Nomenclature Standards

The use of declaration standards in Visual Basic includes both the naming of code and user interface elements (nomenclature), and the declaration and use of those elements (instantiation). This discussion of declaration begins with the nomenclature standards. Believe it or not, most elements defined within Visual Basic do not use the Hungarian standards you have heard so much about. Each of the elements described in this chapter takes its naming standards from a combination of tradition and functionality.

Nomenclature for Variables

The names given to variables within a Visual Basic application are one of the most obvious forms of declaration standards in your program. Hungarian naming conventions provide a method by which the name given to a variable can carry information about the type, scope, and usage of a variable. Invented by Charles Simonyi of Microsoft (a Hungarian by descent), this system of naming variables was first used for applications written in the C language. Perhaps Hungarian is an appropriate moniker for the system since, like many human languages, the convention comes in a variety of dialects. The dialect presented here is a distillation of several variations, with adequate room left for the addition of new entries.

A variable name is Hungarian if it is built up from four components.


Scope indicates the visibility of the variable within the application. The scope, when present, is the first component of a Hungarian variable name, and it always appears in lower case. Table 9.1 identifies the different values for the scope.

Table 9.1. Hungarian Scope Prefixes for Visual Basic
gA global variable, defined within the Declarations section of a module using the Public keyword. Variables of this scope are accessible from all routines within the application.
mA module-level variable, defined within the Declarations section of the module using the Private keyword. Variables of this scope are accessible from all routines within the module, class, form, or other code file in which the variable is declared, but are hidden from other modules.
xA local variable, defined with the Static keyword.
nothingA local variable, defined with the Dim keyword. Variables passed into a routine through its argument list also have no scope prefix. Also, user interface control names do not require the use of a scope prefix, as they are module-level in scope by definition.

Most variables defined within a Sub, Function, or Property routine will have no scope prefix; only those local variables declared with the Static keyword need indicate the scope. All variables defined outside of a Sub, Function, or Property routine will always start with a "g" or "m" prefix. (See the "Nomenclature Exceptions" section for an exception with public class variables.)

VBScript programmers should note that all variables defined outside the confines of a Sub or Function are actually module-level in scope. However, because of the temporary nature of Visual Basic script code, concepts like "module-level" and "global-level" are not always relevant. When declaring variables in VBScript outside of a defined routine, either use the local variable declaration syntax with the Dim statement, or the module-level syntax with the Private statement (prefixing variables with "m"). Whichever method you choose, be consistent throughout your script code. All examples of VBScript declarations in this book use the Private syntax with "m" prefixes.

Private mnCounter

Tag is used to identify the type of a variable being declared. In general, tag values range from one to four characters in length, and are always lower case.

If you are declaring an array variable, the letter "a" is prefixed to the tag. For example, the declaration

Dim asColonies(1 To 13) As String

indicates a local array of 13 string variables, while

Dim sColony As String

declares storage for a single local string value. The "a" array indicator, when present, always appears before the actual tag, but after any scope prefix.

Table 9.2 presents a list of the more common tag values used in Visual Basic programming.

Table 9.2. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for Visual Basic
bBoolean data type. In Visual Basic 3.0, Boolean values were declared as Integer. Visual Basic 4.0 introduced a true Boolean data type.
byByte data type.
ctrGeneric control type, when a control variable can indicate more than one type of control.
dtDate data type for handling dates or times.
fcCurrency data type.
fdDouble data type.
fsSingle data type.
hHandle data type. In Visual Basic 3.0, handles were declared as Integer. Beginning with the 32-bit version of Visual Basic 4.0, handles are declared as Long.
lLong data type (the tag is the letter ell).
nInteger data type.
objObject data type.
sString data type. For fixed-length strings, append the size of the string to the end of the variable name, as in sBuffer200.
vaVariant data type used for Variant Arrays.
vntVariant data type. In general, Variants should not be used unless no other data type will meet a particular need.

