We Can Do It—How We Really
Can Get Big Money Out of Politics

Thanks for reading When Money Talks! I know you agree that getting big money out of politics is vital to save our democracy. But even after reading this book and learning about how Americans have overturned misguided Supreme Court rulings in the past, you may be wondering if it’s really possible to overturn Citizens United and establish that unlimited campaign spending isn’t free speech. Cynics will tell you it can’t be done while opponents will warn that free speech would grind to a halt if it happened. I’ve created an additional e-book with three bonus chapters to address these issues. You can download these chapters for free at:


Here’s what you’ll find:

Bonus Chapter A

We’ve Done it Before—How Legislators and Voters have Limited Money in Politics

This chapter reveals that, despite what you might think, Americans have been remarkably successful over our history in forcing Congress and the states to enact some very tough rules against big money in politics. The problem has been that these laws have not been enforced, in large part due to the courts.

Bonus Chapter B

Myths and Red Herrings—Faulty Arguments of the Big Money Believers

This chapter examines the supposed virtues that supporters of big money claim huge campaign spending has for democracy and details why they are wrong. It’s a handy reference guide to prep for that conversation you’ll have over Thanksgiving dinner or at a Starbucks with those rare folks who actually defend the Citizens United ruling.

Bonus Chapter C

The Real Threats to Free Speech—How Government Stifles Regular People While Letting Billionaires Shout

Money is not free speech and the Roberts Court is wrong to pretend otherwise. The debate over money in politics risks overshadowing what we mean by “free” speech in the first place. This chapter explores the challenges that ordinary people face in speaking their mind and the lack of support the courts are giving us.

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