
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


A-roll footage, Cutaways
Add button (video clips), Add to the End of a Storyboard
Add Media button (iMovie for iOS), Find Clips
Add to Theater switch, Facebook
Adjust button
audio clips, Reduce Background Noise
Viewer, The Content Library
Adjust toolbar
cropping options in, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage
Stabilization tool in, Fix Shaky Footage
Adjustment Viewer, The Precision Editor
AirDrop (Apple)
importing projects with (iDevices), Import Projects from Other iDevices
sharing iOS movies via, AirDropiPhoto or Aperture, AirDrop, iPhoto or Aperture
using on iDevices, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to AnotherTransfer Video from One iDevice to Another
wireless file sharing with, Share Using QuickTime
ambient sound, Detach Clip AudioAudio Effects and Enhancements, Detach Clip Audio, Audio Effects and Enhancements
analog tapes, importing, Importing Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes
animating PiP clips, Animate a PiPMix PiP Audio, Change the PiP Appearance, Mix PiP Audio
Aperture, iPhoto or Aperture
Aperture library, iPhoto and Aperture Libraries, The Aperture Library
aspect ratios
changing default for non-16:9 footage, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 FootageChange How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage
handling mismatched, How iMovie Handles Mismatched Aspect RatiosChange How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage
smartphone recording and, Aspect Ratios: The Missing Manual
adding to iMovie for iOS projects, Adjust Timing
adjusting levels (iMovie for iOS), VolumeDuplicate Audio, Duplicate Audio
Audio Skimming, Skim Filmstrips
Auto Enhance feature, Auto Enhance
beat markers, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor
clip, Three Kinds of Audio
connected audio, Connected AudioNarration, Add and Edit Connected AudioNarration, Narration, Narration, Narration
detaching from video (iMovie for iOS), Detach Audio from VideoDetach Audio from Video, Detach Audio from Video, Detach Audio from Video
ducking, DuckingMusic, Ducking, Ducking, Music
editing in GarageBand, Editing Audio in GarageBandScoring in GarageBand, GarageBand Basics, GarageBand Basics, Scoring in GarageBand
editing with Clip Trimmer, Change the Volume of a Song
effects, Audio Effects and EnhancementsThe Audio Effects Catalog, Applying an Audio Effect, The Audio Effects Catalog, The Audio Effects Catalog
equalizer, The EqualizerReduce Background Noise, The Equalizer, Reduce Background Noise
multiple adjustments to, Multiple Audio AdjustmentsGarageBand Basics, Multiple Audio Adjustments, GarageBand Basics
narration, NarrationNarration, Narration, Narration, Narration
overlapping clips, The Precision EditorSplit a Clip, The Precision Editor, Split a Clip
reducing background noise, Reduce Background Noise
sound effects, Sound EffectsAdd and Edit Connected Audio, Add and Edit Connected Audio, Add and Edit Connected Audio
sources for, Audio SourcesFinding the Rubber Band, Finding the Rubber Band
splitting (iMovie for iOS), Split AudioDuplicate Audio, Duplicate Audio
transitions and, A Word on Audio and Transitions
volume adjustments, The Rubber BandMusic, Ducking, Music
with PiP effects, Change the PiP Appearance
Auto Balance tool (color), Auto Balance
automatic transitions, Automatic TransitionsTransitions: The iMovie Catalog, Automatic Transitions, Transitions: The iMovie Catalog


camcorders, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck
Camera Roll (iDevices)
iMovie media vs., Shoot New Video
saving projects to, Save Your Project to the Camera Roll
sharing iOS movies via, Share to Other DevicesiMessage, iMessage
importing videos from, From an iPhone/iPad/iPod TouchFrom a Camera or Camcorder, From a Camera or Camcorder
catalog of styles (movie trailers), The Trailers CatalogBuild Your Trailer, Build Your Trailer
CDs, importing music from, Audio Sources
Chroma Key technique, Get the Shot
