

Abbott Nutrition, 271, 274

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), 180–182, 262–263, 271–276, 273, 274

acne, 8

activism, 165–167

addictive foods, 165

advertisements, 155–156, 188, 193–194, 207–208, 211, 235, 237, 242–246

aflatoxin (AF), 61–64, 89–92, 101–103, 128–130, 133–134, 258–261, 286–287

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 255

Age of Genetics, 110, 117

aging, 9, 154

agricultural policies, 183, 193

agriculture, 81–82, 169

air, carcinogens and, 132, 137, 165–166

alternative health, 150

American Cancer Society (ACS), 180–182, 188, 205, 240, 241–242, 262–263, 264–269

American Diabetes Association, 205

American Egg Board, 277

American Heart Association, 205

American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), 240, 268, 277

The American Journal of Cardiology, 232

American Medical Association, 248

American Society for Nutrition (ASN), 262, 276–278

Ames, Bruce, 136–137

Ames assay, 136–137

Amgen, 265

amino acids, 64, 99, 113–114, 118, 157

analogs, 157

anchovies, 159

anecdotal evidence, 20

Angell, Marcia, 233

angina, 18

Anhang, Jeff, 168

animal cruelty, 167, 170–172

animal products. See also dairy; meat

    avoidance of, 7

    cancer and, 30–34, 101, 130, 136, 143, 234–235, 288

    diet choices and, 85

    diet of, 129

    environmental problems and, 166

    enzyme activity and, 101–104

    fossil fuels and, 166

    global warming and, 167–168

    harm of, 29–34

    land and water resources and, 166

    minimum daily requirements and consumption of, 253

    muscle mass and, 81

    production of, 189

    studies on, 234

    value of, 286

    world hunger and production of, 173

animal research, 170

animal testing, 170–172

antihypertensive drugs, 143, 235

antioxidants, 10, 69–70, 152–154, 160–161

anti-privacy scenarios, 6

ApoCell, Inc., 244

appetite-suppressant shakes, 191

apple pesticides, 131

apples, 151–155

aquifer depletion, 166

Aramark, 271, 274

Archer Daniels Midlands (ADM), 246

Aristotle, 119

arthritis, 20, 159

artificial colors and flavors, 13, 31

asbestos, 133

Asimov, Isaac, 125

Aspergillus flavus. See aflatoxin (AF)