Because of the unlimited number of ActiveX components that can be added or created for use with Visual Basic, a full rendering of tags is impossible. From time to time you will have to add to the lists of tags found in this chapter. When adding new tags to the list, take care not to create conflicts with other prefix combinations. For example, if you create an ActiveX component for a chemistry application that represents a gas, do not use the tag "gas" for your new object. A declaration such as

Dim gasHelium As ChemGas

could be interpreted as a global array of string variables ("g" for global, "a" for array, "s" for string, although the declaration shows that this is truly not the case). Select a unique tag, ranging from two to five characters, that will be free from such conflicts of interpretation.

Basename is a traditional variable name, such as "CustomerName" or "ScanPosition," always in mixed case with an initial capital letter. Qualifier is an extension that differentiates variations in related variables. For example, lCustOrderFirst and lCustOrderLast indicate the first and last orders for a customer. The qualifiers for these variables are "First" and "Last." For the purposes of the standards described in this chapter, you can consider Qualifier to be part of Basename. When declaring variables, the combined Basename and Qualifier must be at least two characters in length.

Visual Basic, Scripting Edition, contains only a single non-object data type: Variant. It would be somewhat useless to prefix every variable in your VBScript page with the "vnt" tag, since such naming would not distinguish between the different uses of these Variants. When declaring variables in VBScript, provide names that you would give the same variables in a standard Visual Basic application. For instance, if you declare a variable that will only be used to hold a customer name, name it "sCustName" instead of "vntCustName."

Avoid negative variable names; that is, variable names containing the words "No," "Not," and other similar words, especially when using Boolean variables. It is clearer to write

If bReady Then

rather than

If Not(bNotReady) Then

Nomenclature for Constants

Constants are non-variable variables; that is, a named value that cannot be changed while the application is running. They include those programmer-defined elements created with either the Const or #Const keywords. You can also establish a constant by entering it in the Conditional Compilation Arguments field in the Visual Basic Project Properties form.

A constant name always appears with upper-case letters and digits, with underscore characters separating the significant words of the name.

Public Const SLICE_OF_PI = 3.1416#

Use a common prefix for related constants, not a suffix.


Private Const TAB_CUSTOMER = 1
Private Const TAB_VENDOR = 2
Private Const TAB_ORDER = 3


Private Const CUSTOMER_TAB = 1
Private Const VENDOR_TAB = 2
Private Const ORDER_TAB = 3

If you are adding constants to your project that were defined by a third party (such as those found in the API Text Viewer application supplied with Visual Basic), retain the case and style used by the original vendor.

Nomenclature for User-Defined Types

User-defined types are created by using the Type statement. The syntax of the statement includes two namable parts, the initial tag, and the variable elements that make up the data type.

Private Type CustomerType   ' This is the tag line
    lCustomerID As Long     ' This is an element line
    sCustomerName As String ' This is another element
End Type

When naming the elements within the data type definition, follow the Hungarian naming standards for local variables listed earlier in this chapter. The data type tag ("CustomerType" in this example) appears in mixed-case text, beginning with a capital letter, and with no underscore characters. It should be short, yet descriptive. Always end the tag name with the word "Type."

Nomenclature for Enumerated Data Types

You can create enumerated lists of long integer values through the Enum statement. Like the syntax for user-defined types, the syntax of enumerated data types has two parts: an introductory tag, and a list of elements.

Public Enum CompassPointEnum  ' The tag line
    pntNorth = 1              ' And four element lines
End Enum

The tag name of the data type appears in mixed-case text, with an initial capital letter, and no underscore characters. It should state clearly the purpose of the data type, although it need not be overly wordy. Always follow the tag name with the text "Enum" as shown in the "CompassPointEnum" tag name in the example.

The elements within the data type look a lot like Hungarian variable names. They are not true Hungarian names because the initial text does not identify the data type of each element (which is Long). Each element should begin with a lower-case leader, with the same leader applied to each element within the data type ("pnt" in this example). This leader is a two-to-five letter abbreviation for the type of elements being enumerated (compass "point" in the example). Follow the leader with a unique mixed-case element name. Avoiding conflicts with Hungarian variable prefixes is a good idea, but if the context of the enumerated constant set is clear, it is permissible to share prefixes with a seldom-used Hungarian prefix.

