are considering deleting a cell and want to know what this will affect.

While arrows are great visual aids to understand formulas, sometimes they can become a distraction, especially if there are too many of them. You can clear all the arrows by clicking on the Remove Arrows button below the Trace Dependents button. This is also important if you plan to print the spreadsheet. If you don't remove the arrows before printing, they will show up in the printed document.

Error-Checking Tools

There are times when we unintentionally introduce errors in the financial model. This could be because we did not comprehend the logic completely or because we mistyped the formula. Excel provides an error-checking function that helps identify the problem. This is extremely useful when your incorrect formula is syntactically correct. Excel indicates the anomalies in the model with a green triangle in the top left corner of the cell.

To understand the nature of the error, select the cell and click on the drop-down menu. There are many categories of such errors, but inconsistent formulas is one of the most common errors, as is omitting adjacent cells, as shown in Figure 10.3.

Snipped image of a spreadsheet with C14 labeled 36, highlighted. A right click menu has Formula Omits Adjacent Cells selected.

FIGURE 10.3 Error-Checking Tools Showing Error in Sum Formula

You can change the kind of error checking you want to perform on your model by selecting Error Checking Options, as shown in Figure 10.4. This will display the screen where you can control the kinds of checks you want to be performed.

Screenshot of Excel Options dialog box with Formulas on the left panel selected. On the right are 4 panels for calculation options, working with formulas, error checking, and error checking rules.

FIGURE 10.4 Editing Error-Checking Options

You can also access the Excel Options dialog box by selecting the File tab or Microsoft Office button, then Options or Excel Options. In Excel for Mac, access Excel Options by clicking Excel, then Preferences, then Error Checking.

You can review all the errors in the financial model using the error-checking feature in Excel, as shown in Figure 10.5.

Snipped image of a spreadsheet with Formulas tab selected. Error Checking in the Ribbon is selected, displaying a menu of Error checking and Trace error.

FIGURE 10.5 Error-Checking Feature

Error checking offers two options:

  • Error checking. Used to check formulas in error.
  • Trace error. Used to trace the source of the error in the final result. To use this feature, select the cell with the error (usually shown as #ERR?, #NAME?, etc.) and click on Error Checking—Trace Error. Excel will trace back the source of the error with a red arrow, as shown in Figure 10.6.
Snipped image of a spreadsheet displaying a stock report, with row 10 under column C highlighted by a solid box labeled #NAME?.

FIGURE 10.6 Tracing the Error Source

Evaluating Formula Tool    Sometimes it is difficult to decipher a complex nested formula just by looking at precedents and dependent relations. It is easier to actually evaluate it step by step to understand how it works. Excel facilitates this with the use of the Evaluate Formula feature.

To evaluate a formula in any cell, select the cell and click on Evaluate Formula in the Formula Auditing ribbon under the Formulas tab.

This will display an Evaluate Formula dialog that will show you the complete formula in the cell. Keep clicking on the Evaluate button to see how Excel calculates the value step by step. See Figure 10.7.

Evaluate formula dialog box displaying a box for evaluation labeled IF(AND(F$3<=$E4,F$3>=SD4), SC4*(1÷inflation)^F$2,0). At the bottom are Evaluate, Step in, Step out, and Close buttons.

FIGURE 10.7 Evaluate Formula Dialog Box

Once you have looked up the source of the parameter, you can click Step Out to continue the evaluation.

By then pressing F9, the formula will display the result of that expression, which in this case is 250. See Figure 10.8.

If you then hit the Enter key, it will paste that value into the formula (usually not what we want to do), but if you hit Escape, it will return to normal. This is a handy little trick that is sometimes easier and less complicated than using the Evaluate Formula tool. For greater detail on why you would want to break up a formula in this way, see “How Long Should a Formula Be?” in Chapter 4.

Viewing All the Formulas    If you want to look at all the formulas and not the evaluated value, you can use the Show Formulas option in Excel. This is also a very effective tool to understand the general logic in the model and can sometimes make anomalies more evident.

