Workparent is an inclusive book. It recognizes that working parents come in all forms: male and female; biological and adoptive; single and partnered; gay and straight; from all regions, backgrounds, and beliefs; in every profession; and parenting children of different ages. Throughout, I’ve done my best to keep things editorially simple while using language that embraces that full, wonderful spectrum.

If you’re an adult who holds responsibility for raising a child, you’re the parent. Your spouse, life mate, or coparent is referred to as your partner. Parents, babies, children, managers, coworkers, and working-parent supporters appear alternately as hes, shes, and theys. The words boss and manager represent any workplace authority figure even if that person is a partner, investor, counterparty, or customer instead of a traditional boss. The language around sexual orientation and identity is still evolving; I’ve used the respectful abbreviation LGBTQIA+ here. The term foster parent should be read to include traditional and interim foster parents, legal guardians, and kinship caregivers.

Throughout the book, you’ll notice that the word workparent appears frequently and interchangeably with working mother or father. Workparent is the new, positive label for all of us who are working hard to earn a living and build our careers while raising children we love. It captures the beautiful and complex reality that each of us lives, day-to-day—as one whole, complete person performing two distinct and important roles.

I hope that as you read, you see yourself in these pages—and feel a welcome, respected, and essential part of the workparent community.

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