Chapter 3. Application Organization


This chapter shows you how some of the object-oriented programming (OOP) features in Visual Basic 2005 are used to build Visual Basic applications. These features include class constructors, namespaces, and support for overloading. While you will spend most of your coding life writing the basic logic of your functions, properties, and Sub procedures, you wouldn’t be able to do it without the basic container systems introduced here.

3.1. Creating a Code Module


You would like to add some general methods and fields that are accessible to your entire application.


Add a code module—a construct that is similar to a class, but uses the Module key-word instead of Class—to your application.


Visual Basic includes three major code and value containers: classes, structures, and modules. All three types are based on the core definition of a class, but there are times when you’ll want to choose one over another. Modules are useful for storing functions, subroutines, constants, and variable fields that are considered “global” to your entire application. In pre-.NET versions of Visual Basic, most nonform-specific code was stored in a similar “module file” (with a " .bas” file extension). Modules in .NET provide some of that same functionality but in an object-oriented context.

If you’ve already created a new project or opened an existing project in Visual Studio, you can add a new module through the Project → Add Module menu command. The Add New Item dialog (Figure 3-1) should already have the Module template selected. Simply give it a useful name in the Name field, then click the Add button.

Visual Studio’s Add New Item dialog
Figure 3-1. Visual Studio’s Add New Item dialog

Visual Studio presents you with the code for this new template:

	Module Module1

	End Module

You can start adding members to the module immediately. Supported members include Sub procedures, functions, properties, events, delegates, classes, structures, and enumerations. Before coding each member, decide the access you want to grant and prefix the definition with the appropriate access keyword ( Public, Shared, or Friend). For instance, the following block of code adds a function to the module Module1 and assigns the function Public access:

	Module Module1
	   Public Function DoubleIt(ByVal origValue As Integer) _
	         As Integer
	      Return origValue * 2
	   End Function
	End Module

Modules specify their own access levels, using the Public or Friend keywords; the default is Friend. All members of a module act as if they are marked with the Shared keyword. That is, you can use any member of a module without creating an instance of the module itself. And that’s a good thing because Visual Basic will not allow you to create an instance of a module.

You aren’t required to create separate source- code files for new modules (or for classes or structures, which are discussed in later recipes), although you should. Having a one-to-one correspondence between modules (or classes or structures) and source-code files makes things easier to manage. Still, you may need to double up constructs in a single source-code file. If you already have a file with a class defined, you can include a module definition in the same file, outside the class:

	Class SomeClass
	   ' ----- Class members go here.
	End Class
	Module SomeModule
	   ' ----- Module members go here.
	End Module

If you try to do this in a form class file for a desktop application project, the Visual Studio Form Designer looks only at the first class in the file. If you insert a module (or a structure or another class) before the form-derived class in the file, Visual Studio can’t display the form.

All members of a module are shared and can be used immediately throughout the application. You can limit a member to just the code within the module by using the Private access-level keyword with that member:

	Module Module1
	   Private Sub InModuleUseOnly()
	   End Sub
	End Module

This is commonly done with so-called helper methods that can be accessed only by other, more prominent methods in the same module.

See Also

Recipes 3.2 and 3.3 introduce classes and structures, the two other major type constructs in Visual Basic.

3.2. Creating a Class


You need to add a new class to your Visual Basic application.


To add a new project class to your application, select the Project → Add Class menu command, and complete the Add New Item dialog.


The Add New Item dialog, shown in Figure 3-2, prompts you by selecting the Class template.

Adding a new class in Visual Studio
Figure 3-2. Adding a new class in Visual Studio

Give your class a new name, and then click the Add button. Visual Basic displays your newly added class in a code editor window. For example, providing “Class1.vb” for the new class filename adds the class source-code file and displays the following empty class template:

	Public Class Class1

	End Class

Of the various object types included with Visual Basic ( classes, structures, and modules), classes have the most flexibility and the least restrictions on use. You can add pretty much any supported member type, including Sub procedures, functions, fields, constants, enumerations, events, delegates, other classes and structures, and proper-ties. Here is a simple class that uses many of those features:

	Public Class Employee
	   ' ----- Basic employee information fields.
	   Public LastName As String
	   Public FirstName As String
	   Public HireDate As Date
	   Public JobType As EmployeeJobType
	   Private CurrentSalary As Decimal

	   ' ----- Supplies values to the JobType public field.
	   Public Enum EmployeeJobType
	   End Enum

	   ' ----- Used by the SalaryChanged event arguments.
	   Public Class SalaryChangedEventArgs
	      Inherits System.EventArgs
	      Public OldSalary As Decimal
	      Public NewSalary As Decimal
	   End Class

	   ' ----- Argument signature for the SalaryChanged event.
	   Public Delegate Sub SalaryChangedDelegate( _
	      ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As SalaryChangedEventArgs)

	   ' ----- Issued when private CurrentSalary field changes.
	   Public Event SalaryChanged As SalaryChangedDelegate
	   Public Function GetFullName( ) As String
	      ' ----- Return a nicely formatted name.
	      Return FirstName & " " & LastName
	   End Function

	   Public Sub GiveRaise(ByVal percentIncrease As Decimal)
	      ' ----- To raise 10%, set percentIncrease to 0.10.
	      Dim changeDetail As New SalaryChangedEventArgs
	      ' ----- Record the new salary, keeping track
	      '       of the change.
	      changeDetail.OldSalary = CurrentSalary
	      CurrentSalary += (CurrentSalary * percentIncrease)
	      changeDetail.NewSalary = CurrentSalary