Astor, John Jacob, 19

AstraZeneca, 265, 278

Atkins Diet, 59, 235–236, 255

Aurora Diagnostics, LLC, 244

autism, 249


bacon, 194

bacterial infections, 148

bagels, 194

beans and legumes, 7, 70


    water used to produce, 166, 169

beef industry, 268–269

Benyus, Janine, 81

benzene, 133, 134, 144

beta-carotene, 69–70, 158–161, 287

bias, 62–63, 168, 234, 238, 245–246

Big Bang, 76

Big Insurance, 248

Big Medicine, 248

Big Pharma, 203–209, 233–234, 248, 261

Big Promise, 108–109

Bike MS Project, 269

Bimbo Bakeries USA, 270

Binder, Gordon, 265

bioavailability, 68, 70

biochemistry, 78, 93–97, 114, 117, 184, 218–219, 223–225

biodegradable items, 165

biodiversity, 189

bioflavonoids, 153

biomarkers, 162–163, 259

biomimicry, 81–82

Biomimicry (Benyus), 81

bladder cancer, 133–134

bleeding, 126

blind men story, 45–46, 54, 57, 141–142, 146, 224–225

blood plasma, 72

blood sugar, 63

blood tests, 110

bodily systems, 106

body chemistry, 106

body fat, 84, 86

bones, 193, 253

Boone, Daniel, 19

bottled water, 131

boundaries, lack of, 55

Boyer, Jeanelle, 153

breakfast cereals, 119, 194

“breakthrough discoveries,” 15

breast cancer, 71, 80, 84–85, 240, 265–266, 278–280

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 266

Breast Health Awareness Program, 266

Bristol-Myers Squibb, 265

British Medical Journal, 234

Broder, Sam, 257

Bush, George W., 240


cadmium, 144

calcium, 65, 67, 69–70, 72, 188, 253, 267, 270

California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 110

calories, 67, 136, 253–254

Campbell, Tom, 12, 212


    animal protein and, 30–34, 101–103, 234–235

    bladder, 133–134

    breast, 71, 80, 84, 85, 240, 265, 266, 278–279, 279–280

    carcinogens and, 91–92, 133

    chemotherapy and, 35, 143, 144

    cholesterol and protections from, 39

    colon, 38

    colorectal, 267

    cure for, 109

    development of, 128–130, 129, 136

    diagnosis of, 198–199

    diet and, 119–120, 129–130, 199–203, 265

    formation of, 61–64, 62

    future, 104

    genes and, 126

    incidence of mortality from, 80

    liver, 30, 54, 61–64, 89–92, 104, 128–130, 258–261, 287

    lung, 76–77, 160, 240, 287

    lymphatic system, 199–204

    melanoma, 198–204

    mortality rates and, 240–241

    nutrient supplements and, 156

    nutritional effects and, 136, 137, 234–235

    oxidation and, 154

    powerlessness of, 197–198

    prevention of, 109, 154, 257

    prostate, 230, 240

    reducing the risk of, 131

    reductionism and, 135

    research of, 11, 201, 257, 265

    reversal of, 154, 257

    risk evaluation of, 132–135

    screenings for, 265

    smoking and, 120

    survival from, 199–200, 203

    treatment options of (See chemotherapy; radiotherapy)

    vitamin E supplements and, 157

    WFPB diet and, 8, 9

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 33

cancer minefield, 34–36

Cancer Research, 31, 232, 234–235

capitalism, 189, 216

carbohydrates, 7, 11, 64, 173, 194, 266, 289

carbon dioxide, 167–168

carcinogen bioassay program (CBP), 132–139


    aflatoxin (AF), 61–64, 89–92, 101–103, 128–130, 133–134, 258–261, 286–287

    animal protein, 21, 30–31, 39

    asbestos, 133

    benzene, 133, 134, 144

    cadmium, 144

    cancer occurance, 33

    chemicals and, 131

    cow’s milk protein, 136

    DDT (insecticide spray), 133

    dioxin, 31, 132, 133, 139

    exposure to, 131–132, 234

    formaldehyde, 133, 144

    lead, 144

    mercury, 144

    nitrosamines, 133

    PCBs, 133

    polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 133, 134

    testing for, 132

    volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 144

carcinogogenic misdirection, 135

car crashes, 109

cardiovascular disease

    nutrient supplements and, 156, 160

    omega-3s and, 159

    oxidation and, 154

    pharmaceuticals and, 208–209

    risk of, 16

    vitamin E supplements and, 157

    wholistic solution to, 191

carnivores, 82

carotenoids, 69–70

carrots, 65, 160, 237

car tires, 167

case-control studies, 83–86

casein, 37, 39, 62, 92, 136

cataracts, 157

catching a ball example, 73–74

catechin, 153

“Cattle Barons Ball,” 268

cattle ranchers, 182

cause and effect, 191

CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

cell phones, 131

cells, 93, 103–104, 114

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4, 249, 255

cereals. See breakfast cereals

Chase, Alston, 262

chemical reactions, 88, 95, 97–100


    in apples, 152–154

    detoxification of, 101

    environmental, 130–131

    evaluation for mutagenicy, 136–137

    foreign, 101, 105, 149

    genetic mutations and, 126–127, 133, 138

    native, 105

chemistry, body, 106

chemotherapy, 35, 143–144, 197, 199, 202–203

Chen, Junshi, 245–246

chickens, 171–172

childhood nutrition programs, 89

children, 138–139, 159, 169–170

chili peppers, 160

China, 38–39, 80–81, 227–229, 242, 258

China Study, 38, 87, 136, 152, 245, 257, 288

The China Study (Campbell), 12, 14, 20, 22, 34, 80, 129, 212, 242, 246, 286, 289

Chinese medicine, 19, 54, 222

chiropractors, 156

chloride, 72

chlorogenic acid, 153

chlorophyllin, 258–259

cholesterol, 16, 37–39, 101, 154, 188, 209, 253

chromosomes, 112

chronic diseases, 4–6, 8, 108–109, 121, 127

chronic fatigue syndrome, 147

chronic musculoskeletal pain, 147

chronic pain, 8

A Civil Action, 131

classification systems, 54, 167

Clinton, Bill, 12

clotting, 126

Coca-Cola, 266, 271, 274–275

codfish oil, 118

codons, 113

cohorts, 84

cold, 8

Collins, Francis, 116

colon cancer, 38

colorectal cancer, 267

The Complete Book of Running (Fixx), 109

Complete Genomics, 110

ConAgra Food Science Institute, 275

confined animal feeding operation (CAFO). See factory farms

conflicts of interest, 244

consumers, 183, 188

Cook, Martin, 201

cooking oils, 165

Copernicus, 27, 49

copper, 71, 72, 151

Cornell University, 21, 30–31, 61, 118, 136, 152, 166, 223, 245

coronary artery disease. See heart disease

Coro-Wise, 271

Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 232

corruption of research, 219–220

cosmetics, 131

cow manure, 172

cows. See livestock production

cranberries, 132

crops, 58, 169

CT scans, 108


daily minimum requirements, 59

dairy, 11, 13, 29, 31, 36, 89, 92, 171, 182, 188, 192–194, 253–254, 267, 270, 272, 275