Nomenclature for Line Labels

Line labels are used as destinations for GoTo, GoSub, and On Error GoTo statements. Visual Basic allows both numeric and alphanumeric line labels, but they are treated a little differently. Alphanumeric labels must be followed by a colon (":"), while the colon is optional after a numeric label. Numeric labels can be used as reference points in error processing (via the Erl keyword), while alphanumeric labels give no such information.

Although numeric labels seem to have the advantage, they should not be used within your application. Numeric line labels are a holdover from the original versions of the BASIC language, in which every line had to start with a line number. Only use numeric labels if you need to gather additional error information with the Erl keyword. Instead of meaningless numeric labels, use alphanumeric labels with names that hint at the purpose of the label. Line labels should consist of letters and digits only, starting with an initial capital letter, and containing no underscore characters. They appear in mixed case.

    ' ----- Continue with the next group

Nomenclature for Procedures

Procedures include private and public functions, subroutines, properties (Get, Let, and Set), class methods, and other similar constructs. Unlike variables, procedures do not follow the Hungarian naming standards. Instead, all procedure names appear in mixed-case type, with each significant word capitalized. Never use underscores within the procedure name.

Public Sub DoAUsefulAction(nMethod As Integer)

Events, although true procedures, do not follow the naming system described in this section since the control or class on which the event is based defines the name of the event.

Private Sub txtBirthdate_GotFocus()

Because procedure names, especially those belonging to Function and Property Get procedures, do not contain any data type information, it is imperative that you supply meaningful names to all of your procedures.

If you have two private procedures in different modules that perform basically the same function (but they cannot be logically combined into a single public procedure), provide the same name for both procedures. For example, when I create a form that provides a basic "properties" view of a logical object (such as "customer properties" or "document properties"), I generally have these three procedures defined within the form's code pane.

Private Sub LoadData()
    ' ----- Populate the form with data from the active
    '       record.  The module-level variable mlActiveID
    '       contains the primary key of the active record.

Private Function VerifyData() As Boolean
    ' ----- Called when the user clicks the OK button.
    '       Make sure all fields contain valid data.
    '       Return True if all data is valid, or False if
    '       there are any problems.

Private Function SaveData() As Boolean
    ' ----- Update the existing record, or add a new record
    '       to the database.  Set mlActiveID to the ID of
    '       the new record.  Return True on success.

I often have several of these properties forms within an application, and each form contains variations of these procedures, all with the names listed in this sample code. If you do reuse procedure names in this fashion, make sure that the procedures are always defined as Private to the module.

Avoid using negative names for your procedures. That is, refrain from words such as "Not" and "No" in the name of each procedure, especially those Function procedures that return a Boolean value. There is nothing more disarming than trying to decipher the return value of a negative function call.

If (Not ClearanceNotNeeded(sUser, bNotReady)) Then

Nomenclature for Declares

The Declare statement is used to access dynamic link library (DLL) procedures supplied by Microsoft, another third party, or a member of your programming team. Once declared, such API procedures act as if they were written within the Visual Basic source code itself. Because of this, the naming conventions for Declare statements closely follow those of procedures. The Declare statement has an Alias option through which you can supply the original name of the procedure as it appears in the DLL. This is useful when the procedure name conflicts with a Visual Basic keyword or other code object. It is also useful for turning procedure names that do not follow the standards of this book into compliant procedures.

Public Declare Sub DoSomeWork Lib "makework.dll" _
    Alias "do_some_work" (ByVal nWorkType As Integer)

In this example, the makework.dll library contains a subroutine named "do_some_work." Through the syntax of the Declare statement, the name was moved into the more compliant form "DoSomeWork."

Because the Declare statement accesses features that are external to the Visual Basic application, you may wish to bend the nomenclature rules in favor of overall project consistency. If you are developing your Visual Basic application in conjunction with another group using C++ or Pascal to create a DLL, using the naming conventions of the DLL routines when accessing those functions may simplify code reviews and other activities that involve both groups of programmers.

