10. Understanding Project Options

This chapter explains the various options available to control aspects of your project.

The Project Options dialog box provides several choices for controlling how Project 2010 behaves, as well as how your individual project behaves.

To begin setting the options for your project, click the File tab and then click Options, as shown in Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1. Click File and then click Options.


The sections in this chapter go through each of the option groupings listed on the left side of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.2.

Figure 10.2. Options are grouped into tabs on the Project Options dialog box.


General Project Options

The General tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.3, includes three sections: User Interface options, Project view, and Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office.

Figure 10.3. The General tab of the Project Options dialog box


User Interface Options

Options listed under User Interface options on the General tab (shown in Figure 10.4) include Color scheme and ScreenTip style, as described in the following sections.

Figure 10.4. User Interface options section on the General tab


Color Scheme

Choose from Blue, Silver, or Black. This changes the overall color used to display the Project 2010 window.

ScreenTip Style

ScreenTips are the text that appears when you hover your mouse cursor over various buttons and options within the Project 2010 interface. The ScreenTip style option enables you to choose how you want ScreenTips to behave in Project 2010.

Choose Show feature descriptions in ScreenTips to include text that explains the button or option that you are hovering over, as shown in Figure 10.5.

Choose Don’t show feature descriptions in ScreenTips to only show the button or option name when hovering over a feature, as shown in Figure 10.6.

Figure 10.5. ScreenTip with feature description


Figure 10.6. ScreenTip without feature description


Choose Don’t show ScreenTips to turn ScreenTips off entirely. With this option selected, hovering over a button or option will not pop up any text.

Project View

Options listed under Project view on the General tab (shown in Figure 10.7) include Default view and Date format, as described in the following sections.

Figure 10.7. Project view section on the General tab


Default View

The default view is the view that is displayed when you first open a project in Project 2010. If you want the default view to be something other than the Gantt Chart view with the Timeline displayed, select that view from the Default view list. The entire list of Project 2010 views, including any custom views you have created, is included in this list.

Date Format

Choose the format you want to use for dates in your project from the Date format list.

Personalize Your Copy of Microsoft Office

Options listed under Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office on the General tab (shown in Figure 10.8) include User name and Initials, as described in the following sections.

Figure 10.8. Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section on the General tab.


User Name

If your name, or the name you want to associate with Project files, is different from the name displayed in this box by default, you can change it here. This name will be populated in the properties for the project. You can, however, change or delete it from the Project Properties dialog box if you would rather not include it with this project file.


If your initials, or the initials that you want to use to indicate changes you have made to the project, are different from the initials displayed in this box by default, you can change them here.

Display Options

The Display tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.9, includes four sections: Calendar, Currency options for this project, Show indicators and options buttons for, and Show these elements.

Figure 10.9. The Display tab of the Project Options dialog box



Under Calendar, choose the Calendar Type you want to use for your project. You can choose from Gregorian Calendar, Hijri Calendar, or Thai Buddhist Calendar. Figure 10.10 shows the Calendar section.

Figure 10.10. Calendar section on the Display tab


Currency Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Currency options for this project, on the Display tab (shown in Figure 10.11), to a specific project, as opposed to broadly, for all projects you work with in Project 2010.

Figure 10.11. Currency options for this project section on the Display tab


To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header, as shown in Figure 10.12.

Figure 10.12. Choose which project these options apply to.


Options listed under Currency options for this project include Symbol, Decimal digits, Placement, and Currency, as described in the following sections.


Type the symbol to use for currency values. For example, if your project primarily deals in dollars, type the $ symbol in this box.

Decimal Digits

Type the number of digits to include after the decimal point in currency values. For example, if you set this value to 2, a currency value might look like this: $12,345.67.


Choose where you want the symbol to appear, in relation to the currency number. You can choose to include it to the immediate left or right of the number ($1 or 1$), or include a space between the symbol and the number ($ 1 or 1 $).


Choose the currency that the project primarily uses. If you have individual values to add to your project that use a currency other than the default you set here, you will need to convert that value before adding it to your project.