chronological story telling, Tell the Story Chronologically
Circle Open/Circle Close transitions, Create Individual Transitions, Circle Open, Circle Close
clips, photo, Two Ways to Add PhotosPhoto Clips, Photo Clips
clips, video
adding as overlays (iMovie for iOS), Shoot New VideoEdit Clips in the Timeline, Edit Clips in the Timeline
adding between other clips, Add to the End of a StoryboardInsert Video in the Middle of Your Movie, Insert Video in the Middle of Your Movie, Insert Video in the Middle of Your Movie
changing speed of, Fast/Slow/ReverseConnect a Clip, Change a Clip’s Speed, Change a Clip’s Speed, Connect a Clip
Clip Size slider, Working with Filmstrips
Clip Trimmer, Use the Clip Trimmer, Change the Volume of a Song
combining with QuickTime, Combine VideosRecord with QuickTime Player, Record with QuickTime Player, Record with QuickTime Player
cropping, Crop VideoRotate Video, Crop Video, Crop Video, Adjust or Remove a Crop, Rotate Video
deleting, A Warning Before You Delete RejectsDelete Rejected Footage for Good, Delete Rejected Footage for Good
deleting speed/direction changes, Change a Clip’s Speed
detaching audio from (iMovie for iOS), Detach Audio from VideoDetach Audio from Video, Detach Audio from Video, Detach Audio from Video
editing in timeline (iMovie for iOS), Re-Edit a Clip, Preview from the Editing Screen
importing from iTunes, Music
Ken Burns Effect for, Adjust or Remove a Crop
marking as Favorites/Rejects, Mark Clips as Favorites or RejectsHiding and Showing Favorites and Rejects, Mark Clips as Favorites or Rejects, Mark Clips as Favorites or Rejects, Hiding and Showing Favorites and Rejects
moving between events, Move Individual Clips to Another Event
playing, Skim FilmstripsPhase 2: Select the Good Bits, Phase 2: Select the Good Bits
reversing playback direction, Reverse a Clip’s Playback Direction
rotating, Rotate VideoRotate Video, Rotate Video, Rotate Video
sorting (iMovie for iOS), Sort ClipsSort Clips, Sort Clips
splitting other clips with, Insert Video in the Middle of Your Movie
CMOS cameras, Fix Jellyroll FootageRolling Shutter Adjustments, Fix Jellyroll Footage, Rolling Shutter Adjustments
CNN iReport
publishing videos to, Share to CNN iReportPost a Movie on Your Own Site, After the iReport Is Up, Post a Movie on Your Own Site
sharing iOS movies to, CNN iReport
collections of fonts, The System Font Panel
Color Balance tools, Auto EnhanceContrast, Auto Balance, Skin Tone Balance, Contrast
Color Correction tools, Color CorrectionCrop Video, Contrast, Saturation, Warmth, Crop Video
Color option (text), The System Font PanelUnderline, Strikethrough, Color, Shadow, Underline, Strikethrough, Color, Shadow, Underline, Strikethrough, Color, Shadow
Color Picker, General Guidelines
copying/pasting adjustments to, Copy and Paste AdjustmentsCrop Video, Crop Video, Crop Video
connected audio, Three Kinds of Audio, Connected Audio, Add and Edit Connected Audio, Narration
connected photos, Connected PhotosRetime Multiple Photos, Adjust Timing, Retime Multiple Photos
connecting video clips, Connect a Clip, The Orange Stripe, Connected Clips, Adjust the Fade-In and -Out
Content Library, The Content Library, The Content Library
continuity in film editing, Maintain ContinuityChoose the Next Shot, Maintain Continuity, Choose the Next Shot
contrast tool, ContrastSaturation, Contrast, Contrast, Saturation
color adjustments, Copy and Paste AdjustmentsCrop Video, Crop Video, Crop Video
video clips, iMovie Libraries, Full-Screen Playback
copyright law (music), iTunes
crayons (Color Picker), General Guidelines
credits, scrolling, Choose a Title StyleChoose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style
footage with mismatched aspect ratios, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage
photos, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo
video clips, Crop VideoRotate Video, Crop Video, Crop Video, Adjust or Remove a Crop, Rotate Video
Cross Blur transitions, Cross Blur