Nomenclature for User Interface Elements

The user interface in the Visual Basic development environment consists of two types of objects: work areas (forms, user control backgrounds, Report Designer backgrounds, etc.), and controls to be placed on the work areas (menus, command buttons, text fields, combo boxes, etc.). All of these components fall under the same naming standards as variables: the Hungarian naming standards. These conventions apply both to actual user interface elements, and to references to such objects within the source code of your application. In fact, within the source code, user interface elements are really just instances of object (or class) variables, so they follow all of the Hungarian standards for variables. Within the user interface itself, Hungarian names are used without the scope prefix. User interface elements are module-level in scope by definition, so the scope prefix is redundant.

Tables 9.3 through 9.8 present various lists of Hungarian prefixes for user interface and other data object elements commonly used within Visual Basic. This list is by no means complete, as there are new user interface elements created by Microsoft and other vendors every day. When you employ additional third-party controls, append your standard names for those new elements to these lists to assure consistency in naming all of your user interface elements.

The first table in this set is Table 9.3, listing the standard Hungarian names for those controls built in to the Visual Basic form designer.

Table 9.3. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for Built-In Visual Basic Controls
cboComboBox control, including the drop-down combo, simple combo, and drop-down list styles.
chkCheckBox control.
cmdCommandButton control
dirDirListBox control. See also "drv" and "fil."
drvDriveListBox control. See also "dir" and "fil."
filFileListBox control. See also "dir" and "drv."
fraFrame control.
hsbHScrollBar (horizontal scroll bar) control. See also "vsb."
lblStatic Label control.
linLine drawing object. See also "shp."
lstListBox control, both standard and checkbox styles.
mnuMenu control, including standard, pop-up, and system menus.
oleOLE container control. If possible, include a short abbreviation of the foreign application in the control name.
optOptionButton control.
picPictureBox control.
shpShape drawing object, including Rectangles, Squares, Ovals, Circles, Rounded Rectangles, and Rounded Squares. See also "lin."
tmrTimer control.
txtTextBox control, both single-line and multi-line styles.
vsbVScrollBar (vertical scroll bar) control. See also "hsb."

Table 9.4 documents the Hungarian prefixes for user interface backgrounds and workspaces, those areas on which you place other controls. Also listed are naming conventions for code-only modules.

Table 9.4. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for User Interface Workspaces
basStandard code modules, which generally have a ".bas" extension.
clsClass modules. Do not use for variables of a generic class type.
ctlUser control module.
deData environment.
dobUser document module.
frmForm module, both Single Document Interface (SDI) and Multi Document Interface (MDI) styles.
htmDHTML pages, documents, document titles, and document bodies.
pagProperty page module.
rptData report module.
wcWebClass module.

Included in Table 9.5 are those elements available in the DHTML Page Designer. Many of the elements in this table use the same prefixes as those for standard Visual Basic form controls.

Table 9.5. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for DHTML Elements
cboDHTML Select control.
chkDHTML CheckBox control.
cmdDHTML Button control, ResetButton control, and SubmitButton control.
hdnDHTML HiddenField control.
htmDHTML pages, documents, document titles, and document bodies.
linDHTML HorizontalRule object.
lnkDHTML Hyperlink object.
lstDHTML List control.
optDHTML Option control.
pDHTML paragraph ID.
picDHTML Image control.
tblDHTML tables and table bodies.
tdDHTML table cells.
trDHTML table rows.
txtDHTML TextField control, TextArea control, and PasswordField control.
uplDHTML FileUpload control.

Table 9.6 contains Hungarian prefixes for data-related objects used in writing Visual Basic data access code with any of the standard data interfaces (DAO, RDO, ADO, etc.).