Show Indicators and Options Buttons For

Select or clear the check boxes under Show indicators and options buttons for (shown in Figure 10.13) to control when you want a contextual menu to appear when you’ve made changes to fields in your project. These check boxes include Resource assignments; Edits to work, units, or duration; Edits to start and finish dates; and Deletions in the Name columns.

Figure 10.13. Show indicators and options buttons for section on the Display tab


The best practice here is to select these check boxes because these messages can be very helpful for any level of Project user.

Show These Elements

Under Show these elements (shown in Figure 10.14), select the Entry bar check box to add a text entry field above the view where you’re entering data, similar to entering data in an Excel spreadsheet.

Figure 10.14. Show these elements section on the Display tab


Figure 10.15 shows the entry bar in the Gantt Chart view.

Figure 10.15. The entry bar is displayed above the grid in a view.


Schedule Options

The Schedule tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.16, includes six sections: Calendar options for this project, Schedule, Scheduling options for this project, Schedule Alerts Options, Calculation, and Calculation options for this project.

Figure 10.16. The Schedule tab of the Project Options dialog box.


Calendar Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Calendar options for this project, on the Schedule tab (shown in Figure 10.17), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.17. Calendar options for this project section on the Schedule tab.


Options listed under Calendar options for this project are described in the following sections.

Week Starts On

Choose the day that begins each week in the selected project. For example, some organizations may consider Monday the first day of the week, whereas other organizations may consider Sunday to be the first day of the week. Setting this option controls how calendars are displayed in the selected project.

Fiscal Year Starts In

Choose the first month of the fiscal year for the selected project. The fiscal year is the 12-month period used for accounting purposes, and may be the same as, or different from, the calendar year.

Use Starting Year for FY Numbering

If you choose any month other than January from the Fiscal year starts in list, the Use starting year for FY numbering check box becomes available. This is because a fiscal year that begins midway through a calendar year will include some months during the first calendar year and other months during the second calendar year. For example, if my fiscal year starts in November 2011, November and December will be in calendar year 2011, and the rest of my fiscal year (January through October) will be in calendar year 2012.

If you want to use the first calendar year as the year included in fiscal year numbering, select the Use starting year for FY numbering check box. For example, if I select this check box, the numbering for a fiscal year that starts in November 2011 will continue to be FY11, even through the months actually fall in the 2012 calendar year.

Default Start Time

Choose the start time for a typical work day in the selected project. If necessary, you can adjust this start time for specific tasks or resources within the project.

Default End Time

Choose the finish time for a typical work day in the selected project. If necessary, you can adjust this finish time for specific tasks or resources within the project.

Hours Per Day

Type the number of hours that resources in the selected project typically put in during a work day. If necessary, you can adjust the number of work hours for specific tasks or resources within the project.

Hours Per Week

Type the number of hours that resources in the selected project typically put in during a work week.

Days Per Month

Type the number of working days in a month for the selected project.


Options listed under Schedule on the Schedule tab (shown in Figure 10.18) include Show scheduling messages and Show assignment units as a, as described in the following sections.

Figure 10.18. Schedule section on the Schedule tab


Show Scheduling Messages

Select this check box to display messages, while you work with your project, indicating inconsistencies in your plan. For example, if you change your project so that a successor task starts before a predecessor task has finished, a message will be displayed to alert you of that inconsistency.

Show Assignment Units as A

Choose whether you want to show assignment units as a percentage or a decimal. Assignment units represent how much of a resource’s time is currently assigned to a specific task or project.

Scheduling Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Scheduling options for this project, on the Schedule tab (shown in Figure 10.19), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.19. Scheduling options for this project section on the Schedule tab


Options listed under Scheduling options for this project are described in the following sections.

New Tasks Created

Choose whether you want new tasks in your project to be Auto Scheduled, using the Project scheduling engine, or Manually Scheduled, using only the dates you enter. You can change this setting for each task individually. What you choose here simply sets what the default is for each new task in your project.

Auto Scheduled Tasks Scheduled On

Choose whether you want to use the Project Start Date or the Current Date as the default start date for new tasks in your project.