Cross Zoom transitions, Cross Zoom
cross-dissolve transitions, Cross-Dissolve, Cross-Dissolve
Cube transitions, Cube
libraries, The Content LibraryWork with More Than One Library, Work with More Than One Library, Work with More Than One Library
map transitions, Customize Transitions That Are Maps
movie trailers, Build Your TrailerConvert a Trailer to a Project, Convert a Trailer to a Project, Convert a Trailer to a Project
Sports theme, Customize the Sports ThemeCustomize the Sports Theme, Customize the Sports Theme, Customize the Sports Theme
titles, Add a Custom Title
cut-ins, Cutaways and Cut-Ins
cutaways, Cutaways, Cutaways, Detach Clip Audio, Cutaways and Cut-Ins
cuts (video clips), The Precision Editor, The Precision Editor, When to Cut


audio clips, Delete Audio
cutaways, Cutaways
events, Move Individual Clips to Another Event
Green Screen effects, Remove a Green-Screen Effect
keyframes, Use the Rubber Band
photos from timeline, Delete Photos
PiP clips, Move and Trim a PiP ClipOne-Step Effects, One-Step Effects
projects, Delete and Undelete a Project
rejected footage, Hiding and Showing Favorites and RejectsDelete Rejected Footage for Good, A Warning Before You Delete Rejects, Delete Rejected Footage for Good
shutter adjustments, Remove Shutter Adjustments
stabilization, Degrees of Stabilization
themes, Remove a ThemeChange Travel Points, Change Travel Points
transitions, Create Individual Transitions
transitions (iMovie for iOS), Edit a Transition
video effects, Apply a Video EffectChange a Clip’s Speed, Fast/Slow/Reverse, Change a Clip’s Speed
deselecting video clips, Select Specific Project Elements
detached audio clips, NarrationAudio Effects and Enhancements, Detach Clip Audio, Detach Clip Audio, Detach Clip Audio, Audio Effects and Enhancements
detaching audio from video (iMovie for iOS), Detach Audio from VideoDetach Audio from Video, Detach Audio from Video, Detach Audio from Video
dissolve (crossfade) transition, Automatic TransitionsFade to Black, Fade to White, Fade to Black, Fade to White
Doorway transitions, Doorway
double-clicking titles, Add by Double-Clicking
downloading iMovie for iOS, iMovie for iOS: The Lay of the LandDownload iMovie, Download iMovie, Download iMovie, Download iMovie
dragging titles into position, Theme-Based TitlesType the Text, Drag the Title into Position, Drag the Title into Position, Drag the Title into Position, Adjust the Timing, Type the Text
Drop Shadow option (text), Underline, Strikethrough, Color, ShadowGeneral Guidelines, General Guidelines, General Guidelines
Dropbox, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
dropouts, video, Dropouts in the VideoCan’t Drag Certain Photos into the Movie, Dropouts in the Video, Can’t Drag Certain Photos into the Movie
ducking (audio), DuckingMusic, Ducking, Ducking, Music
projects, Duplicate a Project
DV decks, From a Tape Camcorder or DV DeckFrom the Finder, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck, From the Finder
DVD camcorders, From a DVD Camcorder
DVDs, burning movies to, iDVDiDVD, iDVD


echo effect (audio), Detach Clip Audio
clips in timeline (iMovie for iOS), Edit Clips in the TimelinePlay Back Your Movie, Re-Edit a Clip, Split Clips, Play Back Your Movie
Edit menu (iMovie), Edit MenuModify Menu, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select in Movie, Start Dictation, Modify Menu
transitions in (iMovie for iOS), TransitionsEdit a Transition, Edit a Transition, Edit a Transition
editing movies
artistic aspects of, Advanced EditingChoose the Next Shot, Choose the Next Shot
audio in GarageBand, Editing Audio in GarageBandScoring in GarageBand, GarageBand Basics, GarageBand Basics, Scoring in GarageBand, Scoring in GarageBand
audio tracks, The Precision Editor, Change the Volume of a Song
beat markers, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor
building storyboards, Phase 3: Build the StoryboardStoryboard Playback, Storyboard Playback
connected audio, Add and Edit Connected Audio, Narration
