Chapter 11

Automatic Updates as Security


Using automatic updates

Activating automatic updates

Configuring updates

Using Data Execution Protection (DEP)

Internet security is a never-ending cat-and-mouse game between the security experts and the hackers who seem to have endless amounts of time to search for new ways to exploit the basic programmability of PCs. It seems that every time the good guys find a way to patch some security hole the bad guys have learned to exploit, the bad guys find two more holes to exploit.

Windows 8 is certainly the most secure Windows version ever, by a long shot. But there is no such thing as a 100-percent secure computer because people can always find a way to take something good and turn it into something bad. So in addition to the security features discussed in the preceding chapters, you need to keep your computer up-to-date with security patches as they become available. That’s what Windows Update and this chapter are all about.

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