Duration Is Entered In

Choose the time units you want to use, by default, when identifying the length of time you think tasks in your project will take (also known as “duration”). You can choose Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months. You can choose any of these time units at any time when entering task durations. Here, you’re simply setting what the default is for each new task in your project. Generally, duration is expressed in days.

Work Is Entered In

Choose the time units you want to use, by default, when entering the work completed on tasks in your project. As with duration, you can choose Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months, and you are choosing the default unit for new tasks. Generally, work is expressed in hours, though sometimes days are more appropriate.

Default Task Type

Choose what task type you want to use, by default, for new tasks in your project. You can manually change this on a per-task basis.

New Tasks Are Effort Driven

Select this check box to maintain work values for tasks in your project, by default, as you add or remove assignments. You can manually change this on a per-task basis.

Autolink Inserted or Moved Tasks

Select this check box to automatically link tasks when you insert, delete, or move tasks between existing finish-to-start links. For example, say you have two tasks that are linked, and you right-click the second task to insert another task between them. The inserted task will maintain the link structure, so that it is linked to the task above it as well as the task below it.

Split In-Progress Tasks

Select this check box to allow Project to reschedule remaining duration and work on tasks, as necessary.

Update Manually Scheduled Tasks when Editing Links

Select this check box to include updates to manually scheduled tasks when making changes to links between tasks.

Tasks Will Always Honor Their Constraint Dates

Select this check box to require that Project always maintain constraint dates for tasks in your project.

For example, if a task has a constraint set so that it must start on a specific date, and if the Tasks will always honor their constraint dates check box is selected, you can choose to ignore the links, lag, and lead time between that task and other tasks and maintain the constraint. The task will start on that date, no matter what.

If the Tasks will always honor their constraint dates check box is cleared, the relationship that a task has with other tasks will determine the schedule, even if a constraint is set. So, if a task has a constraint set so that it must start on a specific date, but it’s also linked so that it starts after another task, and that other task doesn’t finish until after the constraint date, the constraint date will be ignored.

Show That Scheduled Tasks Have Estimated Durations

Select this check box to display a question mark (?) after duration values that are estimated, as opposed to manually entered in the project.

New Scheduled Tasks Have Estimated Durations

Select this check box to initially use estimated durations for tasks in your project. Estimated durations are those that Project has determined, based on other scheduling factors in your plan.

Keep Task on Nearest Working Day when Changing to Automatically Scheduled Mode

Select this check box to align tasks with working days in your calendar when switching those tasks from being manually scheduled to being automatically scheduled. Manually scheduled tasks may be scheduled over nonworking days. When you switch those tasks to automatic scheduling, if this check box is selected, the tasks will be moved to the nearest possible working day.

Schedule Alerts Options

You can choose to apply the options listed under Schedule Alerts Options, on the Schedule tab (shown in Figure 10.20), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.20. Schedule Alerts Options section on the Schedule tab


Under Schedule Alerts Options, select the Show task schedule warnings and/or Show task schedule suggestions check boxes to display a warning message and/or suggested options when Project identifies a possible scheduling conflict with a manually scheduled task.


Under Calculation, on the Schedule tab (shown in Figure 10.21), choose whether you want Project to recalculate your schedule after every edit.

Figure 10.21. Calculation section on the Schedule tab


If you choose Off, you will need to manually recalculate your schedule. On the Project tab, in the Schedule group, click Calculate Project. Choosing to turn calculation off is rare, and should only be performed by advanced Project users.

Calculation Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Calculation options for this project, on the Schedule tab (shown in Figure 10.22), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Options listed under Calculation options for this project are described in the following sections.

Figure 10.22. Calculation options for this project section on the Schedule tab


Updating Task Status Updates Resource Status

Select this check box to automatically update resource assignment status data, such as remaining work, whenever you update task status data, such as percent complete. With this check box selected, updates to assignment status data will also automatically update task status data.

Inserted Projects Are Calculated Like Summary Tasks

Select this check box to use the same rollup rules for inserted projects as are used for summary tasks.

