
With the advent of ECMAscript 6, the usability of Node.JS has a great scope for future and has already been implemented today. The need of learning es6 syntactic sugar and inclusion of most of the cross-technology features inspires different technological communities to learn JavaScript.

The high performance and scalability of Node.js and open source NoSQL database solution called MongoDB cater to building fast, scalable network applications easily. This combination makes managing any form of data easy and ensures its delivery speed.

This book aims to provide different facets of web application development with Node.JS and MongoDB that is used to build an isomorphic server-side rendering web application. This books also guides us in creating a configurable Node.JS server using hapi.js and learning to develop a single-page frontend app using Angular 4.

This book will begin by introducing you to the groundwork needed to set up the development environment and a comparative study on how the new ECMAscript is different from the traditional JavaScript. Once the base is ready, we will quickly run through the steps necessary to get the main application server up and running and to learn the Node.JS core.

Further, we will move toward advanced coding techniques using controllers and ViewModels to generate reusable code that reduces development time. The development ends with learning proper testing concepts and how to automate them for reusability and maintainability.

By the end of the book, you will be connected with JavaScript ecosystem and will go through the trendy JavaScript frontend and backend frameworks.

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