This can also be done using the CTRL+images shortcut key. Note that images is usually located below the Esc key at the top left of the keyboard, and should not be confused with the CTRL+images shortcut used to edit cells. See Figure 10.9.

Snipped image of an excel sheet displaying Show formulas in the Ribbon selected.

FIGURE 10.9 Show Formulas Option in the Ribbon

Direct Editing    By default, Excel allows users to edit formulas directly in a cell when they double-click that cell. However, while auditing any inherited spreadsheet, this may not be a good idea, as we could inadvertently mess up the formulas that are already in the cell. Excel allows users to disable direct editing, which protects the cells to a degree, but it still allows users to view the formula. It is quite different from protection, which does not let you do anything at all in the cell, and is much easier to turn off and on than protection.

Using this tool is also quite useful for auditing, because you can double-click on the cell to trace back, and ensure that you understand the assumptions made by the original modeller and take care that you are not making any inadvertent changes to the formulas in the cell. You can still make any changes necessary directly in the formula bar.

You can disable Direct Editing from the File menu. Click Options, then Advanced, and select “Allow editing directly in cells”. See Figure 10.10. In Excel for Mac, select Preferences from the Excel menu, and then Edit.

Excel Options dialog box displaying Advanced in the left panel selected, with a checked box for “Allow editing directly in cells” enclosed by a solid box. Bulleted under Cursor movement is Logical.

FIGURE 10.10 Disabling Direct Editing in Cells

Once this box has been unselected, now when you double-click on the cell it will highlight all the cells used as parameters in the formula, but not let you edit the cell directly. Figure 10.11 shows what happens if you double-click on cell F4 when direct editing has been disabled.

Snipped image of a spreadsheet for HoneyCorp Salaries Forecast displaying columns for name, position, cost, start date, end date, etc. Under the name column listed are Jo Brown, Henrietta Stevenson, etc.

FIGURE 10.11 Double-Clicking with Direct Editing Disabled

Inspecting the Workbook

Excel also has an often-overlooked tool called Inspect Workbook, which is useful for finding out more information about a model or hidden feature that you would not otherwise easily find—particularly one that has been inherited from someone else. It can help find potentially problematic features that would otherwise be very difficult to find, such as embedded documents, invisible content, and hidden rows and columns.

To use Inspect Workbook, open the file, then press File and on the Info tab, click on the Check for Issues button as shown in Figure 10.12. Inspect Workbook is not yet available in Excel for Mac.

Snipped image of a window with I-fo on the left panel selected. On the right, Inspect Workbook is displaying a menu with Inspect Document selected.

FIGURE 10.12 Accessing Inspect Workbook

The text under Inspect Workbook will tell you immediately the potential issues you should know about. Then, under the Check for Issues button, there are three options to choose from: Inspect Document, Check Accessibility, and Check Compatibility.

Note that whilst the Inspect Workbook feature is great for identifying problem-causing features of a model, it doesn't help with resolving them. It provides a summary of all the items the tool has found, and gives you the option to remove these immediately from the workbook—which is not a good idea. Instead of simply stripping a whole lot of features and the accompanying data from your model, you should take the time to understand what each of the features is, think about why they might have been included in the model, and whether they belong in the model or should be removed.

For example, the Inspect Document tool might reveal that there are hidden sheets in the model and it gives you the option to delete them immediately without looking at them. These hidden sheets might well contain important information and your formulas quite possibly will link to cells in those hidden sheets and so, accepting the recommendations of the document inspector will very likely cause more problems than it solves.


One of the problems that we often have to deal with in inherited files is that of slow, unwieldy, and inefficient models. If the model has not been built efficiently and calculates slowly, there are a number of checks you can perform to improve the model's performance. Most of the time, the performance problems are due to the size of the model. Let's explore some ways of reducing the file size, and hence speed up the model's performance.

Reducing File Size

By far the quickest and most effective way of reducing file size will be to check your file type. Although the .xlsx file type has been around since Excel 2007, models often still end up saved as .xls files. This can sometimes happen when data is extracted from other systems, it defaults to a .xls file type, and the modeller inadvertently uses this as a basis for his model. Because the .xlsx is a much more compact file type, this can make a huge difference to your file size.