Actual Costs Are Always Calculated by Project

Select this check box to require that actual cost calculation be done only by Project, not manually. If you select this check box, additional actual costs can only be added manually after the task is 100% complete. The best practice here is to leave this check box selected. Clearing it is for advanced users only.

Edits to Total Actual Cost Will Be Spread to the Status Date

Select this check box to evenly distribute actual costs across the project’s schedule, to the status date. This check box is only available if the Actual costs are always calculated by Project check box is cleared.

Default Fixed Cost Accrual

Choose whether you want fixed costs to be incurred at the start of a task, at the end of a task, or prorated across the entire duration of a task.

Proofing Options

The Proofing tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.23, includes three sections: AutoCorrect options, When correcting spelling in Microsoft Office programs, and When correcting spelling in Project.

Figure 10.23. The Proofing tab of the Project Options dialog box


AutoCorrect Options

Click AutoCorrect Options, in the AutoCorrect Options section of the Proofing tab (shown in Figure 10.24), to change how Project 2010 corrects and formats the text you enter as you plan your project.

Figure 10.24. AutoCorrect Options section on the Proofing tab


When Correcting Spelling in Microsoft Office Programs

Set the options in the When correcting spelling in Microsoft Office programs section, on the Proofing tab (shown in Figure 10.25), to determine how all Microsoft Office applications (including Project) handle unique spelling issues.

Figure 10.25. When correcting spelling in Microsoft Office Programs section on the Proofing tab


When Correcting Spelling in Project

Choose which Project fields to include in spell check by selecting or clearing the check boxes listed under When correcting spelling in Project, on the Proofing tab (shown in Figure 10.26).

Figure 10.26. When correcting spelling in Project section on the Proofing tab


Save Options

The Save tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.27, includes three sections: Save projects, Save templates, and Cache.

Figure 10.27. The Save tab of the Project Options dialog box


Save Projects

Options listed under Save projects on the Save tab (shown in Figure 10.28) include Save files in this format, Default File location, and Auto save every, as described in the following sections.

Figure 10.28. Save projects section on the Save tab


Save Files in This Format

Choose the default file format for saving project files. You can choose from Project (*.mpp), Microsoft Project 2007 (*.mpp), Microsoft Project 2000 – 2003 (*.mpp), and Project Template (*.mpt). You can choose to save in any of these formats at any point. Here, you are simply choosing which format to use, by default.

Default File Location

Enter the path to the default location where you typically save your project files. You can type the path directly in the box, or you can click Browse to navigate to the location. You can choose to save to any appropriate location at any point. Here, you are simply choosing where to save files, by default.

Auto Save Every

Select this check box if you want Project 2010 to automatically save your project periodically. You can set the save interval in minutes and then choose whether you want to save just the project you’re currently working in or all open projects, and you can choose whether you want to be prompted before Project saves the corresponding file(s).

Save Templates

Under Save templates, on the Save tab (shown in Figure 10.29), enter the path where you want to save Project templates (.mpt files), by default. You can type the path to the location, or click Browse to navigate to the location. You can choose to save a Project template to another location at any point. Here, you are simply choosing the default location for template files.

Figure 10.29. Save templates section on the Save tab



Under Cache, on the Save tab (shown in Figure 10.30), set the size and location for the cache used by Project Professional 2010 when connected to Project Server. This is the portion of your hard drive that is used to save server files locally, making for faster project editing and saving when connected to Project Server.

Figure 10.30. Cache section on the Save tab


Language Options

The Language tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.31, is used to set the editing languages, and display and Help languages, for all Microsoft Office applications, including Project.

Figure 10.31. The Language tab of the Project Options dialog box


Advanced Options

The Advanced tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.32, includes 10 sections: General, Project Web App, Planning Wizard, General options for this project, Edit, Display, Display options for this project, Cross project linking options for this project, Earned Value options for this project, and Calculation options for this project.

Figure 10.32. The Advanced tab of the Project Options dialog box



Options listed under General on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.33) are described in the following sections.

