Chapter 10. Structured Files


In the world of text-only system administration, managing structured files is often a pain. For example, working with (or editing) an XML file means either loading it into an editor to modify by hand or writing a custom tool that can do that for you. Even worse, it may mean modifying the file as though it were plain text while hoping to not break the structure of the XML itself.

In that same world, working with a file in comma-separated values (CSV) format means going through the file yourself, splitting each line by the commas in it. It’s a seemingly great approach, until you find yourself faced with anything but the simplest of data.

Structure and structured files don’t come only from other programs, either. When writing scripts, one common goal is to save structured data so that you can use it later. In most scripting (and programming) languages, this requires that you design a data structure to hold that data, design a way to store and retrieve it from disk, and bring it back to a usable form when you want to work with it again.

Fortunately, working with XML, CSV, and even your own structured files becomes much easier with PowerShell at your side.

Access Information in an XML File


You want to work with and access information in an XML file.


Use PowerShell’s XML cast to convert the plain-text XML into a form that you can more easily work with. In this case, we use the RSS feed downloaded from the Windows PowerShell blog:

PS > $xml = [xml] (Get-Content powershell_blog.xml)


See Download a File from the Internet for an example of how to use PowerShell to download this file!

Like other rich objects, PowerShell displays the properties of the XML as you explore. These properties are child nodes and attributes in the XML, as shown by Example 10-1.

Example 10-1. Accessing properties of an XML document

PS > $xml
xml                     xml-stylesheet            rss
---                     --------------            ---

PS > $xml.rss

version : 2.0
dc      :
slash   :
wfw     :
channel : channel

If more than one node shares the same name (as in the item nodes of an RSS feed), then the property name represents a collection of nodes:

PS > ($

You can access those items individually, like you would normally work with an array, as shown in Example 10-2.

Example 10-2. Accessing individual items in an XML document

PS > ($[0]

title       : Windows Management Framework is here!
link        :
pubDate     : Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:25:13 GMT
guid        : guid
creator     : PowerShellTeam
comments    : {15,}
commentRss  :
comment     :
description : <p>Windows Management Framework, which includes Windows Power
              Shell 2.0, WinRM 2.0, and BITS 4.0, was officially released
              to the world this morning.

You can access properties of those elements the same way you would normally work with an object:

PS > ($[0].title
Windows Management Framework is here!

Since these are rich PowerShell objects, Example 10-3 demonstrates how you can use PowerShell’s advanced object-based cmdlets for further work, such as sorting and filtering.

Example 10-3. Sorting and filtering items in an XML document

PS > $ | Sort-Object title | Select-Object title

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Remoting for non-Admins
Select -ExpandProperty <PropertyName>
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Tonight is the Virtual Launch Party @ PowerScripting Podcast
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PowerShell’s native XML support provides an excellent way to easily navigate and access XML files. By exposing the XML hierarchy as properties, you can perform most tasks without having to resort to text-only processing or custom tools.

In fact, PowerShell’s support for interaction with XML goes beyond just presenting your data in an object-friendly way. The objects created by the [xml] cast in fact represent fully featured System.Xml.XmlDocument objects from the .NET Framework. Each property of the resulting objects represents a System.Xml.XmlElement object from the .NET Framework as well. The underlying objects provide a great deal of additional functionality that you can use to perform both common and complex tasks on XML files.

The underlying System.Xml.XmlDocument and System.Xml.XmlElement objects that support your XML also provide useful properties in their own right: Attributes, Name, OuterXml, and more.

PS > $xml.rss.Attributes



In PowerShell version one, PowerShell hid these underlying properties by default. To access them in PowerShell version one, use the PsBase property on any node. The PsBase property works on any object in PowerShell and represents the object underneath the PowerShell abstraction.

For more information about using the underlying .NET objects for more advanced tasks, see Perform an XPath Query Against XML and Modify Data in an XML File.

For more information about working with XML in PowerShell, see Table F-11 in Appendix F.

Perform an XPath Query Against XML


You want to perform an advanced query against an XML file, using XML’s standard XPath syntax.


Use PowerShell’s Select-Xml cmdlet to perform an XPath query against a file.

For example, to find all post titles shorter than 30 characters in an RSS feed:

PS > $query = "/rss/channel/item[string-length(title) < 30]/title"
PS > Select-Xml -XPath $query -Path .powershell_blog.xml | Select -Expand Node

Remoting for non-Admins


Although a language all its own, the XPath query syntax provides a powerful, XML-centric way to write advanced queries for XML files. The Select-Xml cmdlet lets you apply these concepts to files, XML nodes, or simply plain text.