Improving Excel Memory and File Performance

If you have tried the tips suggested above and still have sluggish Excel models, it might not just be the file size that is slowing things down. Often, it's the memory being used and when things get really bad, you might even get a “Not enough memory” or “Not enough system resources to display completely” error message. When you get this frustrating message, the only solution is to close Excel and restart it, so let's look at some ways to improve the performance of your Excel models. Typically, you might consider upgrading your RAM or switching from a laptop to a desktop to counteract these problems, but these are unlikely to help as it's quite possibly the way that Excel is being used that is holding you back—not your machine.

Understanding Excel Memory Allocation    If you get a memory error message, check the task manager for memory utilisation. If you have a RAM of more than 4GB you'll know that your computer has ample memory—although Excel is complaining about none being available. The reason for this is that Excel has its own memory manager and memory limits, regardless of the memory capacity of your machine. In fact, all 32-bit Excel is designed to use a maximum of 2GB memory. So, while your computer may have 4GB or even 8GB RAM, Excel can only use 2GB of that. If it reaches this limit, you get the error messages. This is why upgrading your computer's memory probably won't help! The 64-bit version of Excel has boosted this memory limit exponentially. Hence, 64-bit Excel versions can use the entire system memory, giving you much better performance, but read the section “32-Bit versus 64-Bit Microsoft Excel” in Chapter 1 before you jump straight in and upgrade.

Countering Memory Exhaustion Problems    Now that you know why you have these limitations, we'll see how to minimise their occurrence. Check the section above on “Reducing File Size”, and here are some more tips to reduce the working memory used by your Excel file.

When you are building a model in Excel, there are a few ways of working that are not only good practice, they will also reduce the chances of encountering memory problems in your model.

  • Plan your Excel solution designs properly. If you insert a new column in the spreadsheet, it forces Excel to recalculate all the formulas affected by that insertion. Depending on the number of impacted formulas and their complexity, you could run out of memory. A better-planned design ensures you can avoid such changes.
  • Work from left to right. Excel starts calculating from the top left-hand corner, then continues across and down the sheet. This means that input values should be to the left and above the formulas that are referencing them.
  • Avoid creating formulas referencing the entire columns or rows. Some Excel users create a formula using $D or $AA to reference the entire column, to simplify calculations. While it was fine with older Excel versions, the new versions have over a million rows per column—so entire row or column references cause Excel to calculate the formula a million times, and work much harder than it needs to.
  • Keep things neat. Try to keep things in one single workbook, as external links can slow things down, as well as cause errors. Keeping input cells and their formulas on one page will also reduce memory, but from a financial modelling best practice perspective it's a good idea to split inputs and assumptions from their calculations.
  • Check your used range. Sometimes Excel “remembers” a used range, even though you have deleted the reference, and this can increase the file size and memory usage. To check this on each sheet, press Control+End. This will take you to the last used cell of the workbook, and if it's far beyond what you need, then delete the rows and columns that are not being used. This can greatly reduce the file size.
  • Open every large Excel file on a separate “instance” (i.e., open up a new session of Excel for each workbook). The memory limitation in Excel is for every instance and not for the entire application. Opening every file in a separate instance gives you dedicated 2GB memory rather than shared. Ideally, you'd only have one file open at a time, but if you're running a large process, you might like to keep working in Excel on another file whilst waiting for the large file to finish its process.
  • Use smart fill carefully. Besides memory restrictions, Excel also imposes a maximum source cell limit of 32,760 cells for smart filling. If you are planning to use the smart fill feature, you should look at just using the last two or three rows or columns and drag rather than select all the content from the first row. This will help control the number of source cells and ensure you do not reach this limit.
  • Check for unwanted shapes. If you are adding pictures from websites into the spreadsheet, you could end up importing a lot of shapes that are not clearly visible but are eating into your memory. You need to open the selection panel (from the Home ribbon, Find & Select—Selection Panel) and remove all the shapes that you do not want.
  • Check add-ins and ensure they are updated. Typically, the updated versions of third-party add-ins are more efficient and can help improve Excel performance greatly.