frame-accurate editing, Play a Selection
popular techniques, Popular Editing Techniques, Cutaways and Cut-Ins
selecting video clips, Phase 2: Select the Good Bits, Select Multiple Clips at Once
tight editing, Tight Editing
audio, Detach Clip AudioThe Audio Effects Catalog, Applying an Audio Effect, The Audio Effects Catalog, The Audio Effects Catalog
sending files between iDevices, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
sharing movies via, First, a Word About Sharing Raw FootageShare via Email, Share via Email
Enhance tool, Auto Enhance, Auto Enhance, Auto Enhance
equalizer (audio), The EqualizerReduce Background Noise, The Equalizer, Reduce Background Noise
establishing shots, Establishing Shots
Event browser
deleting clips from, A Warning Before You Delete RejectsDelete Rejected Footage for Good, Delete Rejected Footage for Good
moving clips between, Move Individual Clips to Another Event
moving projects between, Move Projects to Other Events
organizing, Review Event Footage
reviewing event footage, Review Event Footage
movies as files, File ExportsiDVD, iDVD, iDVD
movies from QuickTime, Share Using QuickTimeExport from QuickTime, Share Using QuickTime, Export from QuickTime


sharing iOS movies to, FacebookYouTube, Facebook, YouTubeVimeo, YouTube, Vimeo
fade-to-black techniques/transitions, iMovie Backgrounds and Maps
fading audio (iMovie for iOS), Adjust Audio Levels
Fast Forward effect, One-Step Effects
fast/slow/reverse video effects, Fast/Slow/ReverseConnect a Clip, Connected Clips, Connect a Clip
Favorite clips
marking (iMovie for iOS), FavoritesSort Clips, Favorites, Sort Clips
selecting, Selecting Marked Footage
unmarking, Mark Clips as Favorites or RejectsA Warning Before You Delete Rejects, A Warning Before You Delete Rejects
File menu (iMovie), File MenuRedo, Share, Reveal in Finder, Redo
skimming, Working with Filmstrips
video clips as, Change the Size of Your Clips
working with, Working with FilmstripsWorking with Filmstrips, Working with Filmstrips, Working with Filmstrips
adding music via, Garageband
importing photos from, Import from the Finder
importing videos from, From a Tape Camcorder or DV DeckRecord Live with the iSight Camera, Record Live with the iSight Camera, Importing Old Analog Tapes
fine-tuning edits
copying/pasting clips, Full-Screen Playback
full-screen playback, Full-Screen PlaybackRearrange Clips, Rearrange Clips
Precision Editor, The Precision EditorSplit a Clip, The Precision Editor, The Precision Editor, The Precision Editor, Split a Clip
resizing clips, Resize ClipsSplit a Clip, Resize Clips, Use the Clip Trimmer, Use the Clip Trimmer, The Precision Editor, Split a Clip, Split a Clip
splitting clips, Aspect Ratios: The Missing ManualAspect Ratios: The Missing Manual, Aspect Ratios: The Missing Manual
storybook playback, Storyboard Playback
Firewire connections, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck
photos, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo
Fix Rolling Shutter setting, Remove Shutter Adjustments
Flash and Hold Frame effect, One-Step Effects
Flickr, Share Using QuickTime
folders, iMovie, Project Properties
tips for using, General GuidelinesGeneral Guidelines, General Guidelines, Add a Custom Title
adding between clips, Insert Video in the Middle of Your MovieInsert Video in the Middle of Your Movie, Insert Video in the Middle of Your Movie, Insert Video in the Middle of Your Movie
deleting rejected, Hiding and Showing Favorites and RejectsDelete Rejected Footage for Good, Delete Rejected Footage for Good, Delete Rejected Footage for Good
fixing shaky, Video StabilizationRemove Stabilization, Degrees of Stabilization, Remove Stabilization
jellyroll, Fix Jellyroll Footage, Rolling Shutter Adjustments
selecting marked, Selecting Marked Footage
sharing raw footage, First, a Word About Sharing Raw Footage, First, a Word About Sharing Raw Footage