da Vinci mode, 51–53

DDT (insecticide spray), 133

death, 5–6, 109, 114. See also mortality rates

deep-fried foods, 165

deforestation, 8, 165–166

Dentzer, Susan, 243, 246

deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA

depression, 84, 85, 86

De Revolutionibus, 27

detergents, 131


    coma from, 143

    genes and, 126

    omega-3s and, 159

    reductionism and, 63, 191

    type 2, 4, 8, 159–160

    vitamin E supplements and, 157

    WFPB diet and, 17

    wholistic solution to, 191

dialysis, 108

diet. See nutrition

dietary fat. See fat

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 211

dietary supplements, 85, 150, 153, 258. See also medicinal herbs; nutrient supplements

dieticians, 271–276

“dieting,” 25

digestive systems, 82

Digest of the National Dairy Council, 267

dioxin, 31, 132, 139


    advocacy for, 278

    cause of, 126–127, 147–148

    eating plant-based foods to reduce, 182

    elimination of, 117

    management of, 140, 149

    mutagen-initiated, 136–137

    nature vs. nurture and, 119–121

    plague of, 108

    prevention of, 24

    rate of, 79

    risk of, 80, 116, 234

    study of, 78

    susceptibility of, 116

    taxonomy of, 146–147

disease-care system, 4–6, 140, 141–146, 149, 190

Disraeli, Benjamin, 214

DNA, 99, 102, 104, 107, 110, 111–115, 258–259. See also genes

dogma, 56–57

Doll, Richard, 119

Douglass, James W., 26

drought, 169

drug responsiveness, 114

drugs. See also prescription drugs

    dosages of, 145–146

    money and, 216–217

    regulations of, 210

    relying on unnatural, 144–146

    side effects of, 145

    synthetic, 149

    treating specific ailments iwth, 144

    trials, 83, 87

“During Breast Cancer Awareness Month We Must Not Only Celebrate Our Success but Also Understand Our Limitations,” 279–280


early humans, 81

eating habits, 84

Editorial Review Board, 33

education level, 86

eggs, 171–172, 194, 275

Einstein, Albert, 140, 231

electrolytes, 106

elephant story. See blind men story

Elliott, William L., 93

encephalomalacia, 286

energy, 93, 98

energy-efficient light bulbs, 165

Engel, Charlie, 89

environmentalism, 165–167, 209

environmental mutagens, 130–131, 148

environmental stimuli, 126

environmental toxins, 31, 132, 134, 265


    chemical reactions and, 98

    cyclic ADP ribose hydrolase, 99

    function of, 54–55, 70–71, 88

    homeostasis and, 106

    metabolism and, 97–100

    mixed function oxidase (MFO), 88, 91–92, 91–92, 100–105, 101, 102, 103, 145, 287–288

    nutrients and, 100

    nutrition and, 92

    reactions, 99

epidemiology, 79, 86–87, 147

epigenics, 225

epoxides, 102, 105

Epstein, Samuel, 265, 266

erectile dysfunction, 8

Erin Brockovich, 131

Esselstyn, Caldwell, Jr., 18, 22–23, 236

evolution, 7, 127, 181

evolutionary biology, 82

Excalibur Donor roster, 265, 266

exercise, 84, 209


Facebook, 12–13, 173

factory farms, 8, 59, 170–173, 234

falsifiability, 56, 219–220

family farms, 172

farmland, 166

fasting, 235

fat, 7, 13, 37, 63, 71, 84, 86, 136, 254

fatalism, 238

fate, 137

fats, 64

fatty acids, 71, 150, 158–160

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 211–212

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 211

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 276

Federation Proceedings, 134, 136

Fels Institute, 31

female hysteria, 146–147

fertilizer, 169–170, 173

fiber, 151, 237–238

fibromyalgia, 147

fish consumption, 159, 266

fish oil, 63, 159

Fixx, Jim, 109

flies, 171

flour, 11, 13, 289

flu, 8, 126, 249


    active agents of, 148

    carcinogens and, 131, 132, 137

    choices, 6–7, 129

    deep-fried, 165

    fortified, 194, 216

    groups, 59, 192–194

    intake of, 79

    policy, 58

    portion sizes of, 266

    regulations of, 210

    systems of, 59

Food Additive Amendment, 132

Food and Drug Act, 132

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 18, 59, 65–66, 90–91, 206–207, 211, 258

Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences (FNB), 254

food labels, 65, 266

food packaging, 59, 60–61, 65, 252

food pyramid, 59, 245, 254

forests, 189

formaldehyde, 133, 144

for-profit research, 225, 229–230

fortified foods, 194, 216

fossil fuels, 166

fraud, 28

free markets, 189, 216, 225

free radicals, 9, 10, 160

free will, 76

french fries, 165

frequently asked questions, 10–11

fruits, 7, 58, 59, 84, 270

Fuller, Thomas, 3

funding for medical research, 217–230, 262–281


Galileo, 49

garbage, 167

Garner, Colin, 102

Genentech, 265

General Mills, 271, 277

General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition, 275

General Motors, 252

genes. See also DNA

    damage to, 128

    disease and, 126

    expression of, 112, 114, 122–123

    faulty, 122

    health and, 126

    mutations of, 63, 126–127, 130, 148

    nutrition vs., 121–124

gene sequencing, 110

gene therapy, 182

genetic determinism, 122

genetic predispositons, 84

genetic research, 6, 36, 61–64, 108, 110–115, 118, 143, 189

George, David Lloyd, 75

Gerberding, Julie, 249

Gerson Institute, 199–200

Gilenya, 269

ginseng, 19–20

GlaxoSmithKline, 265

global warming, 8, 167–169

glucose-metabolism network of reactions, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97