Any model used to support the output required for decision-making purposes should be checked and tested at some level by an independent party (whether internal or external to the organisation) for both logic and accuracy before it is handed over to the end user. Reviewing, checking, and auditing a model are important parts of the model-building process. As discussed in the section on financial modelling best practice, checking should be done by the modeller during the model-building process. However, once the model is complete, or near completion, it should be reviewed by another party not involved in the model build.

How detailed the audit needs to be will depend on the importance of the financial model to the organisation using it. Whether it's a simple pricing model or a multi-million-dollar merger, at least some level of checking and testing appropriate to the model needs to take place in order to identify and eliminate spreadsheet error and to ensure that the calculations, assumptions, and logic within the model are correct. Below are listed a few different levels of testing and audit that may be appropriate for a model.

  • Informal check. In many models, this process could be an informal check by a colleague before passing it on to senior staff.
  • Quality assurance (QA) procedure. For larger projects, such as the one outlined in “Steps to Building a Model” in Chapter 2, particularly if a team is involved, it is an important final step in the build process prior to handing over the model. This would be a more formal QA procedure carried out and documented by the modelling team and is also usually conducted internally.
  • Formal model audit. When a high-profile transaction, such as an acquisition or high-stakes project finance, is planned, an external auditing specialist will be engaged to conduct an independent audit of the financial model. These audit procedures are often a requirement of banks, lenders, and investors as part of the due diligence process to satisfy themselves that the projections and results of the financial model are reliable and accurate.

The type of audit that needs to take place will depend on the size, scope, and importance of the financial model you have been working on. Unless you work for a model audit firm, you are unlikely to be involved in an external model audit, so let's take a look at how to go about the internal checks you are most likely to be involved with.

Informal Check

Let's face it; the majority of financial models built will only get an informal check from colleagues. Depending on how much time they have available, they could spend anything from an hour to several weeks testing your model. Below are some techniques that can be used to test the integrity of the model on an informal basis.

  • The traditional method of auditing is affectionately known as the “tick and bash method”, whereby the model checker goes through the model cell by cell to check for consistency and logic. This is not a particularly effective method of checking, as it is highly likely that the tester will very quickly become bored with this tedious task and miss anomalies. It is also a task commonly given to junior staff who often do not have the practical modelling experience to know common errors.
  • A more effective, but more costly, method is to commission the development of a parallel model to support the primary model. This can be done by providing an independent modeller with the input page to a model and the output layout required, without the numbers. The modeller is then required to build a high-level parallel model (minus the bells and whistles, of course). This can then be compared to the results produced by the primary model and confirm that the primary model is working correctly. This is a rather time-consuming exercise, but one of the most effective ways of checking model accuracy.
  • Ditch the spreadsheet and use a calculator! Print out the results of the model and see if you can roughly achieve the same results offline.
  • Another effective method of testing a model is to use scenarios, sensitivity analysis, and stress testing. Change the inputs to something unexpected and see what happens. If you change the price of all your products to zero, does your revenue become zero also? It should, and if it does not then the tester needs to understand why. See “Scenarios and Sensitivity Analysis in a Business Case” in Chapter 11 for greater detail on how to perform sensitivity and stress tests.
  • Create lots and lots of charts. Create metrics and plot as many inputs and outputs on the same charts as you have time for. Calculate the revenue per customer and chart it against market share in a line/column combination chart on two separate axes. (See “Charting with Two Different Axes and Chart Types” in Chapter 12 for how to do this.) Make sure that you understand every single trend and movement in the charts, as these can flush out anomalies in the model that may not have been visible previously.