foreground/background audio (iMovie for iOS), iMovie for iOS Music, Narration, and SoundSwap Foreground and Background Audio, Two Kinds of Audio, Swap Foreground and Background Audio
frame-accurate editing, Play a Selection
freeze frames
effect, One-Step Effects
full-screen playback, Full-Screen PlaybackRearrange Clips, Full-Screen Playback, Rearrange Clips


I button (iPhone version of iMovie), Add Titles
iCloud, iMovie TheaterShare to iTunes, iMovie Theater, Share to iMovie Theater, Share to iTunes, Share to iTunes
importing videos/photos from, Importing Basics
sharing videos between, Sharing BasicsFile Exports, Share to iMovie Theater, Share to iTunes, Share to iTunes, From iTunes to iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV, File Exports, File Exports
transferring projects between, Import Projects from Other iDevicesImport Projects from Other iDevices, Import Projects from Other iDevices, Import Projects from Other iDevices
iDVD software, iDVDiDVD, iDVD, iDVD
iLife software suite, iDVD
IMAX mode, Full-Screen PlaybackRearrange Clips, Full-Screen Playback, Rearrange Clips
folders, Project Properties
for existing Macs, iMovie for an Existing MacGetting into iMovie, Getting into iMovie
for new Macs, iMovie’s Many RolesiMovie for an Existing Mac, iMovie for an Existing Mac
getting started with, Getting into iMovieTour iMovie, Tour iMovie, Tour iMovie
Help, Where to Get Help
libraries, iMovie LibrariesWork with More Than One Library, The Content Library, Work with More Than One Library
map of iMovie window, Visual Cheat Sheet
menu, iMovie, Menu by MenuImport Media, Services, File Menu, Import Media
opening screen, The Lay of the LandThe Lay of the Land, The Lay of the Land
types of projects, iMovie’s Many RolesiMovie, the Program, iMovie, the Program
upgrading from earlier versions, The Lay of the Land, Where Projects Live
iMovie for iOS
adding audio to projects to, Add Audio to Your ProjectDetach Audio from Video, Adjust Timing, Speed Changes, Delete Audio, Detach Audio from Video
adding camera shots to, Shoot with Your Camera
adjusting audio levels in, Adjust Audio LevelsDuplicate Audio, Duplicate Audio
adjusting photos in, Video Freeze FramesAdd Titles, Rotation, Add Titles, Delete Photos
freeze frame photos, Video Freeze FramesAdjust the Zoom Level and Ken Burns Effect, Adjust the Zoom Level and Ken Burns Effect, Adjust the Zoom Level and Ken Burns Effect
importing video from computers, Import Video from Your ComputerTransfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
Ken Burns effect for photos, Adjust the Zoom Level and Ken Burns EffectAdd Titles, Add Titles, Add Titles
movie trailers
changing titles, Change Titles
outline, The Outline, Fill in the Details
storyboard, Add Clips or Photos to the Storyboard
narration tool, Add Narration
photos in, iMovie for iOS PhotosAdd Titles, The Photo Library, The Photo Library, Shoot with Your Camera, Add Titles
splitting audio, Adjust Audio LevelsDuplicate Audio, Duplicate Audio
themes, ThemesAdd Titles, Themes, Turn Theme Music On or Off, Add Titles
titles, Turn Theme Music On or OffEdit a Transition, Add Titles, Change a Title, Remove a Title, Edit a Transition
transferring videos between iDevices, Import Video from Your ComputerTransfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
transitions, Transitions“Delete” Transitions Altogether, “Delete” Transitions Altogether, “Delete” Transitions Altogether
iMovie Theater
basics, Sharing BasicsShare to iTunes, Share to iTunes
music from CDs, Audio Sources
photos from Finder, Import from the Finder
importing videos
analog tapes (VHS), Importing Old Analog TapesImporting Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes
basics, Importing BasicsImporting Basics, Importing Basics
from cameras/camcorders, From a Camera or CamcorderFrom a Camera or Camcorder, From a Camera or Camcorder
from computers (iMovie for iOS), Import VideoTransfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Import Video from Your Computer, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