The XPath queries supported by the Select-Xml cmdlet are a popular industry standard. Beware, though. Unlike those in the rest of PowerShell, these queries are case-sensitive!

The Select-Xml cmdlet generates a SelectXmlInfo object. This lets you chain separate XPath queries together. To retrieve the actual result of the selection, access the Node property.

PS > Get-Content page.html
        <TITLE>Welcome to my Website</TITLE>
PS > $content = [xml] (Get-Content page.html)
PS > $result = $content | Select-Xml "/HTML/HEAD" | Select-Xml "TITLE"
PS > $result

Node                     Path                     Pattern
----                     ----                     -------
TITLE                    InputStream              TITLE

PS > $result.Node

Welcome to my Website

This works even for content accessed through PowerShell’s XML support, as in this case, which uses the RSS feed downloaded from the Windows PowerShell blog:

PS > $xml = [xml] (Get-Content powershell_blog.xml)
PS > $xml | Select-Xml $query | Select -Expand Node

Remoting for non-Admins

If you are limited to PowerShell version one, you can use the SelectNodes() method on an XML result to perform the query. For example, to find all post titles shorter than 30 characters:

PS > $xml.SelectNodes($query)

Remoting for non-Admins

For simpler queries, you may find PowerShell’s object-based XML navigation concepts easier to work with. For more information about working with XML through PowerShell’s XML type, see Table F-11 in Appendix F. For more information about XPath syntax, see Appendix C.

Convert Objects to XML


You want to convert command output to XML for further processing or viewing.


Use PowerShell’s ConvertTo-Xml cmdlet to save the output of a command as XML:

$xml = Get-Process | ConvertTo-Xml

You can then use PowerShell’s XML support (XML navigation, Select-Xml, and more) to work with the content.


Although it is usually easiest to work with objects in their full fidelity, you may sometimes want to convert them to XML for further processing by other programs. The solution is the ConvertTo-Xml cmdlet.


PowerShell includes another similar-sounding cmdlet called Export-CliXml. Unlike the ConvertTo-Xml cmdlet, which is intended to produce useful output for humans and programs alike, the Export-CliXml cmdlet is designed for PowerShell-centric data interchange. For more information, see Easily Import and Export Your Structured Data.

The ConvertTo-Xml cmdlet gives you two main targets for this conversion. The default is an XML document, which is the same type of object created by the [xml] cast in PowerShell. This is also the format supported by the Select-Xml cmdlet, so you can pipe the output of ConvertTo-Xml directly into it.

PS > $xml = Get-Process | ConvertTo-Xml
PS > $xml | Select-Xml '//Property[@Name = "Name"]' | Select -Expand Node

Name                     Type                     #text
----                     ----                     -----
Name                     System.String            audiodg
Name                     System.String            csrss
Name                     System.String            dwm

The second format is a simple string, and it is suitable for redirection into a file. To save the XML into a file, use the -As parameter with String as the argument, and then use the file redirection operator:

Get-Process | ConvertTo-Xml -As String > c:	empprocesses.xml

If you already have an XML document that you obtained from ConvertTo-Xml or PowerShell’s [xml] cast, you can still save it into a file by calling its Save() method:

$xml = Get-Process | ConvertTo-Xml
$xml.Save("c:	empoutput.xml")

For more information on how to work with XML data in PowerShell, see Access Information in an XML File.

Modify Data in an XML File


You want to use PowerShell to modify the data in an XML file.


To modify data in an XML file, load the file into PowerShell’s XML data type, change the content you want, and then save the file back to disk. Example 10-4 demonstrates this approach.

