Chapter 6

The Seven Life-Altering Principles (The S.L.A.P.)

The past is gone, the future yet unborn.

But right here and now is where it all goes on.

—Beastie Boys

Your power to influence yourself will always be enormously greater than your power to influence others. Even though it may seem like it at times, the world is not out to get you…nor does it revolve around you. However, if you allow yourself to become complacent, you'll end up somewhere you didn't intend to go.

Spending time complaining while you behave in ways that don't serve you well is self-destructive. Creating positive change in your life starts with making thoughtful decisions about your actions.

How different would your life be if you established guidelines for your actions that reflected your true nature? How powerful would you feel knowing you're focused on living your optimal life?

Can you picture yourself with this type of power and confidence? Can you imagine pursuing your life's objectives without fear of self-sabotage?

You can do all this, and more, by learning The Seven Life-Altering Principles and making them a part of who you are.

Realize Permanent, Positive Change

It's a scientific fact that we can undergo harmful genetic transformations—for example, debilitating mutation caused by exposure to toxic substances. But positive, permanent change is also possible. By harnessing the strength of your mind, you can overpower the genetic limitations of your physical body, and the damage caused by emotional and physical trauma.

A 2009 study at McGill University found that methylation—that is, genetic mutation brought on by negative stressors such as neglect or abuse—can be reversed by proactive measures, such as a positive environment coupled with psychotherapy. The latter combination has been shown to produce positive chemical changes in the brain.

The Seven Life-Altering Principles are designed to create a similar effect. By embracing them, you can reclaim the person you were born to be.

Entering Uncharted Territory

Reading What Is Your WHAT? from cover to cover in an uninterrupted fashion should never be your goal. It's not unusual for someone to spend a few days exploring a single principle. Many of the principles may lead you into unfamiliar, emotionally difficult territory. If this happens, don't be afraid.

Taking on new emotions, interactions, and activities that lead you into an uncomfortable state of being should be received with an open heart. Entering what you may perceive to be dangerous territory is really your mind and emotions expanding into unexplored lands. When you feel discomfort, acknowledge it, say “thank you,” and proceed on your journey. Remain committed to evicting the limiting boundaries you've unconsciously put into place and move proactively towards becoming a new you.

Are you familiar with the saying “Wherever you go, there you are?” While it has been quoted by many, it actually dates back to the year 1441, when Thomas à Kempis wrote, “Wherever you go, you are burdened with yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.”

To live the extraordinary life you deserve, you must commit to realizing positive, permanent change. You simply cannot run from who you are.

You can, however, become exactly who you want to be. The choice is yours…and the world awaits.

The Seven Life-Altering Principles—Takeaways
  • Your power to influence yourself will always be enormously greater than your power to influence others.
  • You can heal emotional and physical trauma.
  • Be willing to put yourself in a state of emotional discomfort to move beyond your perceived limitations.
  • Wherever you go, there you are.

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