Table 9.6. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for Data-Related Objects
clmRDO column object or collection.
comADO command object. Also for command objects within a data environment.
conADO connection object, DAO connection object or collection, or RDO connection object or collection. Also for connection objects within a data environment.
ctnDAO container object or collection.
dbDAO database object or collection.
dbeDAO database engine object, or RDO database engine object.
docDAO document object or collection.
dtaIntrinsic Data control, ADO Data control, or Remote Data control.
envRDO environment object or collection. For Visual Basic data environments, use the tag "de."
errADO error object or collection, DAO error object or collection, or RDO error object or collection.
fldADO field object or collection, or DAO field object or collection.
grpDAO group object or collection.
idxDAO index object or collection.
objGeneric object variable.
prmADO parameter object or collection, DAO parameter object or collection, or RDO parameter object or collection.
prpADO property object or collection, or DAO property object or collection.
qryDAO QueryDef object or collection, or RDO query object or collection.
recADO record object.
relDAO relation object or collection.
rsADO recordset object, DAO recordset object or collection, or RDO resultset object or collection. Recordset objects include table, snapshot, and dynaset-style recordsets, and all other allowed cursor types.
stmADO steam object.
tblDAO TableDef object or collection, or RDO table object or collection. Also used for DHTML tables and table bodies.
usrDAO user object or collection.
wspDAO workspace object or collection.

Use Table 9.7 to name elements placed on a Report Designer workspace.

The Hungarian naming standards for many of the controls supplied by Microsoft with Visual Basic appear in Table 9.8.

Menus that are attached to forms carry additional nomenclature rules that identify the natural grouping of those menus. Prefix the names of all second-level menus, third-level menus, and so on, with the name of the menu just above it. For example, consider the menu in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9.1. Sample menu.

Table 9.7. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for Report Designer Elements
lblRptLabel control.
linRptLine drawing object.
picRptImage control.
rptData report module.
shpRptShape drawing object, including Rectangles, Squares, Ovals, Circles, Rounded Rectangles, and Rounded Squares.
txtRptTextBox control and RptFunction control.

Table 9.8. Hungarian Tag Prefixes for User Interface Controls
aniAnimation control.
calCalendar control. See also "dtp" and "mvw."
cboComboBox control, including the drop-down combo, simple combo, and drop-down list styles, data bound ComboBox control ("DataCombo"), lightweight ComboBox control, or DHTML Select control. See also "icbo."
chtMSChart control, or other controls used for bar and line charts. See also "gra."
chkCheckBox control, lightweight CheckBox control, or DHTML CheckBox control.
clbCoolBar control. See also "tlb."
clpPicture Clip control. See also "img" and "pic."
cmdCommandButton control, lightweight CommandButton control, DHTML Button control, DHTML ResetButton control, or DHTML SubmitButton control.
commCommunications control or component.
dirDirectory List Box control. See also "drv" and "fil."
dlgCommon Dialog Box control, whether used for opening files, saving files, selecting print options, selecting colors, selecting fonts, or displaying on-line help.
drpData Repeater control.
drvDrive List Box control. See also "dir" and "fil."
dtaIntrinsic Data control, ADO Data control, or Remote Data control.
dtpDate Picker control. See also "cal" and "mvw."
filFile List Box control. See also "dir" and "drv."
fraFrame control, lightweight Frame control, or 3D panel control.
gauAny type of gauge control, other than the Slider control supplied with Visual Basic. See also "sld."
graGraph control, or any control for drawing graphs, but not charts. See also "cht."
grdGrid control, FlexGrid control, data bound grid control, and other third-party grid controls. See also "hgrd."
hgrdHierarchical FlexGrid control. See also "grd."
hsbHorizontal Scroll Bar control, lightweight Horizontal Scroll Bar control, or Flat Scroll Bar control in the horizontal orientation. See also "vsb."
icboImage Combo control. See also "cbo."
imgImageList control. See also "clp" and "pic."
inetInternet Transfer control, including FTP, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, and any other supported protocol. See also "skt" and "web."
lblStatic Label control, or Report Designer RptLabel control.
linLine drawing object, Report Designer RptLine drawing object, or DHTML HorizontalRule object. See also "shp."
lstListBox control, both standard and checkbox styles, data bound ListBox control ("DataList"), lightweight ListBox control, or DHTML List control.
lvwListView control.
mmMultimedia control.
mnuMenu control, including standard, pop-up, and system menus.
mpmMAPI message control.
mpsMAPI session control.
mvwMonthView control. See also "cal" and "dtp."
oleOLE Container control.
optOptionButton control, lightweight OptionButton control, or DHTML Option control.
picPictureBox control, Image control, Report Designer RptImage control, or DHTML Image control. See also "clp" and "img."
prgProgress bar control.
rtfRichTextBox control. See also "txt."
shpShape drawing object, including Rectangles, Squares, Ovals, Circles, Rounded Rectangles, and Rounded Squares, or Report Designer RptShape drawing object. See also "lin."
sktWinSock control. See also "inet" and "web."
sldSlider control. See also "gau."
spnSpin or UpDown control. If used with a "buddy" control (such as a text box), the remainder of the variable name following the "spn" tag should be the same as the post-tag name of the buddy control. For example, if you have a spin control that is a buddy to a text box named "txtYear," the spin control should be named "spnYear."
stsStatus Bar control.
sysSysInfo control.
tabTabbed Dialog control, TabStrip control, or any third-party tabbed section control.
tlbToolBar control. See also "clb."
tmrTimer control.
tvwTreeView control.
txtTextBox control, both single-line and multi-line styles, Masked Edit control, lightweight TextBox control, Report Designer RptTextBox control, Report Designer RptFunction control, DHTML TextField control, DHTML TextArea control, or DHTML PasswordField control. See also "rtf."
vsbVertical Scroll Bar control, lightweight Vertical Scroll Bar control, or Flat Scroll Bar control in the vertical orientation. See also "hsb."
webWeb Browser control. See also "inet" and "skt."