Figure 10.33. General section on the Advanced tab


Set AutoFilterOn for New Projects

Select this check box to turn on the ability to filter using column headers, by default. Figure 10.34 shows a column header with AutoFilter turned on.

Figure 10.34. AutoFilter enables you to look for specific data in a column.


Prompt for Project Info for New Projects

Select this check box to immediately open the Project Information dialog box when creating a new project. Figure 10.35 shows the Project Information dialog box.

Figure 10.35. The Project Information dialog box


Show Add-In User Interface Errors

Select this check box to display error messages when an add-in fails to work properly, in a way that relates to the Project 2010 user interface.

Open Last File on Startup

With this check box selected, when you open Project 2010, the same file that was open when you closed Project will reopen. This can be helpful if you work primarily in one project file at a time.

Undo Levels

Type the number of times you want to be able to click Undo. Consider performance when choosing this number.

Project Web App

If your organization uses Project Professional 2010 with Project Server, select the Allow team members to reassign tasks check box, under Project Web App on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.36), to determine whether resources on a project can reassign their tasks to other resources, using Project Web App.

Figure 10.36. Project Web App section on the Advanced tab


Planning Wizard

Select the check boxes under Planning Wizard on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.37) to choose what tips you want to display to help you plan your project. You can choose to display tips about using Project, scheduling, and errors. If you don’t want to display any tips, clear the Advice from Planning Wizard check box.

Figure 10.37. Planning Wizard section on the Advanced tab


General Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under General options for this project, on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.38), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.38. General options for this project section on the Advanced tab


Options listed under General options for this project are described in the following sections.

Automatically Add New Resources and Tasks

Select this check box to automatically add resources and tasks to the project and resource sheet as you assign work. If this check box is cleared, you will be alerted each time a new resource or task is added to your project through an assignment.

Default Standard Rate

Type a value to use as a standard pay rate for all new resources, by default. This is helpful if many resources use a common pay rate. You can adjust pay rates for individual resources.

Default Overtime Rate

Type a value to use as a default overtime pay rate for new resources. You can adjust overtime rates for individual resources.


Options listed under Edit on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.39) are described in the following sections.

Figure 10.39. Edit section on the Advanced tab


Allow Cell Drag and Drop

Select this check box to be able to drag data from one cell or row and drop it in another.

Move Selection After Enter

With this check box selected, pressing Enter after typing in a cell moves the cursor to the next row.

Ask to Update Automatic Links

With this check box selected, when you open a project that contains a link to another project, and that other project has been modified, a prompt will ask if you want to update your project with those changes.

Edit Directly in Cell

Select this check box to be able to type directly in cells. If this check box is cleared, be sure to select the Entry bar check box on the Display tab.


Options listed under Display on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.40) are described in the following sections.

Figure 10.40. Display section on the Advanced tab


Show This Number of Recent Documents

Under Display, type the number of documents you want listed when you click the File tab, and then click Recent. Figure 10.41 shows the list of recent documents.

Figure 10.41. Recent documents on the File tab


Show Status Bar

Select this check box to display messages about what Project 2010 is doing, or what actions you might need to take, at the bottom of the Project window. Figure 10.42 shows the status bar.

Figure 10.42. Status bar


Show Windows in Taskbar

Select this check box to show each Project window as a separate button on the Windows taskbar.

Use Internal IDs to Match Different-Language or Renamed Organizer Items Between Projects

Select this check box to match Organizer elements using internal IDs, instead of words. This is helpful if you are working in multiple languages. The Organizer dialog box, shown in Figure 10.43, is used to synchronize different Project elements between multiple files, or between Project Server and local Project files.

Figure 10.43. The Organizer dialog box


To access the Organizer dialog box, click the File tab, click Info, and then click Organizer.

Automatically Add New Views, Tables, Filters, and Groups to the Global

Select this check box to automatically add these items to the global project template, making them available in all projects, instead of just the current project.

Show Scroll Bars

Select this check box to display scroll bars at the far right and bottom of the Project window.