from DVD camcorders, From a DVD Camcorder
from Finder, From a DVD CamcorderRecord Live with the iSight Camera, Record Live with the iSight Camera, Record Live with the iSight Camera
from iDevices, Importing BasicsFrom a Camera or Camcorder, From an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, From an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, From a Camera or Camcorder, From a Camera or Camcorder
from SD cards, From an SD Card
from tape camcorders/DV decks, From an SD CardFrom the Finder, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck, From the Finder, From the Finder
recording with iSight camera, Record Live with the iSight CameraImporting Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes
individual transitions, Create Individual TransitionsA Long Discussion of Transition Lengths, Create Individual Transitions, Create Individual Transitions, A Long Discussion of Transition Lengths, A Long Discussion of Transition Lengths
Input Source menu (audio), Narration
GarageBand, iMovie for an Existing Mac
latest iMovie version, iMovie for an Existing MacGetting into iMovie, iMovie for an Existing Mac, Getting into iMovie
Instant Replay effect, One-Step EffectsOne-Step Effects, One-Step Effects
intercutting (editing), Parallel Cutting
interviews, film, iMovie’s Many Roles
iPads, Precision Editor on, Edit a Transition
for iOS, iMovie for iOS Photos
iPhoto: The Missing Manual (O’Reilly), The iPhoto Library
library, iMovie Libraries, The iPhoto LibraryThe iPhoto Library, The iPhoto Library, The Aperture Library
iSight camera, Record Live with the iSight CameraImporting Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes, Importing Old Analog Tapes
adding music from, MusiciTunes, iTunes, iTunes
sharing videos to, From iTunes to iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV
transferring projects between iDevices with, Import Projects from Other iDevices


jellyroll footage, Fix Jellyroll Footage, Fix Jellyroll Footage, Remove Shutter Adjustments
Jingles folder, iTunes
Join Clip command, Split a Clip
jump cuts (editing), Choose the Next Shot


Macs, iMovie software on, iMovie’s Many RolesGetting into iMovie, iMovie on a New Mac, iMovie for an Existing Mac, Getting into iMovie
Mail application (Apple), Share via Email, Mail
transitions, customizing, Adjust Theme Transitions
Travel Maps, Travel MapsRemove a Map, Remove a Map
Mark menu (iMovie), Mark Menu
beat, Edit to the BeatSound Effects, Phase 2: Insert Markers to the Beat, Phase 3: Add and Resize Clips, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor, Sound Effects
video, Resize Clips
marking clips as Favorites/Rejects, Mark Clips as Favorites or RejectsHiding and Showing Favorites and Rejects, Mark Clips as Favorites or Rejects, Hiding and Showing Favorites and Rejects, Hiding and Showing Favorites and Rejects
Match Color tool, Color MatchingWhite Balance, White Balance
menus (iMovie)
Edit, Edit MenuModify Menu, Paste Adjustments, Modify Menu
File, Quit iMovieRedo, Reveal in Finder, Redo
Help, Help MenuKeyboard Shortcuts, iMovie Help, Keyboard Shortcuts
iMovie, iMovie, Menu by MenuImport Media, Preferences, Hide iMovie, Hide Others, Show All, Import Media
Mark, Mark Menu
View, Sort ByContent Library, Content Library
Window, Window MenuiMovie Help, Revert to Original Layout, iMovie Help
merging events, Merge Events
Messages (Apple), Share Using QuickTime
MIDI instruments, recording, Scoring in GarageBand
MiniDV tape, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck
mismatched aspect ratios, How iMovie Handles Mismatched Aspect RatiosChange How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage, Change How iMovie Handles Non-16:9 Footage
Modify menu (iMovie), Modify MenuReset Speed, Slow Motion/Fast Forward/Instant Replay/Rewind, Reset Speed
Mosaic transitions, Mosaic
motion blur, Video Stabilization
movie trailers
basics, Trailer BasicsThe Trailers Catalog, The Trailers Catalog
burning to DVD, iDVDiDVD, iDVD, iDVD
