
In late 2002, Slashdot posted a story about a “next-generation shell” rumored to be in development at Microsoft. As a longtime fan of the power unlocked by shells and their scripting languages, the post immediately captured my interest. Could this shell provide the command-line power and productivity I’d long loved on Unix systems?

Since I had just joined Microsoft six months earlier, I jumped at the chance to finally get to the bottom of a Slashdot-sourced Microsoft Mystery. The post talked about strong integration with the .NET Framework, so I posted a query to an internal C# mailing list. I got a response that the project was called “Monad,” which I then used to track down an internal prototype build.

Prototype was a generous term. In its early stages, the build was primarily a proof of concept. Want to clear the screen? No problem! Just lean on the Enter key until your previous commands and output scroll out of view! But even at these early stages, it was immediately clear that Monad marked a revolution in command-line shells. As with many things of this magnitude, its beauty was self-evident. Monad passed full-fidelity .NET objects between its commands. For even the most complex commands, Monad abolished the (until now, standard) need for fragile text-based parsing. Simple and powerful data manipulation tools supported this new model, creating a shell both powerful and easy to use.

I joined the Monad development team shortly after that to help do my part to bring this masterpiece of technology to the rest of the world. Since then, Monad has grown to become a real, tangible product—now called Windows PowerShell.

So why write a book about it? And why this book?

Many users have picked up PowerShell for the sake of learning PowerShell. Any tangible benefits come by way of side effect. Others, though, might prefer to opportunistically learn a new technology as it solves their needs. How do you use PowerShell to navigate the filesystem? How can you manage files and folders? Retrieve a web page?

This book focuses squarely on helping you learn PowerShell through task-based solutions to your most pressing problems. Read a recipe, read a chapter, or read the entire book—regardless, you’re bound to learn something.

Who This Book Is For

This book helps you use PowerShell to get things done. It contains hundreds of solutions to specific, real-world problems. For systems management, you’ll find plenty of examples that show how to manage the filesystem, the Windows Registry, event logs, processes, and more. For enterprise administration, you’ll find two entire chapters devoted to WMI, Active Directory, and other enterprise-focused tasks.

Along the way, you’ll also learn an enormous amount about PowerShell: its features, its commands, and its scripting language—but you’ll most importantly solve problems.

How This Book Is Organized

This book consists of five main sections: a guided tour of PowerShell, PowerShell fundamentals, common tasks, administrator tasks, and a detailed reference.

A Guided Tour of Windows PowerShell breezes through PowerShell at a high level. It introduces PowerShell’s core features:

  • An interactive shell

  • A new command model

  • An object-based pipeline

  • A razor-sharp focus on administrators

  • A consistent model for learning and discovery

  • Ubiquitous scripting

  • Integration with critical management technologies

  • A consistent model for interacting with data stores

The tour lets you become familiar with PowerShell as a whole. This familiarity will create a mental framework for you to understand the solutions from the rest of the book.

Chapters 1 through 8 cover the fundamentals that underpin the solutions in this book. This section introduces you to the PowerShell interactive shell, fundamental pipeline and object concepts, and many features of the PowerShell scripting language.

Chapters 9 through 19 cover the tasks you will run into most commonly when starting to tackle more complex problems in PowerShell. This includes working with simple and structured files, Internet-connected scripts, code reuse, user interaction, and more.

Chapters 20 through 31 focus on the most common tasks in systems and enterprise management. Chapters 20 through 25 focus on individual systems: the filesystem, the registry, event logs, processes, services, and more. Chapters 26 and 27 focus on Active Directory, as well as the typical tasks most common in managing networked or domain-joined systems.

Many books belch useless information into their appendixes simply to increase page count. In this book, however, the detailed references underpin an integral and essential resource for learning and using PowerShell. The appendixes cover:

  • The PowerShell language and environment

  • Regular expression syntax and PowerShell-focused examples

  • XPath quick reference

  • .NET string formatting syntax and PowerShell-focused examples

  • .NET DateTime formatting syntax and PowerShell-focused examples

  • Administrator-friendly .NET classes and their uses

  • Administrator-friendly WMI classes and their uses

  • Administrator-friendly COM objects and their uses

  • Selected events and their uses

  • PowerShell’s standard verbs

What You Need to Use This Book

The majority of this book requires only a working installation of Windows PowerShell. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 include Windows PowerShell by default. If you do not yet have PowerShell installed, you may obtain it by following the download link at This link provides download instructions for PowerShell on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista. For Windows Server 2008, PowerShell comes installed as an optional component that you can enable through the Control Panel like other optional components.

The Active Directory scripts given in Chapter 26 are most useful when applied to an enterprise environment, but Test Active Directory Scripts on a Local Installation shows how to install additional software (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, or Active Directory Application Mode) that lets you run these scripts against a local installation.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:

Plain text

Indicates menu titles, menu options, menu buttons, and keyboard accelerators


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, directories, and Unix utilities

Constant width

Indicates commands, options, switches, variables, attributes, keys, functions, types, classes, namespaces, methods, modules, properties, parameters, values, objects, events, event handlers, tags, macros, or the output from commands

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values


This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.


This icon indicates a warning or caution.

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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Windows PowerShell Cookbook by Lee Holmes. Copyright 2010 Lee Holmes, 978-0-596-80150-2.”

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Writing is the task of crafting icebergs. The heft of the book you hold in your hands is just a hint of the multiyear, multirelease effort it took to get it there. And by a cast much larger than me.

The groundwork started decades ago. My parents nurtured my interest in computers and software, supported an evening-only bulletin board service, put up with “viruses” that told them to buy a new computer for Christmas, and even listened to me blather about batch files or how PowerShell compares to Excel. Without their support, who knows where I’d be.

My family and friends have helped keep me sane for two editions of the book now. Ariel: you are the light of my life. Robin: thinking of you reminds me each day that serendipity is still alive and well in this busy world. Thank you to all of my friends and family for being there for me. You can have me back now. :)

I would not have written either edition of this book without the tremendous influence of Guy Allen, visionary of the University of Toronto’s Professional Writing program. Guy: your mentoring forever changed me, just as it molds thousands of others from English hackers into writers.

Of course, members of the PowerShell team (both new and old) are the ones that made this a book about PowerShell. Building this product with you has been a unique challenge and experience—but most of all, a distinct pleasure. In addition to the PowerShell team, the entire PowerShell community defined this book’s focus. From MVPs, to early adopters, to newsgroup lurkers: your support, questions, and feedback have been the inspiration behind each page.

Converting thoughts into print always involves a cast of unsung heroes, even though each author tries his best to convince the world how important these heroes are.

Thank you to the many technical reviewers who participated in O’Reilly’s Open Feedback Publishing System, especially Johannes Rössel, Aleksandar Nikolic, Jerome L. Cruz, David Moravec, Richard Siddaway, and Andrew Tearle. I truly appreciate you donating your nights and weekends to help craft something of which we can all be proud.

To the awesome staff at O’Reilly—Mike Hendrickson, Genevieve d’Entremont, Teresa Elsey, Laurel Ruma, the O’Reilly Tools Monks, and the production team—your patience and persistence helped craft a book that holds true to its original vision. You also ensured that the book didn’t just knock around in my head but actually got out the door.

This book would not have been possible without the support from each and every one of you.

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