	      ' ----- Inform anyone who may be interested.
	      RaiseEvent SalaryChanged(Me, changeDetail)
	   End Sub

	   Public Property Salary( ) As Decimal
	         ' ----- Report the current salary level.
	         Return CurrentSalary
	      End Get
	      Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
	         ' ----- Update the private CurrentSalary field.
	         Dim changeDetail As New SalaryChangedEventArgs

	         ' ----- Ignore negative salaries.
	         If (value < 0@) Then Exit Property

	         ' ----- Record the new salary, keeping track
	         '       of the change.
	         changeDetail.OldSalary = CurrentSalary
	         CurrentSalary = value
	         changeDetail.NewSalary = value

	         ' ----- Inform anyone who may be interested.
	         RaiseEvent SalaryChanged(Me, changeDetail)
	      End Set
	   End Property
	End Class

One source-code file may include multiple classes, structures, and modules:

	Class Class1
	   ' ----- First class members go here.
	End Class
	Class Class2
	   ' ----- Second class members go here.
	End Class

If you attempt this in a form class file, the Visual Studio Form Designer looks only at the first class in the file. If you insert a class (or structure or module) before the form-derived class in the file, Visual Studio can’t display the form.

Classes are the basic building blocks of Visual Basic applications. The two other major types— structures and modules—are variations of the basic class type, with certain restrictions that make them useful in certain cases.

The code for a class usually appears in a source-code file all its own, although you can divide a class into multiple files (see Recipe 3.9). You can also store multiple classes in a single source-code file, but this can quickly clutter your code.

See Also

Recipes 3.1 and 3.3 introduce modules and structures, the two other major type constructs in Visual Basic.

3.3. Creating a Structure


You would like to add a new structure to your Visual Basic application.


Visual Studio does not include an Add Structure menu command, or even a structure-focused template available via the Project → Add New Item menu command. If you want to include a structure in a file all its own, use the Project → Add New Item menu command, and select the Code File template in the Add New Item dialog, as shown in Figure 3-3. You can also simply type a new structure construct in any existing source-code file.

Adding a new structure in Visual Studio
Figure 3-3. Adding a new structure in Visual Studio


The syntax for a structure is very similar to that of a class:

	Structure Structure1

	End Structure

Add members to your structure just as you would in a class. Since structures cannot be used to derive other structures, some keywords that support derived classes (such as the Protected and MustOverride keywords) cannot be used.

Structures must have at least one public instance member or event definition.

The .NET Framework defines two categories of types: reference types and value types. Value types contain basic data at the memory location assigned for a specific instance. If you looked at the memory location assigned to an Integer value type instance, you would find the Integer value that the program last assigned to that variable.

Reference types store their data indirectly. The memory location assigned to a reference type contains another memory address that identifies the true storage area of the data. (This is similar to the pointer used in programming languages such as C.)

In Visual Basic, classes define reference types, while structures define value types. All classes and structures ultimately derive from the common System.Object class, but value types go through the related System.ValueType class on the way to System.Object.

Because structures store their data directly, they are sometimes faster to use (by the CPU) than classes, and their data can be stored on the application stack. Classes always require one or more trips to main memory. However, structures do have some limitations not placed on classes. Structures cannot be used as bases for other structures, nor can a structure derive from other structures or classes. Also, structures do not support destructors, which are special methods included in classes that perform final cleanup of resources whenever a class instance is being destroyed.

See Also

Recipes 3.1 and 3.2 introduce modules and classes, the two other major type constructs in Visual Basic.

3.4. Creating Other Item Types


Are there any other types of files or items I can add to a Visual Basic project?


The Add New Item dialog, accessed through the Project → Add New Item menu command, includes a large selection of template choices. Select the one that meets your needs. Some templates use a different default file extension than the standard .vb extension.


Here are the Visual Basic–specific template choices installed by default with Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition:

Windows Form

Adds a blank Windows form, derived from System.Windows.Forms.Form.


Adds a new Windows “dialog-style” form to your project, derived from System.Windows.Forms.Form. The form includes basic OK and Cancel buttons and is con-figured for typical dialog presentation.

Explorer Form

Adds a new Windows form to your project that has the basic look and functionality of the Windows File Explorer (explorer.exe). The main area of the form combines TreeView and ListView controls that provide an interface to the file system.

MDI Parent Form

If you are designing a Multi Document Interface (MDI) application, this form represents the parent that will include the various child “document” forms.

About Box

Adds a new “About” form to your project. This is a standard Windows form, pre-designed to look like a typical About form. It automatically fills in application-specific details such as the version number. You must add the code elsewhere in your project to display this form.

Login Form

Adds a new “Login” form to your project. This form includes the “look and feel” of a login form only; you must supply authentication code on your own.

Splash Screen

Adds a new “Splash Screen” form to your project. This form appears as your application performs basic initialization during startup.


Adds a new class file to your project, containing an empty class definition named according to the filename you provide.


Adds a new module file to your project, containing an empty module definition named according to the filename you provide.


Adds a new interface file to your project, containing an empty interface definition named according to the filename you provide. By custom, interface names always begin with a capital letter “I.”

Component Class

Adds a new “component” to your project, derived from System.ComponentModel.Component. The .NET component model provides basic interaction services for classes defined as components. All Windows Forms controls are components.

COM Class

Adds a new class file to your project that exposes COM interface features. This is done via the ComClassAttribute attribute. All exposed interfaces have to be marshaled across the managed .NET boundary, although .NET performs most of the difficult work for you.

