4.6. Conclusion

As mentioned at the start of this chapter, this case study is almost entirely embedded in the Uncover Relationships stage of the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process (Exhibit 3.29). Alex and Alice take on the role of detectives, searching for clues. They use a number of the How-We-Do-It techniques described under Uncovering Relationships in Exhibit 3.30. Their exploration has been quite unstructured and oriented toward their personal learning and thinking styles, yet they have learned a great deal very quickly.

Using the dynamic visualization and dynamic linking capabilities available in JMP, Alex and Alice have discovered interesting relationships that have business value. JMP has facilitated data screening, exploration, and analysis. In a very short time, these two associates performed analyses that allowed them to define four major problem focus areas. Also, their visual displays made sense to management, lending credibility and strength to their recommendations.

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