Consuming an API endpoint using request

Let's do a neat trick and actually consume our own endpoint as if it was some third-party external API. First, we need to ensure we have request installed and can include it in our app:

    $ npm install --save request

Next, edit server.js and make sure you include request as a required module
at the start of the file:

const express = require('express'), 
    bodyParser = require('body-parser'), 
    _ = require('underscore'), 
    json = require('./movies.json'), 
    app = express(), 
    request = require('request'); 

Now, let's add a new endpoint after our existing routes, which will be an endpoint accessible in our server via a GET request to /external-api. This endpoint, however, will actually consume another endpoint on another server, but for the purposes of this example, the other server is actually the same server we're currently running!

The request module accepts an options object with a number of different parameters and settings, but for this particular example, we only care about a few. We're going to pass an object that has a setting for the URL of the endpoint we want to consume. After the request is made and a response is received, we want an inline callback function to execute.

Place the following block of code after your existing list of routes in server.js:

router.get('/external-api', (req, res)=>{ 
            uri: `http://localhost:${(process.env.PORT || 3500)}` 
        }, (error, response, body)=>{ 
            if (error) { throw error; } 
            var movies = []; 
            _.each(JSON.parse(body), (elem, index)=>{ 
                    Title: elem.Title, 
                    Rating: elem.Rating 
            res.json(_.sortBy(movies, 'Rating').reverse()); 

The callback function accepts three parameters: error, response, and body. The response object is like any other response that Express handles and has all of the various parameters as such. The third parameter, body, is what we're really interested in. That will contain the actual result of the request to the endpoint that we called. In this case, it is the JSON data from our main GET route we defined earlier that returns our own list of movies. It's important to note that the data returned from the request is returned as a string. We need to use JSON.parse to convert that string to actual, usable JSON data.

We manipulate the data that came back from request to suit our needs. In this example, we took the master list of movies and just returned a new collection that consists of only the Title and Rating of each movie and sorts the results by the top scores.
Load this new endpoint by pointing your browser to http://localhost:3500/external-api, and you can see the newly transformed JSON output to the screen.

Let's take a look at another example that's a little more real-world. Let's say that we want to display a list of similar movies for each one in our collection, but we want to look up that data somewhere, such as on Here is the sample code that will send a GET request to IMDB's JSON API, specifically for the word aliens, and returns a list of related movies by the Title and Year. Go ahead and place this block of code after the previous route for external-api:

router.get('/imdb', (req, res)=>{ 
            uri: '' 
        }, (err, response, body)=>{ 
            let data = body.substring(body.indexOf('(')+1); 
            data = JSON.parse(data.substring(0,data.length-1)); 
            let related = []; 
            _.each(data.d, (movie, index)=>{ 
                    Title: movie.l, 
                    Year: movie.y, 
                    Poster: movie.i ? movie.i[0] : '' 

If we take a look at this new endpoint in a browser, we can see that the JSON data that's returned from our /imdb endpoint is actually retrieving and returning data from some other API endpoint itself:

The JSON endpoint I am using for IMDB isn't actually from their API, but rather what they use on their home page when you type in the main Search box. This would not really be the most appropriate way to use their data, but it's more of a hack to show this example. In reality, to use their API (like most other APIs), you would need to register and get an API key that you would use so that they could properly track how much data you were requesting on a daily or hourly basis. Most APIs will require you to use a private key with them for this reason.
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