Data Set

Adds a new data set to your project with an .xsd file extension. These data sets provide a visual design experience to underlying data stores, such as databases. You can include queried data from several data sources.

SQL Database

Adds a new SQL Server database file with an .mdf file extension. This file is managed by SQL Server, and you must have that product installed to use this item type.


Visual Studio includes its own banded report writer that you can use to create data reports. This item adds a new report with an .rdlc file extension. The report designer interacts with data sources defined in your application.

Crystal Report

Crystal Reports is a third-party banded reporting tool included with Visual Studio. This item adds a new Crystal Report to your application with an " .rpt” file extension. Enhanced versions of the Crystal Reports product are available from its vendor, Business Objects. (Crystal Reports has passed through several owner-ship changes since its initial version. Business Objects is the owner as of this writing.)

User Control

Adds a new user control file to your application, derived from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl. User controls contain full user interaction functionality, similar to the controls already included in the Visual Studio Toolbox. You can build your control from other controls in the Toolbox or from scratch by managing all input and display needs.

Inherited Form

Adds a new form based on another form already found in your project. When selected, Visual Studio displays the Inheritance Picker dialog with a list of all forms in your project. Visual Studio must be able to create an instance of each potential form. Therefore, you must have built your project at least once, including the form to be inherited. Also, the Inheritance Picker will exclude any form marked as MustInherit. You can manually create inherited forms using the Inherits keyword.

Inherited User Control

Adds a new user control based on another user control already found in your project. When selected, Visual Studio displays the Inheritance Picker dialog with a list of all user controls in your project. Visual Studio must be able to create an instance of each potential user control. Therefore, you must have built your project at least once, including the user control to be inherited. Also, the Inheritance Picker will exclude any user control marked as MustInherit. You can manually create inherited controls using the Inherits keyword.

Custom Control

Creates a new user control but with more emphasis on controls that will contain no existing subordinate controls. You will manage the full display of the control yourself.

Web Custom Control

Creates a new web control for use in ASP.NET applications that’s similar to the controls supplied with the Web Forms package. You are responsible for all HTML rendering code.

Resources File

Adds a new resource file to your project, with an .resx file extension. New Windows Forms projects already include a project-focused resource file.

Settings File

Adds a " .settings” file to your application that stores application-or user-specific settings. Windows Forms applications already include both kinds of settings support.

Code File

Adds a blank code file to your project. The file will be completely empty, waiting for you to add a class, module, structure, or other content.

Class Diagram

Adds a new class diagram file with a .cd file extension. Class diagrams let you define classes, structures, interfaces, and other basic types using a visual designer interface. Visual Studio manages the other files in your application as you make changes to the class diagram.

XML File

Adds a new XML (Extensible Markup Language) file with an .xml file extension. Visual Studio includes basic IntelliSense support for editing XML files.

XML Schema

Adds a new XSD (XML Schema Definition) file with an .xsd file extension. XSD files can be used to validate XML data.


Adds a new XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) file with an .xslt file extension. XSLT files are used to transform XML data into another format (either XML or any other format).

Text File

Adds a blank text file to your project with a .txt file extension. You can add any text to this file that you wish.


Adds a new HTML file with an .htm file extension. Visual Studio includes extended support for editing web pages.

Bitmap File

Adds a new bitmap file with a .bmp file extension that you can edit directly in Visual Studio.

Cursor File

Adds a new icon file with a .cur file extension that you can edit directly in Visual Studio.

Icon File

Adds a new icon file with an .ico file extension that you can edit directly in Visual Studio.

Application Configuration File

Adds a new .config settings file to your application. This file is often used to con-figure an application from .NET’s point of view. To store application-and user-specific usage settings, consider a settings file instead.

Transactional Component

Adds a new transactional component that manages the lifetime of some data, resource, or activity. These components inherit from the System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class and exist mainly to interact within COM+ environments.

Installer Class

Adds an installer class you can use to create custom installation scenarios for .NET applications. For typical .NET applications, you should consider creating a standard deployment project instead.

Windows Service

Adds a class that supports the creation of a Windows Service. Services have no direct user interface, so you should not add this template to a Windows Forms application.

If you use one of the other Visual Studio editions, such as the Express Edition, the list of available templates may differ. If you have installed third-party products that enhance Visual Studio, you may see additional templates related to those products.

The My Templates section of the Add New Item dialog includes custom file templates that you have added yourself, primarily through the Export Template Wizard available through the File → Export Template menu command.

See Also

This recipe does not discuss the types of items you can add to an ASP.NET web project. See the recipes in Chapter 17 for additional information on creating web projects.

3.5. Creating Object Instances


You need to create an instance of a class or structure.


Use the New keyword to create a new class or structure instance.


There are three basic places you use the New keyword:

  • When you declare a new instance of a type. The Dim statement offers a few different variations when using the New keyword. Both of the following examples create a new instance of a project-specific Employee class. Other than the minor syntax differences, the two lines are functionally identical:

    	Dim someEmployee As New Employee
    	Dim someEmployee As Employee = New Employee
  • When you assign new instances to existing variables. Once you have a variable defined, you can assign it an instance using New:

    	Dim someEmployee As Employee
    	someEmployee = New Employee
  • In-line, whenever you need an instance that you don’t capture in a variable. Sometimes you simply need a class to exist only within a statement, perhaps as an argument to another function. This is quite common when working with GDI+ graphic elements, such as pens. The following code block draws a line on a form during its Paint event. It creates a new Pen object that disappears once the call to DrawLine() ends:

    	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
    	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
    	      Handles Me.Paint
    	   e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red), 0, 0, 100, 100)
    	End Sub

All three uses of New can be intermixed within the same block of code, and you can choose what best fits the needs and logic of the code block.