Example 10-4. Modifying an XML file from PowerShell

PS > ## Store the filename
PS > $filename = (Get-Item phone.xml).FullName
PS >
PS > ## Get the content of the file, and load it
PS > ## as XML
PS > Get-Content $filename
  <Person contactType="Personal">
    <Phone type="home">555-1212</Phone>
    <Phone type="work">555-1213</Phone>
  <Person contactType="Business">
PS > $phoneBook = [xml] (Get-Content $filename)
PS >
PS > ## Get the part with data we want to change
PS > $person = $phoneBook.AddressBook.Person[0]
PS >
PS > ## Change the text part of the information,
PS > ## and the type (which was an attribute)
PS > $person.Phone[0]."#text" = "555-1214"
PS > $person.Phone[0].type = "mobile"
PS >
PS > ## Add a new phone entry
PS > $newNumber = [xml] '<Phone type="home">555-1215</Phone>'
PS > $newNode = $phoneBook.ImportNode($newNumber.Phone, $true)
PS > [void] $person.AppendChild($newNode)
PS >
PS > ## Save the file to disk
PS > $phoneBook.Save($filename)
PS > Get-Content $filename
  <Person contactType="Personal">
    <Phone type="mobile">555-1214</Phone>
    <Phone type="work">555-1213</Phone>
    <Phone type="home">555-1215</Phone>
  <Person contactType="Business">


In the preceding solution, you change Lee’s phone number (which was the “text” portion of the XML’s original first Phone node) from 555-1212 to 555-1214. You also change the type of the phone number (which was an attribute of the Phone node) from "home" to "mobile".

Adding new information to the XML is nearly as easy. To add information to an XML file, you need to add it as a child node to another node in the file. The easiest way to get that child node is to write the string that represents the XML and then create a temporary PowerShell XML document from that. From that temporary document, you use the main XML document’s ImportNode() function to import the node you care about—specifically, the Phone node in this example.

Once we have the child node, you need to decide where to put it. Since we want this Phone node to be a child of the Person node for Lee, we will place it there. To add a child node ($newNode in Example 10-4) to a destination node ($person in the example), use the AppendChild() method from the destination node.


The Save() method on the XML document allows you to save to more than just files. For a quick way to convert XML into a “beautified” form, save it to the console:


Finally, we save the XML back to the file from which it came.

Easily Import and Export Your Structured Data


You have a set of data (such as a hashtable or array) and want to save it to disk so that you can use it later. Conversely, you have saved structured data to a file and want to import it so that you can use it.


Use PowerShell’s Export-CliXml cmdlet to save structured data to disk, and the Import-CliXml cmdlet to import it again from disk.

For example, imagine storing a list of your favorite directories in a hashtable, so that you can easily navigate your system with a “Favorite CD” function. Example 10-5 shows this function.

Example 10-5. A function that requires persistent structured data

PS > $favorites = @{}
PS > $favorites["temp"] = "c:	emp"
PS > $favorites["music"] = "h:leemy music"
PS > function fcd {
   param([string] $location) Set-Location $favorites[$location]

PS > Get-Location


PS > fcd temp 
PS > Get-Location

C:	emp

Unfortunately, the $favorites variable vanishes whenever you close PowerShell.

To get around this, you could recreate the $favorites variable in your profile, but another approach is to export it directly to a file. This command assumes that you have already created a profile, and it places the file in the same location as that profile:

PS > $filename = Join-Path (Split-Path $profile) favorites.clixml
PS > $favorites | Export-CliXml $filename
PS > $favorites = $null
PS > $favorites
PS > 

Once the file is on disk, you can reload it using the Import-CliXml cmdlet, as shown in Example 10-6.

Example 10-6. Restoring structured data from disk

PS > $favorites = Import-CliXml $filename
PS > $favorites

Name                           Value
----                           -----
music                          h:leemy music
temp                           c:	emp

PS > fcd music
PS > Get-Location

H:leeMy Music


PowerShell provides the Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml cmdlets to let you easily move structured data into and out of files. These cmdlets accomplish this in a very data-centric and future-proof way—by storing only the names, values, and basic data types for the properties of that data.


By default, PowerShell stores one level of data: all directly accessible simple properties (such as the WorkingSet of a process) but a plain-text representation for anything deeper (such as a process’s Threads collection). For information on how to control the depth of this export, type Get-Help Export-CliXml and see the explanation of the -Depth parameter.

After you import data saved by Export-CliXml, you again have access to the properties and values from the original data. PowerShell converts some objects back to their fully featured objects (such as System.DateTime objects), but for the most part does not retain functionality (for example, methods) from the original objects.

Store the Output of a Command in a CSV or Delimited File


You want to store the output of a command in a CSV file for later processing. This is helpful when you want to export the data for later processing outside PowerShell.


