
About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer


images Chapter 1: Getting Started

About This Book

What Do You Need to Know Before You Read This Book?

What Software Do You Need for This Book?

What Is the Structure of This Book?

More About the Example Windows App

Is There a Lot of Code in This Book?

Getting Up and Running

Creating the Project

Exploring the App.xaml File

Exploring the MainPage.xaml File

Exploring the StandardStyles.xaml File

Exploring the Package.appxmanifest File

An Incredibly Brief XAML Overview

Using the Visual Studio Design Surface

Configuring Controls in XAML

Configuring Controls in Code

Running and Debugging a Windows App

Running a Windows App in the Simulator


images Chapter 2: Data, Binding, and Pages

Adding a View Model

Adding the Main Layout

Writing the Code

Adding a Resource Dictionary

Writing the XAML

Running the App

Inserting Other Pages into the Layout

Dynamically Inserting Pages into the Layout

Switching Between Pages

Implementing the Embedded Page


images Chapter 3: AppBars, Flyouts, and Navigation

Adding an AppBar

Declaring the AppBar

Adapting Predefined AppBar Buttons

Creating Custom AppBar Button Styles

Implementing AppBar Button Actions

Creating Flyouts

Creating the User Control

Writing the User Control Code

Adding the Flyout to the App

Creating a More Complex Flyout

Navigating Within a Windows App

Creating the Wrapper

Creating the Other View

Testing the Navigation


images Chapter 4: Views and Tiles

Supporting Views

Responding to View Changes in Code

Responding to View Changes in XAML

Breaking Out of the Snapped View

Using Tiles and Badges

Improving Static Tiles

Creating Live Tiles

Updating Wide Tiles

Applying Badges


images Chapter 5: App Life Cycle and Contracts

Dealing with the App Life Cycle

Correcting the Visual Studio Event Code

Simulating the Life-Cycle Events

Testing the Life-Cycle Events

Adding a Background Activity

Extending the View Model

Displaying the Location Data

Declaring the App Capabilities

Controlling the Background Task

Implementing a Contract

Declaring Support for the Contract

Implementing the Search Feature

Responding to the Search Life-Cycle Event

Testing the Search Contract



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