Show OLE Links Indicators

Select this check box to display an indicator for items that are OLE linked within your project. This means that the data in your project is copied from, and linked to, data in another project. Figure 10.44 shows an OLE link indicator.

Figure 10.44. The gray triangle in the bottom right is an OLE indicator.


Show Bars and Shapes in Gantt Views in 3-D

Select this check box to use 3-D effects on Gantt chart items. If this check box is cleared, flat shapes will be used. Figure 10.45 shows how 3-D Gantt bars compare to flat Gantt bars.

Figure 10.45. The top set of bars uses 3-D shapes. The bottom set uses flat shapes.


Display Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Display options for this project, on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.46), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.46. Display options for this project section on the Advanced tab


Options listed under Display options for this project are described in the following sections.

Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years

Set the abbreviations you want to use for Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years.

Add Space Before Label

Select this check box to insert a space between the number value and the time abbreviation—for example, 1 wk, as opposed to 1wk.

Show Project Summary Task

Select this check box to display a row at the top of your project that summarizes all project data in each column currently displayed. Figure 10.47 shows a project with the project summary task displayed.

Figure 10.47. The top row displays the project summary task.


Underline Hyperlinks

Select this check box to use underlining to visually indicate hyperlinks. Select Hyperlink color and Followed hyperlink color if you want to use something other than the default blue and purple.

Cross Project Linking Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Cross project linking options for this project, on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.48), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.48. Cross project linking options for this project section on the Advanced tab


Options listed under Cross project linking options for this project are described in the following sections.

Show External Successors

Select this check box to show tasks from other, linked projects that are successors to tasks in your project.

Show External Predecessors

Select this check box to show tasks from other, linked projects that are predecessors to tasks in your project.

Show ‘Links Between Projects’ Dialog Box on Open

Select this check box to immediately display the Links Between Projects dialog box when you open a project that contains links to other projects.

Automatically Accept New External Data

Select this check box to automatically add changes to dependencies between tasks in separate projects. This check box is only available when the Show ‘Links Between Projects’ dialog box on open check box is cleared.

Earned Value Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Earned Value options for this project, on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.49), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.49. Earned Value options for this project section on the Advanced tab


Options listed under Earned Value options for this project are described in the following sections.

Default Task Earned Value Method

Choose whether you want to use % Complete or Physical % Complete for earned value calculations.

Baseline for Earned Value Calculation

Choose which baseline you want to use for analyzing earned value in your project.

Calculation Options for This Project

You can choose to apply the options listed under Calculation options for this project, on the Advanced tab (shown in Figure 10.50), to a specific project. To choose which project to apply these options to, click the name of the project in the list included in the section header.

Figure 10.50. Calculation options for this project section on the Advanced tab


Options listed under Calculation options for this project are described in the following sections.

Move End of Completed Parts After Status Date Back to Status Date

Select this check box to move actual completed work that was finished prior to the status date, so that the completed portion finishes on the status date. The remainder will continue to be scheduled as planned.

And Move Start of Remaining Parts Back to Status Date

Select this check box to move the remainder of a task that started early up to start at the status date. This check box is only available if the Move end of completed parts after status date back to status check box is selected.

Move Start of Remaining Parts Before Status Date Forward to Status Date

Select this check box to move remaining work on a task that started late, so that it starts on the status date.

And Move End of Completed Parts Forward to Status Date

Select this check box to move completed work on a task that started late, so that the completed portion finishes on the status date. This check box is only available if the Move start of remaining parts before status date forward to status date check box is selected.

Edits to Total Task % Complete Will Be Spread to the Status Date

Select this check box to evenly distribute changes to total % complete across the schedule to the status date.

Calculate Multiple Critical Paths

Select this check box to calculate the critical path for each set of linked tasks in your project.

Tasks Are Critical if Slack Is Less Than or Equal To

Type a number of days of slack. Tasks with this many, or fewer, days of slack will be identified as critical.

Customize Ribbon Options

The Customize Ribbon tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.51, enables you to change the buttons and other options that appear on each of the tabs of the ribbon in Project 2010. You can also create new tabs, new groups, and other options.

