The two cyclic movements in this classic yoga pose will give you
the calm strength and centering you need to face all the intense
emotions and changes to your body throughout pregnancy. Discover
the power of your breathing as you stretch out, then draw inward.
With practice, you will discover your own rhythms and the pace that
best suits you in this pose to make you feel simultaneously energized
and relaxed. You should also experience deep muscular toning.
Kneel upright with a cushion
between buttocks and feet
Inhale and join your hands at
chest height in Prayer mudra.
Inhale and press the base of
your palms as you exhale.
Feel the toning effect on the
lower abdominal muscles.
Repeat three times.
Inhale. Lift your hands over
your head in Prayer mudra,
shoulders relaxed and arms
bent. Exhale and press your
hands together. Inhale and
draw them apart. Exhale
and press them together
again. Relax your hands on
the thighs for three breaths.
Inhale and lift your arms in a
wide semicircle to open the
chest, palms facing forward.
Exhale and push your
elbows out and back. Inhale
and exhale again slowly,
dropping your hands to
your thighs at the end of
the exhalation. Repeat.
The Thunderbolt aligns the spine,
alleviates back pain, and tones the
muscles supporting the breasts.
If you have high blood pressure,
stop after Step 3. If you feel faint
or dizzy in Child’s pose, rest your
head on a chair or sit up slowly.
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Kneel down slowly, keeping
your back strong as you
exhale and lower your
hands. Repeat Steps 4
and 5 two or three times.
Deep rest, an essential
component of the two
cycles, is best done in Child’s
pose. As you kneel, open
your knees slightly for
comfort and bend forward,
resting your head on a
cushion. Relax your arms
on the floor with your palms
face up and breathe deeply
and slowly.
This second movement is
particularly beneficial for
women whose right
abdominal muscles have
“split” in a previous
pregnancy. Align your spine
and check that your lower
back is neither arched nor
collapsed. Join your hands
in Prayer mudra, and keep
your elbows down. Inhale,
lift up into an upright
kneeling position, and
stretch your arms above
your head. Look up at your
hands. As your abdominal
breathing develops, you
will feel this stretch more
deeply in your pelvis.
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