Testing everything out so far

At this point, we have most of the key functionalities wrapped with MongoDB integration, and our app should really feel like it's coming together. Let's give it a test run and make sure all of our endpoints are working so far. Launch the app and open it in a browser:

    $ node server.js
    Server up: http://localhost:3300
    Mongoose connected.

Open up a browser, point it to http://localhost:3300, and you should see your application up and running, as shown in the following screenshot:

Go ahead and use the form on the home page to search for an image file on your computer and select it. Provide an input for Title and Description and click on the Upload Image button. You should be taken directly to the image page, with the details for your uploaded image displayed:

Go back to the home page, and you should now see your new image displayed under the Newest Images section:

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