See Also

The New keyword is also used in a different context to create class constructors. See Recipe 3.6 for additional details.

3.6. Initializing a Class Instance with Data


You want to ensure that some of the fields of a class are initialized before any of the exposed members of the class are used.


Add one or more custom constructors to your class.


Constructors are Sub procedures named New:

	Public Sub New()

	End Sub

A constructor with no arguments implements the default constructor. This is the constructor that is called anytime a new instance of the class is requested without additional initialization:

	Dim someEmployee As New Employee

' Custom constructors include one or more arguments. This sample accepts an initial employee name and assigns it to the public Name field:

	Class Employee
	   Public Name As String = "Unknown"

	   Public Sub New(ByVal fullName As String)
	      If (Trim(fullName) <> "") Then Name = fullName
	   End Sub
	End Class

One feature of classes is overloaded methods, which use the special Overloads key-word. This feature lets you use the same method name more than once in the same class, but have each method accept a different set of arguments. (See Recipe 3.14 for more information.) Constructors can also be overloaded, but they don’t require the Overloads keyword:

	Class Employee
	   Public Name As String = "Unknown"
	   Public Salary As Decimal = 0@
	   Public Sub New(ByVal fullName As String)
	      If (Trim(fullName) <> "") Then Name = fullName
	   End Sub

	   Public Sub New(ByVal fullName As String, _
	         ByVal startingSalary As Decimal)
	      If (Trim(fullName) <> "") Then Name = fullName
	      If (startingSalary >= 0@) Then Salary = startingSalary
	   End Sub
	End Class

Visual Basic calls the appropriate constructor based on the argument signature:

	' ----- Uses the one-argument constructor.
	Dim someEmployee As New Employee("John Smith")
	' ----- Uses the two-argument constructor.
	Dim someEmployee As New Employee("John Smith", 50000@)

As an alternative way of doing the same thing, this sample class could have used an optional argument on a single constructor:

	Class Employee
	   Public Name As String = "Unknown"
	   Public Salary As Decimal = 0@

	   Public Sub New(ByVal fullName As String, _
	         Optional ByVal startingSalary As Decimal = 0@)

	      If (Trim(fullName) <> "") Then Name = fullName
	      If (startingSalary >= 0@) Then Salary = startingSalary
	   End Sub

If you don’t supply a default constructor but do supply constructors with arguments, any use of the class requires constructor arguments. If you want the arguments to be optional, either use the Optional keyword or include a default constructor with no arguments.

All classes must have a constructor, even classes that perform no specific initialization. Consider this empty class:

	Class Employee

	End Class

Although you don’t see a specific constructor, a default constructor is there, supplied on your behalf by the Visual Basic compiler. Any constructor you supply, default or with arguments, replaces the one added by Visual Basic.

All classes (except System.Object) derive from some other class. The default constructor for the base class is called implicitly from a derived class’s constructor. Derived classes can also use a specific base-class constructor by calling it directly:

	Class Manager
	   Inherits Employee

	   Public Sub New()
	      MyBase.New("Unnamed New Employee")
	   End Sub
	End Class

You can create instances of either classes or structures in your code. Modules cannot be instantiated, and therefore they do not use constructors.

See Also

Recipe 3.7 discusses destructors, which handle the end of an instance’s lifetime instead of its beginning.

3.7. Releasing an Instance’s Resources


Your class instance allocates resources during its lifetime, and you want to ensure that those resources are freed when the object is destroyed.


Add a Finalize( ) method to your class that includes any cleanup code you need to run before .NET destroys the class instance. Finalize() is a method included in the System.Object base class. To use it in your code, you must override it:

	Protected Overrides Sub  

Because a base class from which you derive may need to perform its own cleanup, you should always call its Finalize() method:

	Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
	   ' ----- Perform my cleanup, then…
	End Sub


.NET includes a process, known as garbage collection, which automatically releases all memory associated with a class instance. However, it doesn’t know what processing is required to release any acquired external resources, such as database connections. Therefore, you must provide that logic in a special method, implemented through an override of the Finalize() method. This special method is known as the class’s destructor.

The garbage collector in .NET runs as needed, so there is no guarantee that your Finalize() method will be called at the moment you release all references to an instance. It may be called one second, ten seconds, or ten minutes later, possibly long after your application has stopped running. If you need resources to be released in a timelier manner, combine the destructor with the IDisposable interface. This interface defines features that help release resources on a schedule you determine. More specifically, resources are released whenever the related Dispose() method is called on your instance. (You could simply include your own custom FreeResources() method in your class, but using IDisposable allows Visual Basic to get more involved in the cleanup process.)

To enable IDisposable in your class, add an Implements statement at the top of the class:

	Class ResourceUsingClass
	   Implements IDisposable
	End Class

When you add that Implements line to your class, Visual Studio automatically adds a template of features:

	Class ResourceUsingClass
	   Implements IDisposable
	   ' To detect redundant calls
	   Private disposedValue As Boolean = False
	   ' IDisposable
	   Protected Overridable Sub Dispose( _
	         ByVal disposing As Boolean)
	      If Not Me.disposedValue Then
	         If disposing Then
	            ' TODO: free unmanaged resources when
	            '       explicitly called
	         End If

	         ' TODO: free shared unmanaged resources
	      End If
	      Me.disposedValue = True
	   End Sub

	#Region " IDisposable Support "
	   ' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly
	   ' implement the disposable pattern.
	   Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
	      ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in
	      ' Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
	   End Sub
	#End Region

	End Class

Fill in the “TODO” parts of the code with your resource-freeing logic.