Use PowerShell’s Export-Csv cmdlet to save the output of a command into a CSV file. For example, to create an inventory of the processes running on a system:

Get-Process | Export-Csv c:	empprocesses.csv

You can then review this output in a tool such as Excel, mail it to others, or do whatever else you might want to do with a CSV file.


The CSV file format is one of the most common formats for exchanging semistructured data between programs and systems.

PowerShell’s Export-Csv cmdlet provides an easy way to export data from the PowerShell environment while still allowing you to keep a fair amount of your data’s structure. When PowerShell exports your data to the CSV, it creates a row for each object that you provide. For each row, PowerShell creates columns in the CSV that represent the values of your object’s properties.


If you want to use the CSV-structured data as input to another tool that supports direct CSV pipeline input, you can use the ConvertTo-Csv cmdlet to bypass the step of storing it in a file.

If you want to separate the data with a character other than a comma, use the -Delimiter parameter.

One thing to keep in mind is that the CSV file format supports only plain strings for property values. If a property on your object isn’t actually a string, PowerShell converts it to a string for you. Having PowerShell convert rich property values (such as integers) to strings, however, does mean that a certain amount of information is not preserved. If your ultimate goal is to load this unmodified data again in PowerShell, the Export-CliXml cmdlet provides a much better alternative. For more information about the Export-CliXml cmdlet, see Easily Import and Export Your Structured Data.

For more information on how to import data from a CSV file into PowerShell, see Import CSV and Delimited Data from a File.

Import CSV and Delimited Data from a File


You want to import structured data that has been stored in a CSV file or a file that uses some other character as its delimiter.


Use PowerShell’s Import-Csv cmdlet to import structured data from a CSV file. Use the -Delimiter parameter if fields are separated by a character other than a comma.

For example, to load the (tab-separated) Windows Update log:

$header = "Date","Time","PID","TID","Component","Text"
$log = Import-Csv $env:WINDIRWindowsUpdate.log -Delimiter "`t" -Header $header

Then, manage the log as you manage other rich PowerShell output:

$log | Group-Object Component


As mentioned in Store the Output of a Command in a CSV or Delimited File, the CSV file format is one of the most common formats for exchanging semistructured data between programs and systems.

PowerShell’s Import-Csv cmdlet provides an easy way to import this data into the PowerShell environment from other programs. When PowerShell imports your data from the CSV, it creates a new object for each row in the CSV. For each object, PowerShell creates properties on the object from the values of the columns in the CSV.


If the names of the CSV columns match parameter names, many commands let you pipe this output to automatically set the values of parameters.

For more information about this feature, see Automate Data-Intensive Tasks.

If you are dealing with data in a CSV format that is the output of another tool or command, the Import-Csv cmdlet’s file-based behavior won’t be of much help. In this case, use the ConvertFrom-Csv cmdlet.

One thing to keep in mind is that the CSV file format supports only plain strings for property values. When you import data from a CSV, properties that look like dates will still only be strings. Properties that look like numbers will only be strings. Properties that look like any sort of rich data type will only be strings. This means that sorting on any property will always be an alphabetical sort, which is usually not the same as the sorting rules for the rich data types that the property might look like.

If your ultimate goal is to load rich unmodified data from something that you’ve previously exported from PowerShell, the Import-CliXml cmdlet provides a much better alternative. For more information about the Import-CliXml cmdlet, see Easily Import and Export Your Structured Data.

For more information on how to export data from PowerShell to a CSV file, see Store the Output of a Command in a CSV or Delimited File.

Use Excel to Manage Command Output


You want to use Excel to manipulate or visualize the output of a command.


Use PowerShell’s Export-Csv cmdlet to save the output of a command in a CSV file, and then load that CSV in Excel. If you have Excel associated with .CSV files, the Invoke-Item cmdlet launches Excel when you provide it with a .CSV file as an argument.

Example 10-7 demonstrates how to generate a CSV containing the disk usage for subdirectories of the current directory.

Example 10-7. Using Excel to visualize disk usage on the system

PS > $filename = "c:	empdiskusage.csv"
PS >
PS > $output = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.PsIsContainer } |
    Select-Object Name,
        @{ Name="Size";
           Expression={ ($_ | Get-ChildItem -Recurse |
               Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum + 0 } }

PS > $output | Export-Csv $filename
PS >
PS > Invoke-Item $filename

In Excel, you can manipulate or format the data as you wish. As Figure 10-1 shows, we can manually create a pie chart.