QA Procedure

Working on a QA procedure is the most labour-intensive type of audit most modellers are likely to be involved with. Below are some detailed instructions on how to go about a financial model QA procedure. The QA of a model involves two main tasks:

  1. Logic checking, which aims to test whether the logic underpinning the model is reflected accurately in the model. These tests check that the model does what it is supposed to do. This form of QA should be carried out once the model is completed and before it is used to generate outputs and the check should be repeated once more if significant changes have been made to the model structure later in the process.
  2. Data checking, to ensure that the correct input data is used and has been entered into the model accurately. This type of QA may be more appropriately undertaken closer to finalisation of the report, when final decisions have been made on parameters that should be used in the model.

QA Logic Testing

Step 1: Scope of the QA Work    Before you begin, the scope of the QA needs to be established. The person undertaking the QA should clarify what parts of the model need a QA and, in particular, whether there are any parts that need special attention. For example, certain calculations may be crucial to the model and the model developer may want assurance that the logic of the formulas used is appropriate. In some cases, the model developer may seek feedback on possible improvements to the model, so as to enhance transparency, clarity, or some other aspect.

It is important to ensure that all supporting documentation is available to undertake the QA process. The model developer and/or the project team should provide all the documentation and source data in either hardcopy or softcopy.

Step 2: QA Checks of Calculations and Logic    Logic checks are carried out in order to:

  • Check that cell referencing in a formula is consistent and correct.
  • Ensure that formulas are mathematically correct.
  • Confirm that the formulas used are suitable.
  • Ensure consistency within the model in relation to the use of inputs, such as:
    • Nominal or real values.
    • Units (e.g., $'000,000 or $'000; kL or ML).
    • Timing assumptions, where applicable.
    • Labelling, which should be clear.

To check the logic of a model, quality assurers must first understand the output the model is required to produce and determine if the calculations correctly produce that output. Some of the tasks required in undertaking a logic check are therefore the same as those that would be done in the model-building process.

To check the calculations and logic, the following five steps should be followed:

  1. Understand the purpose and limits of the model. This includes ascertaining what the model is supposed to do, what questions the model is supposed to answer, how the model tries to answer the questions, what the limitations of the model are, and what the model cannot do. This will most certainly require discussions with the project team and model developer.
  2. Stress test the model as a whole by entering a wide range of inputs and checking that the outputs are logical. This includes testing values at the extremes to ensure the model processes the input as expected, especially where validation and protection are used. While testing a wide range of combinations of input variables may identify some hidden bugs in the calculations, using 0 or 1 is a good way to highlight obvious errors, as the outputs should be simple. For example, a unit price of zero should generate a revenue of zero, and if it does not, you'll need to investigate why not!

    Another way of testing this is to use historical figures as input and test whether the model can replicate actual results. For example, key outputs such as profit, growth rate, and other financial ratios that are calculated by the model can be compared to known historical results.

    Yet another way is to check the sensitivity of outputs (dependent variables) to changes in inputs (independent variables). This involves checking that the direction and magnitude of the change are in accordance with how you logically expect the outputs to behave.

  3. Establish which cells contain formulas. This can be done using audit software such as Spreadsheet Detective (an add-in available for purchase), which allows easy identification of which cells are fully hardcoded, which contain formulas, and whether formulas are consistent across rows and columns.
  4. Check both the logic and the reference accuracy of each identified formula. This is usually done by tracing the outputs back to the inputs to ensure that calculations produce accurate and logical output. See the “Formula Auditing” section earlier in this chapter for details on how to use the Trace Precedents tool.

    To assist with the logic and calculation checks, you may choose to write down the formulas in Excel notation using cell names and also in plain English by substituting the cell names in the formula with the actual variable names. For example:

    Excel notation: J25=J6*J9

    Plain English: Total variable cost = Variable cost per unit × Number of units

    Logic: Number of units drives total variable cost

    This is a simple and effective method to check and document the logic of the formula used by the model developer and pick up any cell-referencing errors. Sometimes a formula can be quite long, especially if Excel nested functions are used. Writing it out and breaking it down into its components makes it easier to thoroughly check each component (e.g., ensuring that they are referenced correctly, consistent in years, units, etc.). Another third-party tool called Dependency Auditor can help with this auditing by providing the Excel notation.

  5. Check that the calculations have been suitably applied. For example, an indexation formula may be correct, but may not be suitable where it is applied if, for example, the underlying data is already inflated.

