
The animal on the cover of Windows PowerShell Cookbook, Second Edition, is a box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina). This box turtle is native to North America, specifically northern parts of the United States and Mexico. The male turtle averages about six inches long and has red eyes; the female is a bit smaller and has yellow eyes. This turtle is omnivorous as a youth but largely herbivorous as an adult. It has a domed shell that is hinged on the bottom and which snaps tightly shut if the turtle is in danger. Box turtles usually stay within the area in which they were born, rarely leaving a 750 foot radius. When mating, male turtles sometimes shove and push one another to win a female’s attention. During copulation, it is possible for the male turtle to fall backward, be unable to right himself, and starve to death.

Although box turtles can live for more than 100 years, their habitats are seriously threatened by land development and roads. Turtles need loose, moist soil in which to lay eggs and burrow during their long hibernation season. Experts strongly discourage taking turtles from their native habitats—not only will it disrupt the community’s breeding opportunities, but turtles become extremely stressed outside of their known habitats and may perish quickly.

The cover image is from Dover Pictorial Images. The cover font is Adobe ITC Garamond. The text font is Linotype Birka; the heading font is Adobe Myriad Condensed; and the code font is LucasFont’s TheSansMonoCondensed.

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