Visualizing data in Excel

Figure 10-1. Visualizing data in Excel


Although used only as a demonstration, Example 10-7 packs quite a bit into just a few lines.

The first Get-ChildItem line gets a list of all the files in the current directory and uses the Where-Object cmdlet to restrict those to directories. For each of those directories, you use the Select-Object cmdlet to pick out the Name and Size of that directory.

Directories don’t have a Size property, though. To get that, we use Select-Object’s hashtable syntax to generate a calculated property. This calculated property (as defined by the Expression script block) uses the Get-ChildItem and Measure-Object cmdlets to add up the Length of all files in the given directory.

For more information about creating and working with calculated properties, see Add Custom Methods and Properties to Objects.

Parse and Interpret PowerShell Scripts


You want to access detailed structural and language-specific information about the content of a PowerShell script.


Use PowerShell’s Tokenizer API to convert the script into the same internal representation that PowerShell uses to understand the script’s structure.

PS > $script = '$myVariable = 10'
PS > $errors = [System.Management.Automation.PSParseError[]] @()
PS > [Management.Automation.PsParser]::Tokenize($script, [ref] $errors)

Content     : myVariable
Type        : Variable
Start       : 0
Length      : 11
StartLine   : 1
StartColumn : 1
EndLine     : 1
EndColumn   : 12

Content     : =
Type        : Operator
Start       : 12
Length      : 1
StartLine   : 1
StartColumn : 13
EndLine     : 1
EndColumn   : 14

Content     : 10
Type        : Number
Start       : 14
Length      : 2
StartLine   : 1
StartColumn : 15
EndLine     : 1
EndColumn   : 17


When PowerShell loads a script, one of its first steps is to tokenize that script. Tokenization determines which portions of the script represent variables, numbers, operators, commands, parameters, aliases, and more.

While this is a fairly advanced concept, the Tokenizer API exposes the results of this step. This lets you work with the rich structure of PowerShell scripts the same way that the PowerShell engine does.

Without the support of a Tokenizer API, tool authors are usually required to build complicated regular expressions that attempt to emulate the PowerShell engine. This was true of PowerShell version one. Although these regular expressions are helpful for many situations, they tend to fall apart on more complex scripts.

In the first line of Figure 10-2, "Write-Host" is an argument to the Write-Host cmdlet, but gets parsed as a string. The second line, while still providing an argument to the Write-Host cmdlet, does not treat the argument the same way. In fact, since it matches a cmdlet name, the argument gets interpreted as another call to the Write-Host cmdlet. In the here string that follows, the Write-Host cmdlet name gets highlighted again, even though it is really just part of a string.

Tokenization errors in a complex script

Figure 10-2. Tokenization errors in a complex script

Since the Tokenizer API follows the same rules as the PowerShell engine, it avoids the pitfalls of the regular-expression-based approach while producing output that is much easier to consume. When run on the same input, it produces the output shown in Example 10-8.

Example 10-8. Successfully tokenizing a complex script

PS > [Management.Automation.PsParser]::Tokenize($content, [ref] $errors) | ft -auto

Content                           Type Start Length StartLine StartColumn EndLine EndColumn
-------                           ---- ----- ------ --------- ----------- ------- ---------
Write-Host                     Command     0     10         1           1       1        11
Write-Host                      String    11     12         1          12       1        24
...                            NewLine    23      2         1          24       2         1
Write-Host                     Command    25     10         2           1       2        11
Write-Host             CommandArgument    36     10         2          12       2        22
...                            NewLine    46      2         2          22       3         1
...                            NewLine    48      2         3           1       4         1
Write-Host Write-Host           String    50     23         4           1       4        24
...                            NewLine    73      2         4          24       5         1
...                            NewLine    75      2         5           1       6         1
testContent                   Variable    77     12         6           1       6        13
=                             Operator    90      1         6          14       6        15
Write-Host Hello World          String    92     30         6          16       8         3
...                            NewLine   122      2         8           3       9         1

This adds a whole new dimension to the way you can interact with PowerShell scripts. Some natural outcomes are:

  • Syntax highlighting

  • Automated script editing (for example, replacing aliased commands with their expanded equivalents)

  • Script style and form verification

If the script contains any errors, PowerShell captures those in the $errors collection you are required to supply. If you don’t want to keep track of errors, you can supply [ref] $null as the value for that parameter.

For an example of the Tokenizer API in action, see Program: Show Colorized Script Content.

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