Using such "cascading" Hungarian names for menus, the menu items for the menu in Figure 9-1 might have the names listed in Table 9.9.

Table 9.9. Sample Menu Naming Conventions
Menu Item CaptionMenu Item Name
(divider bar)mnuEditBar1
(divider bar)mnuEditBar2
Toggle BookmarkmnuEditBookToggle
Next BookmarkmnuEditBookNext
Previous BookmarkmnuEditBookPrevious
Clear All BookmarksmnuEditBookClear

When adding divider bars to a menu, always build the name by taking the parent's menu name, and adding the text "Barx" where x is an increasing number within the parent menu's scope.

Menus can be built using control arrays, where several menus share a common name, but vary by an index number. Only use control arrays for menus where the menu items are truly related and can share a common base of code. For instance, if you have a menu with three mutually exclusive checkable items that all process similar code, they can appear in a control array. Such a control array could use code similar to the following:

Private Sub mnuModeChange_Click(Index As Integer)
    ' ----- The user changed the mode
    Dim nMode As Integer

    ' ----- Put a check next to the correct mode
        mnuModeChange(nMode).Checked = (nMode = Index)
    Next nMode

    ' ----- Update the rest of the display
    SwitchDisplayMode Index
End Sub

Do not use control arrays for elements that are not directly related in their logic. For instance, the common menu items found in an Edit menu (Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste) will generally have coded functionality so different that they could not share a common algorithm. They also should not share a common event procedure.


Private Sub mnuEditAction_Click(Index As Integer)
    ' ----- This is bad code!!!
    Select Case Index
        Case 0
            ' ----- Undo related code
        Case 2
            ' ----- Cut related code
        Case 3
            ' ----- Copy related code
        Case 4
            ' ----- Paste related code
    End Select
End Sub

Nomenclature Exceptions

There are legitimate times when you should not strictly follow the guidelines set forth in this chapter. Fortunately, those times are few, and your inclination will be to abandon the conventions in these minor cases.

Some traditional variable names are excluded from the rules of Hungarian nomenclature. Any user-defined data type or Declare statement that you obtain from the API Text Viewer application that ships with Visual Basic, or directly from the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), should not be altered to conform to the Hungarian dialect described in this chapter. Copy and paste the names as-is directly from the SDK or API Viewer into your code pane.

Event arguments that are generated by Visual Basic need to be left alone. For instance, the standard argument list for the MouseMove event is

Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
    X As Single, Y As Single

Oh, it makes my eyes hurt just looking at this list. Not a single Hungarian name in the bunch. Still, these arguments fall under the grandfather clause of variable naming; they came into existence with Visual Basic, and too many programmers depend on the consistency by which they appear in every MouseMove event declaration. Do not alter such names to the Hungarian standard.

When you are building a class that contains public module-level variables, name them as if they were used to name Property Get and Property Let routines. Public class variables look like properties to the user of the class; assign such variables property-like names.

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