gluten-free diets, 13

Gödel, Kurt, 51

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 107

Gofman, John, 21–22

Golden Corral restaurant, 270

Goldhamer, Alan, 235

Golub, Robert, 235–236

Goodland, Robert, 168

Google, 12–13, 54

Gore, Al, 167

“Got Milk?” campaign, 193–194

government-subsidized food service programs, 66–67

grain, 166

Grand Rounds lecture, 34

grants, 257

Great Lakes, 169

Greece, 49

greenhouse gases. See carbon dioxide; methane

green leafy vegetables, 156, 160

grocery stores, 13

groundwater contamination, 8, 166


happiness, 85

Hart, Ron, 136

Hawking, Stephen, 78

health, 25, 88, 109, 142–143, 279–281

health-care system. See also disease-care system

    access to, 84

    corruption of, 195

    cost of, 116

    crisis, 116–117

    debate, 250–252

    improvement of, 141

    nutrition and, 25

    profits and, 190–192

    reductionism and, 150–151

    reform of, 248–249

    understanding the, 182–190

health interventions, 17–22

health issues, 190, 191

health outcomes, 6

health policy, 248

health professionals, 248

health shops, 155

Healthy Eating, Healthy World, 167

heart attacks, 8–9, 109, 143, 191, 238

heart disease, 8, 18, 22–23, 80, 109, 126, 143, 157, 197, 230

hemophilia, 126

herbal compounds, 162

herbicides, 173

herbivores, 82

hereditary conditions, 147

herring, 159

Hershey Center for Health & Nutrition, 271

Hicks, J. Morris, 166

Higgs boson, 78

high blood pressure. See hypertension

high-dose to low-dose interpolation, 133

high-fructose corn syrup, 66, 182

HMO (health maintenance organization), 251–252

Hoffmann, Frederick, 267

holism, 48, 53

Hollywood, 192

homeostasis, 105–106

hormones, 101, 165

hospital food guidelines, 66

hospitalizations, 114

hot dogs, 31, 162

human anatomy, 52

human body, 68–69

human genome, 110, 114

Human Genome Program, 114, 116

humanism, 50

hydrolyzed collagen, 269

hygiene, 109

hypertension, 4, 143, 209, 235

hypochondria, 147

hysteria, 146–147


Ibargüen, Alberto, 244

ice cream, 162

ideal human diet, 7

Iger, Bob, 181

illnesses, 125, 197

immune system, 70–71, 200

income, 84

An Inconvenient Truth (Gore), 167

industrial agriculture, 173

industry, 168, 248–250

industry leaders, 182

infection, 108, 148

information cycle, 184, 214–215

ingredients, 64–67

injuries, traumatic, 142–143

instinctual food choices, 81

insulin usage, 8, 191

insurance, 203, 250–252

integrity of research, 219–221

intellectual property protections, 216

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), 146

intestinal distress, 8

in-utero chemical exposure, 138–139

iodine, 67

iron, 67, 69–72

“Is It Safe to Play Yet?”, 131

Italy, 245

It’s a Wonderful Life, 192


jaw shape, 82

Jefferson, Thomas, 196

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 244

Johns Hopkins University, 249, 258–261

Johnson, Lyndon, 207

Johnson & Johnson, 243

Jones, T. H., 88

journalists, 181–182, 236

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 5, 23, 232, 235–236, 255


Katz, Jonathan, 107

Kellogg, 271

Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture in Oklahoma, 169

Kraft Foods Global, Inc., 275

Krebs cycle, 93, 95

Kubena, Karen, 70

Kurzweil, Ray, 54


laboratory animals, 21, 89, 101–102, 118, 128–130, 133–134

Lake Huron, 169

laminated furniture, 131

land holders, 172

land resources, 166

lead, 144

Lehrer, Jim, 240, 244

lemon juice fasts, 85

Lichtenfeld, J. Leonard, 279–280

lifestyle, 83, 191, 209, 248–249

Light, Donald, 205–207

light bulbs, 165, 167

Linnaeus, Carl, 19

literal filters, 47

Liu, Rui Hai, 151–155, 221–222

liver cancer, 30, 54, 61–64, 89–92, 104, 128–130, 258–261, 287

livestock production, 166, 168–173. See also agriculture

lobbyists, 249, 250

local growers, 59

low carb diets, 13, 85, 173

low-fat diets, 235–236, 238, 255

lung cancer, 76–77, 160, 240, 287

lung disease, 157

lycopene, 61, 237

lymphatic system cancer, 199–203


Mackey, John, 234

macrobiotic diet, 59

macronutrients, 64

mad cow disease, 58

Magee, Peter, 31, 234–235

magnesium, 70, 71, 72, 151

makeup, 131

malnutrition, 8, 29, 72

maltitol powder, 269

mammography, 266

manganese, 70, 151

Manila Department of Health, 89

manufacturing plants, 90

marketplace, potential, 218–219

Mars, Incorporated, 271

Maslow, Abraham, 76

Massachussets Institute of Technology, 258

Maté Factor Cafe, 285

Mavko, Kay, 272, 274

McCay, Clive, 117

McDonalds, 17, 83, 266

McDougall, John, 236

McGill Faculty of Medicine, 34

McMurray, David, 70

McNeil Nutritionals, 271

meal-replacement shakes, 85

meaningful significance, 23–24

meat, 13, 165, 168, 182, 251, 266, 270. See also animal products

media, 6, 14–16, 130–131, 153, 155–157, 167, 181, 184, 187–188, 194, 231–246

medical errors, 254–256

medical industry, 197–203, 204

medical records standardization, 147

medical research, 217–218, 226–227

medical school training, 24

medical system, 146

Medicare, 255

medication, 114

medication errors, 5, 255

medicinal herbs, 19

melanoma, 198–204

mental filters, 47

Merck, 265, 278

mercury, 144, 159

“Metabolic Pathology,” 257

metabolism, 93, 95, 97–100, 106

metabolites, 93, 98, 101–103, 106

methane, 168

“The Microanatomic Location of Metastatic Melanoma in Sentinel Lymph Nodes Predicts Nonsentinel Lymph Node Involvement,” 200

microwave ovens, 131

migraines, 8, 20

military, 193

milk. See dairy

milk proteins. See casein

Miller, Jim and Betty, 102

minerals, 64, 67, 68–69, 70, 212

mineral supplements, 150

minimum daily requirement (MDR), 253

misinterpretation by omission, 240–242, 244–246

mixed function oxidase (MFO), 88, 91–92, 100–105, 101, 102,103, 145, 287–288

modern medicine, 108, 150

modern science, 54–55, 56–57

molds, 138

molecular genetics, 225

molybdenum, 71

mood, 84–85, 114

Morrison, Lester, 21–22

mortality rates, 4, 156, 158–159, 230

MRI scans, 108

Mulder, Gerardus, 31

multivitamins. See vitamins

muscle mass, 81

muscular dystrophy, 286

mutagen-initiated diseases, 136–137

myopic specialization, 223–225


National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 65–66, 119, 162, 205, 210, 254, 267

National Cancer Institute, 228, 241, 257

National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society: Criminal Indifference to Cancer Prevention and Conflicts of Interest (Epstein), 265

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 271

National Dairy Council, 268, 271

National Health Insititute, 90

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 256

National Human Genome Research Institute, 116

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 11, 24, 31, 205–206, 217–219, 227–228, 237, 240, 249, 256–261

National Mammography Day, 266

National Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Society), 262–263, 269–271

