Chapter 14. Leveraging Built-In Apps via Launchers and Choosers


In This Chapter

Image The internal workings of chooser event tombstoning

Image Providing directions using the built-in Maps app

Image Sending emails, SMS messages, and making calls

Image Sharing links on social networks

Image Launching the built-in Marketplace app

Image Launching the built-in web browser app

Image Launching the phone’s network settings pages

Image Playing local and remote media files

Image Capturing images

Image Sharing images with other devices via NFC

Image Saving ringtones

Image Retrieving the user’s contacts and appointments

Image Storing contacts in a segregated contact store

Image Saving an appointment

Image Data binding to ListBox.SelectedItems

Windows Phone apps execute within a sandbox and lack direct access to phone services such as email and messaging. Launchers and choosers allow your app to reach outside the sandbox in a safe and system-friendly way to give indirect access to a set of built-in system applications.

Launchers and choosers are fundamental to Windows Phone development. They enable users to perform common tasks in the same way across all apps, providing a consistent user experience.

This chapter begins by looking at the two types of tasks: launchers and choosers. It then explores the execution model of choosers, the internal workings of event subscriptions that span across application lifetimes. It then examines each launcher and chooser in detail.

Finally, the chapter examines how to programmatically retrieve contact and appointment information in a read-only manner.

Many launchers and choosers are presented in this chapter, so do not think that you need to absorb them all at once. You may want to skim over them, just to get a feel for what is on offer, and then refer back to this chapter when you are implementing a particular launcher or chooser in your app.

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