Analyzing database traffic and common problems

Some of you may wonder why I have added this section here. After all, databases are considered to be a completely different branch in the IT environment. There are databases and applications on one side and the network and infrastructure on the other side. It is correct since we are not supposed to debug databases; there are DBAs for this. But through the information that runs over the network, we can see some issues that can help the DBAs with solving the problem.

In most cases, the IT staff will come to us first because people blame the network for everything. We will have to make sure that the problems are not coming from the network and that's it. In a minority of the cases, we will see some details on the capture file that can help the DBAs with what they are doing.

Getting ready

When the IT team come to us complaining about the "slow network", there are some things to do just to verify that it is not the case. Follow the instructions in the following section to make sure we avoid the "slow network" issue.

How to do it...

In the case of database problems, follow these steps:

  1. When you get complaints about the "slow network responses" start asking these questions:
    • Is the problem local or global? Does it occur only in the remote offices, or also in the center? When the problem occurs in the entire network, it is not a WAN bandwidth issue.
    • Does it happen the same for all clients? If not, there might be a specific problem that happens only with some users because only these users are running a specific application that causes the problem.
    • Is the communication line between the clients and the server loaded? What is the application that loads them?
    • Do all applications work slowly, or is it only the application that works with the specific database? Maybe some PCs are old and tired, or is it a server that runs out of resources?
  2. When we are done with the questionnaire, let's start our work:
    1. Open Wireshark and start capturing packets. You can configure port mirror to a specific PC, to the server, to a VLAN, or to a router that connects to a remote office in which you have the clients.
    2. Look at TCP events (expert info). Do they happen on the entire communication link, on specific IP address/addresses, or on specific TCP port number/numbers? This will help you isolate the problem and verify whether it is on a specific link, server, or application.


      When measuring traffic on a connection to the Internet, you will get many retransmissions and duplicate ACKs to websites, mail servers, and so on. This is the Internet. In an organization, you should expect 0.1 to 0.5 percent retransmissions. When connecting to the Internet, you can expect much higher numbers.

  3. If you see problems in the network, solve them as we learned in previous chapters. But, there are some network issues that can influence database behavior. In the following example, we see the behavior of a client that works with the server over a communication line with a roundtrip delay of 35 to 40 ms.
    1. We are looking at the TCP stream number 8 (1), and the connection started with TCP SYN/SYN-ACK/ACK. I've set this as a reference (2). We can see that the entire connection took 371 packets (3).
      How to do it...
    2. The connection continues, and we see time intervals of around 35 ms between DB requests and responses.
      How to do it...
    3. Since we have 371 packets travelling back and forth, 371*35 ms gives us around 13 seconds. Add to this some retransmissions that might happen and some inefficiencies, and this leads to a user waiting for 10 to 15 seconds and more for a database query.
    4. In this case, you should consult with the DBA on how to significantly reduce the number of packets that run over the network; or you can move to another way of access, for example, terminal server or web access.
  4. Another problem that can happen is that you will have a software issue that will reflect in the capture file. If you have a look at the following screenshot, you will see that there are five retransmissions (1), and then a new connection is opened from the client side (3). It looks like a TCP problem but it occurs only in a specific window in the software. It is simply a software procedure that stopped processing, and this stopped the TCP from responding to the client (2).
    How to do it...

How it works...

Well, how databases work was always a miracle to me. Our task is to find how they influence the network, and this is what we've learned in this section.

There's more...

When you right-click on one of the packets in the database client to the server session, a window with the conversation will open. It can be helpful to the DBA to see what is running over the network.

When you are facing delay problems, for example, when working over cellular lines over the Internet or over international connections, the database client to the server will not always be efficient enough. You might need to move to web or terminal access to the database.

An important issue is how the database works. If the client is accessing the database server, and the database server is using files shared from another server, it can be that the client-server works great; but the problems come from the database server to the shared files on the file server. Make sure you that know all these dependencies before starting with your tests.

And most importantly, make sure you have very professional DBAs in your friends. One day you will need them.

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