National Science Foundation, 218

National Toxicology Program (NTP), 136

Native Americans, 19

natural health community, 151

natural-living expos, 155

“natural medicine” community, 155

Nature, 153, 219, 232

nature vs. nurture, 119–122

Nelson, Anna Spangler, 244

Nestle HealthCare Nutrition, 275

neutraceutical industry, 210–212, 269

New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 232, 234, 235

Newsweek, 242–244, 246

New World Encyclopedia, 100

New York Times, 110, 131, 245

niacin, 151

NIMBY (not in my backyard), 131

nitrates, 31, 169–170

nitrogen, 253

nitrosamines, 133

nonprofit agencies, 193

Novartis, 265, 269

nuclear facilities, 165

nurture, nature vs., 119–122, 124

nutraceuticals, 150

nutrient composition, 37, 61, 67–68, 70

nutrient consumption, 33, 69–70

nutrient micromanagement, 155

nutrients, 64

    deficiencies in, 67

    enzymes and, 100

    human body’s utilization of, 68–69

    interactions between, 70–71, 95, 97

    mega-doses of, 71

    path of, 93

nutrient supplements, 67, 85, 155–163, 210–212

nutrition, 83, 243, 251, 270

    beliefs in, 59

    biochemical basis of, 93–97

    cancer development and, 136, 137, 234–235

    complexity of, 155

    decline of the age of, 117–119

    definition of, 60

    disease management vs., 149

    disease prevention and, 149

    disease treatment and prevention and, 24, 119–120

    enzymes and, 92

    genes vs., 121–124

    homeostasis and, 106

    ideal, 7

    improving health with, 248–249

    inputs of, 123

    poor, 149

    prevention of disease and, 130, 135

    reversal study on heart disease and, 22–23

    science of, 60–64

    study of, 117, 204, 218–219

    technical approach to, 216

    wholism and, 152–153

nutritional database, 66–67, 252

nutritional determinism, 122–123

nutritional genomics, 225

nutritional labels, 59, 247

nutritional science, 60–64, 86–87, 221–222

nutritional therapy, 35

“Nutrition and Cancer,” 257

nuts and seeds, 7, 159


oatmeal, 237–238

Obama, Barack, 248

obesity, 63, 84, 85, 182

odds of winning statistics, 121

Office of Technology Assessment, 119–120

Ogallala Aquifer, 169

Ohio Board of Dietetics, 272

oil, 7, 11, 289

omega-3 fats, 150, 158–161, 191, 212

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 192

online petitions, 173, 248

oranges, 151

organizational funding, 264–281

organ transplants, 108

Ornish, Dean, 22, 235–236

osteoporosis, 188, 253

Oxford English Dictionary, 60

oxidation, 9–10, 154


p53, 259

Paleo Diet, 59

palm kernel oil, 269

Panax. See ginseng

particle physics, 78

patents, 216

pathology, 137–138

PBS, 239–242, 244–246

PBS NewsHour, 240–242, 244–246

PCBs, 133, 159

peaches, 69

peanut fungus, 61–64, 90, 141


    liver cancer and, 89–91

    shelled, 90

peer-reviewed journals, 16, 31, 200, 220–222, 233–234

PepsiCo, 244, 271, 275

personal responsibility, 279–281

pesticides, 131, 171

Peto, Richard, 119

pH, 82, 106

pharmaceuticals. See prescription drugs

pharmaceuticals industry, 203–209, 217–218

Philippines, 30, 89, 90, 92

philosophy, 79

phlorizin, 153

phosphorus, 70, 151

physical activity, 114

physics, 78

physiology, 82

pigs, 172

Pimentel, David, 166

placebos, 83

plant-based foods

    animal cruelty as reasoning to eat, 148–149, 170, 174

    embracing, 182, 270, 286, 289

    Eunutria example, 7

    land and water resources and, 166

    reasoning for, 9–10, 80

    study of, 272

    world hunger as reasoning to eat, 174

plant oils, 71

plant protein, fossil fuels and, 166

plants, healing effects of, 144–145

plastic cups and bottles, 131

plastic shopping bags, 165

policy makers, 130, 167, 181, 183, 184, 188, 194, 248–250

pollution laws, 183

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 133, 134

polymath, 52

polypills, 208–209

polyunsaturated fats, 71, 157

Popper, Karl, 38

Popper, Pamela, 272–274

popular culture, 194

popular foods, 89

posture, 82

potassium, 70, 72, 151

potatoes, 166

Potter, Henry F., 192

poultry feed, 132

Powell, Earl W., 244

Powell Gene Therapy Center, 244

power, subtle, 192–195, 246

power lines, 131

praying, 280

prebiotics, 150, 212

pregnancy, 159, 169–170

Prescription Drug Advertising Guidelines, 207–208

prescription drugs, 5–6, 16, 18, 24, 114, 150–151

preservatives, 13

primates, 81

prisons, 193

Pritikin, Nathan, 22

probiotics, 150, 212

processed foods, 7, 11, 13, 81–82, 85, 165, 182, 187, 209, 234, 269–270, 275

profit-distorted information cycle, 186–187, 192–195, 196

propaganda, 236

prostate cancer, 230, 239

protein. See also animal products

    amino acids and, 114, 118

    blood tests and, 72

    calories from, 9–10

    cancer and, 92, 101–103

    chemical reactions and, 71

    deficiency of, 29, 67

    diet and, 7

    DNA expression into active, 113

    enzymes, 98

    harm of, 30–34

    minimum daily requirements and, 253

    mixed function oxidase (MFO) and, 92

    muscle and bone growth and, 118

    peanuts and, 89–90

    quality of, 92

    recommended daily intake of, 254–256

    studies of, 136

    subtle power and, 194

Proxmire, William, 210–211

Ptolemaic astronomy, 49

public education, 183

public insurance, 248

public nutrition, 66

public service announcements, 209

pumpkin, 160

Pure Protein, 269


quantum theory, 78

quercetin, 153


“race for the cure,” 3–4

radiotherapy, 35, 197, 199, 266

radon, 131

rainforests, 173

rainwater, 169

Ranexa, 18, 23

Ratched, Nurse, 192

reactivity, 141, 142–143

recommended daily allowances (RDAs), 59,66

recommended daily intakes (RDIs), 66–67, 252–253, 257

reductionism. See also food packaging; nutrient supplements cancer research and, 135