Figure 10.51. The Customize Ribbon tab of the Project Options dialog box


Show Me: Media 10.1—Customizing the Ribbon


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Customize the Ribbon

There are several different ways you can customize the ribbon. The following procedures walk you through adding a command to an existing ribbon tab, creating a new tab, and creating a new group on a tab.

To add a command to an existing tab, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File tab and then click Options.
  2. On the Project Options dialog box, click the Customize Ribbon tab.
  3. On the Customize Ribbon tab, choose All Tabs from the Customize the Ribbon list and then expand the name of the tab in the box on the right. Groups on the tab are listed below the tab name.
  4. Click the group where you want to add the new command to select it.
  5. Under Choose commands from, click All Commands.
  6. Click the name of the command you want to add to the selected group, and then click Add to move it to that group.
  7. To reorder the commands within a group, select the command you want to move and then use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the Customize the Ribbon box to move the selected command up or down in the list.

To create and rename a new tab, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File tab and then click Options.
  2. On the Project Options dialog box, click the Customize Ribbon tab.
  3. On the Customize Ribbon tab, choose All Tabs from the Customize the Ribbon list.
  4. Click the name of the existing tab that you want to appear just before the new tab. For example, if you want to create a new tab between the Task and Resource tabs, click the Task tab. The new tab will be created after the Task tab.
  5. Click New Tab. A new tab and new group are created.
  6. Click New Tab (Custom) and then click Rename.
  7. Type a name for the new tab in the Display name box and then click OK.
  8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to rename the new group on the new tab.

To create and rename a new group, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File tab and then click Options.
  2. On the Project Options dialog box, click the Customize Ribbon tab.
  3. On the Customize Ribbon tab, choose All Tabs from the Customize the Ribbon list and then expand the name of the tab where you want to create the new group in the box on the right. Groups on the tab are listed below the tab name.
  4. Click the name of the existing group that you want to appear just before the new group. For example, if you want to create a new group between the Insert and Properties groups, click the Insert group. The new group will be created after the Insert tab.
  5. Click New Group.
  6. Click New Group (Custom) and then click Rename.
  7. Type a name for the new group in the Display name box and then click OK.

Quick Access Toolbar Options

The Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.52, enables you to choose which options you want to include on the Quick Access toolbar.

Figure 10.52. The Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Project Options dialog box


The Quick Access toolbar appears at the very top of the Project window, next to the Save, Undo, and Redo buttons. Figure 10.53 shows the Quick Access toolbar.

Figure 10.53. The Quick Access toolbar appears at the top of the Project window.


If you select the Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon check box on the Quick Access Toolbar tab, the Quick Access toolbar appears, as shown in Figure 10.54.

Figure 10.54. The Quick Access toolbar can also be displayed below the ribbon.


Show Me: Media 10.2—Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar


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Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

To add a command to the Quick Access toolbar, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File tab and then click Options.
  2. On the Project Options dialog box, click the Quick Access Toolbar tab.
  3. On the Quick Access Toolbar tab, choose All Commands from the Choose commands from list.
  4. Click the name of the command you want to add to the Quick Access toolbar and then click Add to move it to the box on the right.
  5. To reorder the commands on the Quick Access toolbar, select the command you want to move from the box on the right, and then use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the box to move the selected command up or down in the list. This will move the command left or right on the Quick Access toolbar.

Add-Ins Options

The Add-Ins tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.55, enables you to manage and view the add-ins used throughout all Microsoft Office applications.

Figure 10.55. The Add-Ins tab of the Project Options dialog box


To make changes to your add-ins, at the bottom of the Add-Ins tab, choose the add-in type from the Manage list and then click Go. You can also see a list of disabled add-ins. Click Disabled Items from the Manage list and then click Go.

Trust Center Options

The Trust Center tab of the Project Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 10.56, provides information about privacy, security, and the Microsoft Project Trust Center.

Figure 10.56. The Trust Center tab of the Project Options dialog box


Although you are able to modify Trust Center settings on this tab, the best practice is to leave them alone and use the default settings.

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