When using the IDisposable interface, you should still implement the Finalize()destructor just in case someone forgets to call Dispose(). Maintain a flag in your class that indicates whether resources have been properly freed or not. The disposedValue variable that Visual Studio generated serves this purpose.

Some Visual Basic features call Dispose() automatically when working with IDisposable-enabled objects. The Visual Basic Using statement exists to destroy objects when they are no longer needed, and it calls Dispose() automatically:

	Using externalResources As New ResourceUsingClass
	   ' ----- Work with the externalResources instance here.
	End Using
	' ----- At this point, externalResources.Dispose has been
	'       called automatically by the End  
Using statement.

See Also

Recipe 3.6 discusses constructors, the opposite of destructors.

3.8. Using Namespaces


You want to place your classes within a specific .NET namespace.


Use the Namespace statement together with the default namespace identified in a project’s properties.


Every Visual Basic application resides within a default namespace, what we’ll call the “absolute namespace position” for your application. Visual Studio automatically sets this to a top-level namespace with the same name as your project. For instance, if you just accept the default “WindowsApplication1” name for a new Windows Forms application, the namespace is also named WindowsApplication1. Since it’s a top-level namespace, it resides at the same hierarchy position as the System namespace.

To alter the namespace for your project, open the Project Properties window, and change the “Root namespace” field on the Application tab. You can change it to use an existing namespace, such as System.Windows.Forms, but then you must take care to avoid naming conflicts with your classes.

When generating a full .NET application (EXE), your choice of namespace is not too problematic because that namespace exists only within the view of your program and its lifetime. Two applications using the WindowsApplication1 namespace will not conflict with each other. However, if you generate a .NET library (DLL) for general distribution to others outside your organization, you should select a namespace that will avoid conflicts with others. Microsoft recommends that you use a combination of your company name and the product name, as they did with the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace.

Beyond the absolute namespace position, you can place your classes and other types in a “relative namespace position” within the larger default absolute namespace. When you add a class (or other type) to your project, it appears in the absolute namespace position:

	Class Class1

	End Class

If your project uses WindowsApplication1 as its absolute namespace, this class appears as WindowsApplication1.Class1. In relative positioning, you can insert a new namespace between the absolute position and the class:

	Namespace CoolClasses
	   Class Class1

	   End Class
	End Namespace

Now, Class1 is fully referenced as WindowsApplication1.CoolClasses.Class1.

The Namespace keyword may include multiple namespace components (separated by periods), and you can nest them as well:

	Namespace CoolClasses
	   Namespace SomewhatCool.BarelyCool
	      Class Class1

	      End Class
	   End Namespace
	End Namespace

This Class1 lives at WindowsApplication1.CoolClasses.SomewhatCool.BarelyCool.

3.9. Splitting a Class Across Multiple Files


You have a class that is simply too much to manage reasonably in a single sourcecode file, and you would like to split it up.


Use the Partial keyword on a class to enable splitting the implementation of that class across multiple physical source files:

Partial Class Class1

	End Class


Visual Basic now includes a partial class feature that Visual Studio uses to separate automatically generated code from nongenerated code. This feature is available to use in your own classes. Before Visual Basic 2005, if you tried to split a class by using the Class statement multiple times on the same class name, the program would not compile. But now you can break up your class into separate sections:

	Class Class1
	   ' ----- Some class members are defined here.
	End Class
	Partial Class Class1
	   ' ----- More class members are defined here.
	End Class

The key is the word Partial. Adding the keyword Partial to at least one of the class components tells the Visual Basic compiler to collect all the parts and put them together before it builds the compiled version of your program, even if those parts exist in different files.

You do not need to include Partial on every part of the class, just on one of the parts. Also, if your class inherits from another class or implements an interface, you need to include only the Inherits or Implements keyword in one of the class portions.

All class parts must exist in the context of the same namespace. If you create different class definitions with the same name but in different namespaces, they will be distinct and unrelated classes.

3.10. Creating a Form Based on Another Form


You’ve created a basic form, and you would like to use it to create other forms that extend the functionality of the basic form.


Create an inheritance relationship between the original form (the “base” class) and the form with the extended features (the “inherited” class). There are a few different ways to accomplish this, but the easiest is to let Visual Studio establish the inheritance relationship for you through the Inheritance Picker dialog.


Use the Project → Add Windows Form menu command to add the new form to a new or existing Windows Forms project. When the Add New Item dialog appears, select Inherited Form from the list of templates, type your new form’s filename in the Name field, and then click the Add button. As long as there are other forms defined in your application, you will see the Inheritance Picker dialog (Figure 3-4).

Visual Studio’s Inheritance Picker dialog
Figure 3-4. Visual Studio’s Inheritance Picker dialog

To establish the inheritance relationship, select the base form from the list of available forms, and then click the OK button. Visual Studio will add a new form that is derived from the selected base form.

All forms added to your Windows Forms project use inheritance. By default, new forms derive from System.Windows.Forms.Form, but you can indicate another base form from your own project. If you look in the “designer” file associated with the form, you will see the following statements in standard forms:

	Partial Class Form2
	   Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

When you alter the base class through the Inheritance Picker, these statements change to reflect the selected base form:

	Partial Class Form2
	   Inherits WindowsApplication1.Form1

(A form’s designer file is hidden by default. Click on the Show All Files button in the Solution Explorer, and then expand the branch for a form to see its designer file.)