    complexity of, 106

    dietary supplements and, 151

    environmental toxins and, 132–133

    funding for research and, 221–222

    genetic research and, 114, 118

    history of, 48–50

    inadequacy of, 88

    intellectual cost of victory of, 56–57

    limitations to, 285–286

    media and, 236–240

    medical industry and, 197

    nutritional science and, 59, 60–64

    paradigm, 288

    pointlessness of, 71–73

    problems with, 67–71, 173–174

    profits and, 190–192, 288

    quantum theory and, 78

    science and causality, 76–78

    studies promoting pharmaceuticals and, 234

    study evidence of, 82–86

    in the supermarket and the home, 64–67

    treatments and, 144

    underlying pathologies and, 147

    understanding the universe and, 50–51

    unpredictability and, 109

    vs. genetics, 111

    wholism vs., 47–48

refrigeration, 81–82

research and development (R&D), 205

research funding, 194, 217–230

research journals, 232–236

Research Triangle Park (NC), 136

respirators, 108

restaurant critics, 58

restaurants, 13

retrocasuality, 78

rheumatoid arthritis, 159

riboflavin, 151, 253

ribonucleic acid. See RNA

river cleanup projects, 165

RNA, 112–115

Rohn, Jim, 67


saccharin, 133–134

salt, 7, 11, 289

Sanofi pharmaceutical company, 249

Sara Lee, 270

sardines, 159, 237

saturated fat, 37

Saturday Evening Post, 245

school lunch programs, 66, 182, 183, 192–194, 247, 254, 257, 272

science, impoverishment of, 215–217

scientific elitism, 225

scientific method, 26–29, 215

scientific paradigm, 27–29, 32, 37, 40, 46

scientific research, 183

“Scientists Behaving Badly,” 219

scurvy, 67

seat belt enforcement, 183

Seattle, Chief, 164, 165–166

selenium, 67, 70, 71, 157

serum cholesterol, 154

Shaffer, Beth, 272

shampoo, 131

side effects, 142

Simon, Paul, 27

skin cancer. See melanoma

Smarr, Larry, 110

smiling, 85

Smith, Richard, 234, 243

smoking, 76, 77, 120, 160, 209, 251, 264, 265–266

Smuts, Jan, 53

social ostracism, 278

social policy, 164

socioeconomic standing, 86

Socrates, 247

Sodexo, 274

sodium, 70, 72

soft drinks, 251, 266, 272

soil loss, 166, 173

solar energy, 165

Solving America’s Healthcare Crisis (Popper), 272

sorbitol, 269

Soyjoy, 271

“Special Edition on the Future of Medicine,” 242–244

species-to-species extrapolation, 134

Stamps, E, Roe, IV, 244

Standard American Diet (SAD), 13, 143, 192, 245

Starfield, Barbara, 5

Star Wars, 192

statin drugs, 188

Statistical significance, 23–24

Steinern, Gloria, 58

stents, 143

Stoloff, Len, 258

stomach stapling, 191

stroke, 8, 9, 80, 143

study design, funding influences and, 218–219

subatomic particles, 78

Subcommittee on Alternative and Complementary Methods of Cancer Management, 267

subsidized foods, 193

subsistence-farming, 174

substrates, 98, 100, 106

sucralose, 269

sugar, 7, 11, 13, 182, 289

suicide, 38

“Summer Bun Program,” 270

Summit Group, 244

sunlight, 131, 138

supermarkets, 58–59, 64–67

superstition, 145

surgery, 24, 35, 189, 192, 197, 217, 255

symptoms, treating, 141–142, 143, 149, 191

Sysco, 274


tabula rasa, 119

Talmud, 45

tamoxifen, 278–279

taste buds, 11

taxpayer dollars, 162, 188, 205, 206–207, 260

t-bone steaks, 89

techno-biology, 216

technology, 82, 107, 110, 215–216

Technology, 215

teeth, 193, 253

teeth, shape and number of, 82

television, 236, 239–242

Temple University School of Medicine, 31

Texas A&M University, 70

theology, 49

thermostats, 167

Third World villagers, 67

Thomas, Lewis, 125

thrombolytic drugs, 18

tobacco, 76, 264, 265–266

tobacco companies, 76

tomatoes, 237

toxin exposure, 83, 84, 130–131, 165–166

traditional healers, 144

transportation, 168