Step 3: QA Checks of the Model's Structural Layout and Documentation    Apart from its underlying calculations and logic, each model's structural layout, appearance, and documentation should be checked.

Checking the structural layout of each sheet and workbook involves reviewing these to make sure that they are simple, transparent, and easily navigable. Elements to look out for are:

  • Logical sequencing of the components in the model.
  • Whether calculations are spread out all over the model or if they follow neatly down and across in a logical fashion. (Note that in larger models, not everything will follow neatly!)
  • Whether hardcoding is only on the input sheet.

Checking the model's appearance and documentation involves checking the spelling and formatting, as well as that the documentation and notations in the model are clear, easily understood, and accurately reflect what is in the model.

Step 4: Document Your QA Work    The QA procedure needs to be documented. The quality assurer should note all issues (minor and major), bring these to the attention of the model developer, and record the actions taken to remedy any problems.

At the start of the process, quality assurers should make a copy of the model to be audited and insert a new worksheet called QA Log (see the template in the Appendix at the end of this chapter).

All issues should be documented in the QA Log sheet. The quality assurer may also wish to insert comments near the actual cells in the model where issues have been found, as this can be useful for the model developer when locating and fixing the problems identified.

Step 5: Report Your Findings    Once the QA work has been completed, any issues should be discussed with the model developer. Alternatively, issues can be progressively discussed and addressed as they arise.

Normally, the model developer will be able to advise whether an identified issue must be corrected, or whether it is intentional and should be left as is. All decisions and reasons should be recorded in the QA Log. Agreed changes should be checked again to ensure that they have been made correctly. This should also be recorded in the log.

Some changes may be very minor. Common sense should be exercised as to which changes can be left to the model developer to change without further final checking.

Input Testing

While logic checks focus on the calculations, structure, and layout of the model, input checks focus on the data entered into a model that is already built. Checks of input will usually involve:

  • Matching input values to source documents to ensure that data has been entered accurately.
  • Checking that inputs, especially assumptions, are consistent with the original output specifications.
  • Checking that units are consistently applied, spelling and naming are consistent throughout the model, and the documentation of inputs and assumptions is clear.

As with a logic check, documenting the QA work and reporting the findings is required when conducting a QA of data inputs.

QA of Model Inputs    The aim of checking input data in a model that will be used to produce a report is to ensure that the model and its output are accurate. The following are things to look out for:

  • Check the inputs back to the source data for accuracy of data entry. This includes checking the actual numbers and also the units. For example, a common error is that the source data may be in $'000,000, while the model is set up in $'000.
  • Check that the inputs used are consistent with those approved by the users of the report to be produced. Where possible, cross-reference the input data back to the minutes of meetings held to determine the required output.
  • Check that the naming and explanations for the inputs are clear and easily understood.
  • Check that the units are applied correctly and consistently throughout the model.
  • Check for spelling and grammatical errors.


While reviewing, auditing, or taking apart other people's models is certainly not the most fun (or sexy) part of financial models, chances are you'll need to be involved in the process at some stage. Even if you are fortunate enough to be charged only with the model build, it's critical that a good financial modeller understand the model review and audit process, and build the model in such a way as to make the audit process easier for the reviewer.


The following is a sample QA Log template.

Name of Model_Name of Modeller_Name(s) of QA Staff [File Names and File Path Location]
Purpose of model
Have the following items been checked in the QA?
Yes/No/NA – Are timing assumptions consistent throughout the model?
Yes/No/NA – Are calculations consistent and clearly marked?
Yes/No/NA – Have units been provided for all values and clearly marked?
Yes/No/NA – Have adequate error checks been built into the model?
Yes/No/NA – Other …
Specific areas of the model that the model developer/project team want assurance on:
QA staff notes:

Details of issues found in the QA that need to be discussed with the model developer/project team:

Item Number Date Issue Identified File Tab/Sheet Cell Reference Issue Description Responses by Team Date Issue
Comments Model Developer Action Taken Resolved
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