You can manually establish the inheritance relationship by modifying the Inherits statement yourself to include the correct base class.

Visual Studio must be able to create an instance of the base form before it can show you the derived form through the Form Designer (or even list the form in the Inheritance Picker). This requires that a compiled version of that base form exists. Before using the Inheritance Picker to establish form relationships, build your project using the Build → Build WindowsApplication1 (or similar) menu command.

See Also

Although it’s not covered in a separate recipe in this chapter, creating inherited user controls follows the same process. Select Inherited User Control in the Add New Item dialog’s template list to establish such a relationship.

3.11. Passing and Returning Structures and Other Objects


You need to pass complex data types to a function, or return an equally complex type.


Just pass the data. Complex data in .NET is really no different from simple data in how it is passed to or returned from functions.


Arrays are probably the most cumbersome, only because you have to add two extra characters in the function definition. The following function definition accepts an Integer array and returns a related String array:

	Public Function ConvertIntArrayToString( _
	      ByVal origArray() As Integer) As String( )
	   ' ----- Take a basic Integer array, and return a
	   '       String equivalent.
	   Dim newArray(UBound(origArray)) As String

	   For counter As Integer = 0 To UBound(origArray)
	      newArray(counter) = CStr(origArray(counter))
	   Next counter
	   Return newArray
	End Function

In some non-.NET languages—including earlier versions of Visual Basic—it is not always obvious how you pass complex data types, such as complete arrays, into and out of functions. In .NET, it’s a snap. All complex data types—instances of structures and classes—are simple variables that can be passed freely through arguments or return values. An array is a standard reference type, even if it contains value type elements.

3.12. Creating and Using an Enumeration


You want to add a set of related constants to your project and establish variables based on that set of constants.


Add an enumeration to your namespace, class, or other type using the Enum statement. Then use the name of the enumeration just as you would any other .NET integral data type.


Enum lets you build a list of related integer values:

	Enum StorageMedia
	End Enum

In this enumeration, all elements are of type Integer, with values ranging from 0 (Floppy) to 4 (Paper). You can select a different type through an As clause, and you can indicate specific numeric values:

	Enum StorageMedia As Short
	   Floppy = 100
	   Paper = 500
	End Enum

After you’ve created your enumeration, refer to individual members by combining the enumeration name and the member name:

	storageType = StorageMedia.FlashRAM

Creating variables of an enumeration type is just as simple:

	Dim storageType As StorageMedia

Although storageType might act like a Short or Integer (as defined through the underlying Enum statement), it is truly a variable of type StorageMedia, a new data type all its own.

Without enumerations, the only way to create a related set of integer values is to define multiple constants and trust yourself to use them as a set. Enumerations bundle like elements, making it easier to keep track of the relationships. Visual Studio also picks up on this relationship, using enumerations to enhance IntelliSense, as shown in Figure 3-5.

Using IntelliSense with enumerations
Figure 3-5. Using IntelliSense with enumerations

Although enumeration variables are typed to the specific Enum, Visual Basic allows you to assign any numeric values (limited to the underlying type of the Enum) to those variables. For instance, Visual Basic doesn’t stop you from assigning the value 700 to the storageType variable, even though none of the StorageMedia enumeration members have a value of 700.

3.13. Converting Between Numeric and String Enumeration Values


While you intend to use an enumeration through its members and their numeric equivalents, you also need to be able to get the string name of an enumeration member and convert it back to numeric form from that string.


Use the string conversion features of the System.Enum class and its derived enumerations to manipulate the members through strings.


Moving from a numeric member to string form is simple, and you’ve probably already done something similar for other types. Let’s reuse the enumeration from Recipe 3.12:

	Enum StorageMedia
	End Enum

If you’ve created an enumeration variable:

	Dim storageType As StorageMedia = StorageMedia.FlashRAM

you can convert its value to string form using the ToString() member:

	Dim stringForm As String = storageType. 
	MsgBox(stringForm) ' Displays "FlashRAM"

Converting back from a string is just slightly more indirect. Use the System.Enum class’s Parse() method to restore a string back to its original numeric value:

	storageType = System.Enum. 
Parse(GetType(StorageMedia), "DVD")
	MsgBox(CInt(storageType))     ' Displays 2
	MsgBox(storageType.ToString)  ' Displays "DVD"

Visual Basic compiles the full name of each enumeration member into the target application. You can take advantage of these stored names to shuttle enumeration values between their integer and string forms.

If you pass an invalid string to the Parse() method, an error will occur, so keep an eye on that enumerated data.

3.14. Creating a Method That Accepts Different Sets of Arguments


You have a great function that generates its results based on one type of data, but you’d like to reuse that function with other data types or argument signatures.


Use method overloading to provide different versions of the same method.


You may sometimes write applications that communicate with Oracle databases. Supplying dates to Oracle SQL statements is frequently done using Oracle’s TO_DATE function. When building SQL statements in my .NET application, you can prepare a Date variable for use in Oracle by first wrapping it in a TO_DATE function. There are other times when all you have is a date in a user-entered string format, and you need to prepare that date for use by Oracle. To support both original date and string data values, you can use an overloaded Oracle preparation function:

Overloads Function ToOracleDate( _
	      ByVal origDate As Date) As String
	   Return "TO_DATE('" & Format(origDate, "MM/dd/yyyy") & _
	      "', 'MM/DD/YYYY')"
	End Function

	Public Overloads Function ToOracleDate( _
	      ByVal origDate As String) As String
	   If (Trim(origDate) = "") Then
	      Return "NULL"
	      Return ToOracleDate(CDate(origDate))
	   End If
	End Function

The Overloads keyword informs Visual Basic that you are trying to overload a single function name with two different argument signature variations. In this example, the string version calls the date version for some of its processing. This sharing of processing logic can help keep your code simple even when using multiple overloads.