traumatic injuries, 142–143

True North Health Center, 235

truth, goal of, 214

Truvia, 271

utna, 159

TV commercials, 6

twin studies, 130


underground water resources, 167, 169–170

Underwood, Ann, 242–243

Unilever, 271

Unilever/Best Foods, 266

United Nations, 166

United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization, 167–168

United Nations’ World Health Organization, 146

United States, 38–39, 90, 245

universities, research funding and, 217–218, 221–222

University of California, Berkeley, 136

University of Georgia, 117

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 205

University of Miami, 244

University of Oxford, 120, 245

University of Victoria, Canada, 205

university professors, 217

unpredictability, 109

U.S. auto industry, 252

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 66, 245, 254

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 255

U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, 245

U.S. Federal Trade Commission, 162

U.S. Government, 5–6, 13, 66, 115–116, 132, 181–182, 187, 193, 247–250, 289

U.S. National Cancer Institute, 35

U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, 266


USA Today, 245

US Foods, 275

uterus, misbehaving, 146–147


vaccines, 116, 249

Vader, Darth, 192

VA hospitals, 193

vegan diets, 11

vegetables, 7, 58, 59, 84, 251, 258–259, 270

vegetarian diets, 11, 194, 275

Venter, J, Craig, 116

victim blaming, 137

violence, 38

Virginia Tech, 30, 61, 89–91, 93, 95, 170

viruses, 131, 138, 148

visionary entrepreneurs, 182


    A, 70, 71, 72, 118, 151, 158, 160, 237

    B2, 151, 253

    B6, 151

    B12, 118

    C, 67, 68, 70, 71, 151, 152–153

    classification as food and, 212

    coining of the word, 118

    D, 67, 70

    deficiency of, 67

    E, 70, 151, 156–158, 161, 230

    human body’s utilization of, 68–69

    K, 151

    nutrient pairs and, 70

    reductionism and, 64–65

    supplements, 65, 85–86, 119, 150 (See also nutrient supplements)

volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 144

volunteering, 173


Wakefield Group, 244

Wallace, David Foster, 46

Wall Street Journal, 234

Warburton, Rebecca, 205–207

Warner, Margaret, 239

War on Cancer, 109, 130–132, 189, 237, 239–242, 278


    carcinogens and, 131, 137

    drinking, 193–194

    filters for, 131

    pollution of, 165–166, 169–170

    production of food and usage of, 166, 169

    resources of, 166

    underground resources of, 167, 169–170

WebMD website, 159

Webster’s Dictionary, 60

weight, 8, 191, 209

Weight Watchers Diet, 59, 68

well-being of humans, 215

Wells, H. G., 14

Wendy’s, 266

WFPB diet

    barriers to widespread adoption of the, 12–13, 14, 181

    criticisms of, 14–15

    description of, 11, 289

    effects of, 7–10

    health effects of, 20

    ingredients for, 13

    purity of diet and, 11

    scientific evidence for the, 12

    speed at which nutritional benefits appear and the, 17

wheat, 166

whole food concentrates, 150, 151, 212

whole foods, 211, 286

Whole Foods (store), 234

whole grains, 7

whole plant products, 85


    embracing, 286

    evidence for, 79–86

    free-markets and, 216–217

    nutrition and, 148–149

    reductionism vs., 47–48, 77, 86

    research and, 234

    vitamin C potency and, 152–153

    the “whole” in, 53–56

wine, 237

Women, Infants, and Children program, 254

Women Against MS, 270

World Bank, 168

World Bank Group, 168

World Cancer Research Fund, 241

World Congress of Nutrition, 33

World Health Organization, 146, 249

world hunger, 166, 167, 172–174, 189


yoga magazines, 155


Zerhouni, Elias, 249

zinc, 71

Zone diet, 68

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