

Image A, B

Animation and visual state, 71

easing, 75

functions, 76

key frame, 75

options, 77

from-to, 71

DoubleAnimation, 71, 72

TargetName, 72

key-frame, 72

CompositeTransform, 75

design, 7374

easing, 74

record, 73

storyboard, 73

view state, 76

easing options, 77

off record, 78

PointerOver, 7879

run, 7879

size setting, 78

visual state manager, 79

ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush, 3

Image C

Controls, XAML, 37

contents, 37, 43

action, toggle switch, 45

add checkbox, 44

adding items, 4647

AppBar, 4750

button images, 4849

canvas, shapes, 52

CheckBox, 44

child member, 57

class, AppBar, 4950

collecting items, 47

collection, FlipView, 55

ellipse and rectangle, 5152

event handler, 50

FlipView, 5455

GridView, 4647

image, 54

IsActive, ProgressRing, 59

ListView, 4647

ListView element, 46

MediaElement, 5556

path, 5253

path canvas, 53

popup, 5657

Popup.IsOpen, 57

presentation, 5360

ProgressBar, 5758

ProgressRing, 59

property, 43

Push me!, 43

RadioButton, 4546

shapes, 5153

slider, 5354

text and checkbox, 44

TextBlock, 50

TextBlock, slider, 54

ToggleSwitch, 45

ToolTipService, 60

selection, 41

button, 41

event handler, button, 42

HyperlinkButton, 41

ToggleButton, 42

TextControls, 37

await key, 40

file picker, 40

in a button, 38

LostFocus event, 39

PasswordBox, 3839

reveal button, 38

RichEditBox, 3941

rich text, 39

.rtf form, 41

Image D-O

Data binding, 17

and data conversion, 23

IValueConverter, 23

Page.Resource, 2324

and INotifyPropertyChanged, 19

class implement, 2021

event handler, 21

implement, 19

simulation, 20

modes, 19

ProcessRing, 22

to lists, 24

ComboBox, 26

data source, 24

DataTemplate, 25

ItemTemplate, 26

to objects, 17

class properties, 18

DataContext, 1819

POCO, 18

TextBlocks, 17

to other elements, 22

Image P, Q, R

Panels, 27

abstract base class, 27

border, 35

class hierarchy, 27

canvas, 28

elements, 28

objects, 2829

overlaped objects, 29

properties, 28

rectangles, object, 30

ZIndex property, 2930

grid, 31

adding objects, 3233

define, 31

output, 33

placing objects, 33

row definition, 32

size, 31

start sizing, 31

stack, 30

items, 3031

orientation, 31

WrapGrid, 34

ItemsPanel, 34

output, 35

Image S

Styles, 61

attributes, 61

define, 62

implicit, 6364

new styles, 6263

resources, 61

Image T, U, V, W

Templates, 61, 64

empty, 6465

new, 6667

new buttons, 6768

option selection, 67

scope setting, 6566

setting size, 66

text change, 69

Image X, Y, Z


programming, 1

auto sizing, 9

class name, 9

improved grid, 11

code declaration, 7

event handling, 67

example, 4

first application, 14

forms, stack, 4

grid, 3

grid dimensions, 7

layout improvement, 711

layout sizing, 8

methods, event handling, 6

namespace telerik, 3

parameter, event, 7

results and ratios, 8

RoutedEventArgs, 7

row and column, grid, 911

solution explorer, 2

stack panel, 46

TextBlock element, 34

text property, 6

Visual studio project, 2

XML namespaces, 3

properties and controls, 14

attributes, 1415

excerpt for TextBlock, 15

grid, 14

toolbox property, 15

Windows 8 and layout, 11

alignment, 13

conventions, 1314

font sizes, 13

gridlines, 14

HorizontalAlignment, 13

margin setting, 12

padding, 1213

position and size, 1112

size allocation, 12

space availability, 12

VerticalAlignment, 13

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