The .NET Framework makes extensive use of method overloading, including over-loads of some Visual Basic features. The InStr() function, which locates a smaller string within a larger one, uses overloading to support the interesting syntax it inherited from Visual Basic 1.0. The basic syntax uses two strings, the one being searched and the one being sought:

	Public Function InStr(ByVal String1 As String, _
	   ByVal String2 As String) As Integer

The second variation inserts an Integer starting position as the first argument:

	Public Function InStr(ByVal Start As Integer, _
	   ByVal String1 As String, ByVal String2 As String) As Integer

Since Visual Basic does not support optional arguments anywhere but at the end of an argument list, this function uses overloading to support the argument variety.

Overloading is different from overriding. Overriding occurs only in inheritance relationships, when a function in a derived class alters or replaces the logic for an identical function in a base class. Overridden functions must have the same argument signature in both the base and derived classes.

There are no fixed limits on the number of overloads you can use in a single method. And while constructors (Sub New procedures) also use a form of overloading, they do not use the Overloads keyword.

See Also

See Recipe 3.6 for information on overloading using class constructors.

3.15. Using Standard Operators for Nonstandard Purposes


The basic Visual Basic operators, such as the addition operator (+), seem so useful that you would like to use them for your own custom classes.


Use operator overloading, a new feature in Visual Basic 2005, to allow your own classes to interact with each other through the standard Visual Basic operators.


Operator overloading extends method overloading to include the standard Visual Basic operators. In a way, it treats operators such as +, *, and Or as method names. Consider a class that manages scientific specimens:

	Class Specimen

If your application supports the idea of combining two specimens, resulting in a merged yet single larger specimen, it would be great to be able to use the addition operator to merge two distinct specimens into a single combined specimen:

	Dim part1 As New Specimen
	Dim part2 As New Specimen
	Dim combinedParts As Specimen
	combinedParts = part1 + part2

To add support for addition to this class, overload the + operator by adding an Operator definition to the class:

	Public Shared Operator +(ByVal firstPart As Specimen, _
	      ByVal secondPart As Specimen) As Specimen
	   Dim mergedSpecimen As New Specimen

	   ' ----- Add logic to merge the two parts, then…
	   Return mergedSpecimen
	End Operator

You can include different input or output types in the overloaded function, as long as at least one input or output matches the class in which the overload appears:

	Public Shared Operator +(ByVal singlePage As Page, _
	      ByVal sourceBook As Book) As Book
	   ' ----- Adds a page to a book.

	End Operator

All overloaded operators must include the Shared keyword in the definition.

For unary operators, such as the Not operator, only a single argument is sent to the overloaded function. Table 3-1 lists the overloadable operators.

Table 3-1. Overloadable operators




Unary plus operator, as in the expression “+5.” Unary plus is seldom used in standard Visual Basic programming, but you can use it for your own classes.

	Shared Operator +(ByVal arg1 As Type) As Type


Unary negation operator, as in “-5.”

	Shared Operator -(ByVal arg1 As Type) As Type


Addition operator, used to “add” items together.

	Shared Operator +(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Subtraction operator, used to “subtract” one item from another.

	Shared Operator -(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Multiplication operator.

	Shared Operator *(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Division operator.

	Shared Operator /(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type

Integer division operator.

	Shared Operator (ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Modulo operator.

	Shared Operator Mod(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Concatenation operator.

	Shared Operator &(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Exponentiation operator.

	Shared Operator ^(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Shift left operator. Since the operand to the right of the standard operator is always an Integer, the second argument passed to the overload is also an Integer.

	Shared Operator <<(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Integer) As Type


Shift right operator. Since the operand to the right of the standard operator is always an Integer, the second argument passed to the overload is also an Integer.

	Shared Operator >>(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Integer) As Type


Equal to comparison operator, for use in If and similar statements. You must also overload the related <> (not equal to) operator.

	Shared Operator =(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Boolean


Less than comparison operator, for use in If and similar statements. You must also overload the related > (greater than) operator.

	Shared Operator <(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Boolean


Greater than comparison operator, for use in If and similar statements. You must also overload the related < (less than) operator.

	Shared Operator >(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Boolean


Less than or equal to comparison operator, for use in If and similar statements. You must also overload the related >= (greater than or equal to) operator.

	Shared Operator <=(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Boolean


Greater than or equal to comparison operator, for use in If and similar statements. You must also overload the related <= (less than or equal to) operator.

	Shared Operator >=(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Boolean


Not equal to comparison operator, for use in If and similar statements. You must also overload the related = (equal to) operator.

	Shared Operator <>(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Boolean


Bitwise negation operator.

	Shared Operator Not(ByVal arg1 As Type) As Type


Used to support overloading of the OrElse operator. You must also overload the related IsFalse operator, and you will probably want to overload Or as well.

	Shared Operator IsTrue(ByVal arg1 As Type) _
	   As Boolean


Used to support overloading of the AndAlso operator. You must also overload the related IsTrue operator, and you will probably want to overload And as well.

	Shared Operator IsFalse(ByVal arg1 As Type) _
	   As Boolean


Bitwise conjunction operator.

	Shared Operator And(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Bitwise disjunction operator.

	Shared Operator Or(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Bitwise exclusion operator.

	Shared Operator Xor(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As Type) As Type


Pattern comparison operator. The second operator is always a pattern string.

	Shared Operator Like(ByVal arg1 As Type, _
	   ByVal arg2 As String) As Boolean


Type conversion operator, for converting between different core and custom data types. Visual Basic supports two types of conversions: narrowing and widening. In narrowing conversions there is a chance that the source data will not fit in the target data type, as when converting a Long to an Integer. Conversions in the other direction are widening, and these never result in data loss. You must specify the type of conversion using the Narrowing or Widening keyword.

	Shared [Narrowing | Widening] Operator _
	   CType(ByVal sourceData As Type) As Type

You can overload overloaded operators. That is, you can include multiple overloads for, say, the addition (+) operator in a single class, as long as the argument signatures differ.

While operator overloading can make your code more straightforward, it can also add a level of confusion, since you will be using operators in a way that is not part of the standard language usage. Where there is the possibility of confusion, add meaningful comments to the code to guide the reader through the rough spots.

See Also

Recipe 3.14 discusses standard method overloading.

3.16. Enforcing Strong Data Typing in an Otherwise Weakly Typed Collection


You have created a generic collection class that is quite useful and will support data of any class or type. You want to ensure that data types are never mixed within a single instance of the collection. That is, if a collection contains String values, you never want Integer values added to that same collection.


Use generics to restrict the types of data interactions a class may have.


Generics allow you to make substitutions of generic data-type placeholders with actual data types. Consider this simple class:

	Class MultiShow
	   Public DisplayValue As String
	   Public InterValue As String
	   Public Sub ShowDouble()
	      ' ----- Display two copies of the value.
	      MsgBox(DisplayValue & InterValue & DisplayValue)
	   End Sub
	   Public Sub ShowTriple()
	      ' ----- Display three copies of the value.
	      MsgBox(DisplayValue & InterValue & DisplayValue & _
	         InterValue & DisplayValue)
	   End Sub
	End Class

This class facilitates the display of some stored string value. But what if you wanted to display Integer data? You would have to rewrite the class, redefining DisplayValue and InterValue as Integer types. And that wouldn’t help you much if you then wanted to use Date values. You could replace String with Object, but this approach would not help you if you needed to ensure that DisplayValue and InterValue were the same data type.

Generics allow you to treat a class in a generic manner where data types are concerned. Adding generics to our MultiShow class results in the following code:

	Class MultiShow(Of T)
	   Public DisplayValue As T
	   Public InterValue As T
	   Public Sub ShowDouble( )
	      ' ----- Display two copies of the value.
	      MsgBox( _
	         DisplayValue.ToString() & InterValue.ToString( ) & _
	         DisplayValue.ToString( ))
	   End Sub
	   Public Sub ShowTriple( )
	      ' ----- Display three copies of the value.
	      MsgBox( _
	         DisplayValue.ToString() & InterValue.ToString( ) & _
	         DisplayValue.ToString() & InterValue.ToString( ) & _
	         DisplayValue.ToString( ))
	   End Sub
	End Class

The Of T clause enables generics on the class. T acts like a placeholder (you don’t have to use T; you can give the placeholder any name you want) for a data type used somewhere in the class. In this example, we used T twice to set the data types for the public fields:

	Public DisplayValue As T
	Public InterValue As T

To use this class, include an Of datatype clause in your reference declaration:

	Dim dataShow As New MultiShow(Of String)

In the dataShow instance, String is used anywhere T appears in the class definition. It’s as if Visual Basic generated a String-specific version of the MultiShow class for you. To generate an Integer version, just update the declaration:

	Dim dataShow As New MultiShow(Of Integer)

Each instance variation of a generic class you define is truly a distinct data type. You cannot pass data freely between instances of MultiShow(Of Integer) and MultiShow(Of String) without conversion, just as you cannot pass data between Date and Integer data types without conversion.

You can include multiple data-type placeholders by separating them with commas:

	Class MultiShow(Of T1, T2)
	   Public DisplayValue As T1
	   Public InterValue As T2

Now you can provide either identical or distinct data types for T1 and T2:

	Dim dataShowUnited As New MultiShow(Of String, String)
	Dim dataShowDivided As New MultiShow(Of String, Integer)

In addition to simple data-type placeholders, you can include restrictions on each placeholder to limit the types of data used by the class. You can design a generic class that will limit the data-type substitution to just the Form class or any class derived from Form:

	Class FunForms(Of T As System.Windows.Forms.Form)

	End Class

Interface-specific limits work as well:

	Class ThrowAways(Of T As System.IDisposable)

	End Class

If you want to create new instances of T (whatever it is) within your class, use the As New restriction in the generic definition:

	Class EntryManager(Of T As New)
	   Public Function BuildNewEntry() As T
	      ' ----- Create a new object.
	      Dim result As New T
	      Return result
	   End Function
	End Class

This works only if the data type replacing T includes a default constructor (that is, a constructor with no arguments).

Each data-type placeholder in the generic definition can include multiple constraints, all surrounded with curly braces:

	Class FunForms(Of T As {System.Windows.Forms.Form, New})

	End Class

The list of multiple restrictions can include multiple interfaces if needed, but only one standard class (such as System.Windows.Forms.Form) is permitted per placeholder.

Generics are useful when defining collection classes. Adding a generic restriction to a collection ensures that objects of only a single type can be added to the collection, a restriction that may be useful in some cases. For example, a Collection(Of String) allows only String values to be added to the collection.

See Also

Chapter 14 includes recipes that show you how to use specific generic collection classes.

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