transferring between iDevices, Transfer Video from One iDevice to AnotherTransfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
projects between events, Delete and Undelete a Project
video clips between events, iMovie Libraries
adding from GarageBand, Garageband
adding from iTunes, MusiciTunes, iTunes, iTunes
beat markers, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor
copyright law and, iTunes
importing from CDs, Audio Sources
previewing/adding songs, Add All of a SongChange the Volume of a Song, Change the Volume of a Song
theme music (iMovie for iOS), Turn Theme Music On or Off
Mute Project checkbox, Narration


Page Curl Left/Right transitions, Page Curl Left, Page Curl Right, Cross Zoom
parallel cutting (editing), Parallel Cutting
Paste Adjustments command, Copy and Paste Adjustments
performance analysis videos, iMovie’s Many Roles
avoiding pixelated images, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo
changing timing of, Standard Photo TimingThe Dimensions of an iMovie Photo, Retime Multiple Photos, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo
connected, Connected PhotosRetime Multiple Photos, Retime Multiple Photos
creating freeze frames, Freeze FramesCreate a Still Frame, Create a Still Frame, Create a Still Frame, Create a Still Frame
dimensions of, The Dimensions of an iMovie PhotoFit, Crop, and Rotate Photos, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo, Fit, Crop, and Rotate Photos
importing from Finder, Import from the Finder
iPhoto library, The iPhoto LibraryThe iPhoto Library, The iPhoto Library, The Aperture Library
Ken Burns effect, The Ken Burns EffectFreeze Frames, Freeze Frames
photo clips, Photo ClipsPhoto Clips, Photo Clips
Picture in Picture (PiP) video effects, Picture in Picture (PiP)One-Step Effects, Adjust the PiP Size and Position, One-Step Effects
pixelated images, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo
Play mode (camcorders), From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck
playing video clips, Skim Filmstrips, Phase 2: Select the Good Bits, Play a Selection
playlists (music), iTunes
PNG image format, Connected Photos
pointer-based approach (video clips), The Concept of iMovie Projects
Precision Editor
beat markers in, Beat Markers in the Precision EditorSound Effects, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor, Sound Effects
iOS movie trailers, Change Titles
iOS movies, Import Projects from Other iDevices
projects, iMovie
consolidating media, Consolidate Project Media
converting trailers to, Customize Your TrailerConvert a Trailer to a Project, Convert a Trailer to a Project
Project pane, Events and Projects: The Core of Moviemaking
properties, Project PropertiesProject Properties, Project Properties
projects, iMovie for iOS
editing clips in timeline, Reposition ClipsPlay Back Your Movie, Duplicate a Clip, Play Back Your Movie
finding clips, Find Clips, Find Clips, Find Clips, Find Clips
renaming, Rename a Project
repositioning clips, Reposition Clips
theme selection, Pick a ThemePick a Theme, Pick a Theme, Pick a Theme
transferring between iDevices, Import Projects from Other iDevicesImport Projects from Other iDevices, Import Projects from Other iDevices
Undo button, The Undo Button
properties of Movie projects, Project PropertiesProject Properties, Project Properties
Puzzle Left/Right transitions, Puzzle Left, Puzzle Right


basics, QuickTime Basics
combining clips with, Combine VideosRecord with QuickTime Player, Record with QuickTime Player
exporting movies from, Export from QuickTime
QuickTime effect, General Guidelines
trimming movies with, Combine Videos


S-video connections, Importing Old Analog Tapes
sans serif fonts, General Guidelines
saturation slider, SaturationCopy and Paste Adjustments, Warmth, Copy and Paste Adjustments
freeze frames as photos (iMovie for iOS), Video Freeze FramesAdjust the Zoom Level and Ken Burns Effect, Adjust the Zoom Level and Ken Burns Effect
scoring in GarageBand, Scoring in GarageBand
Scrolling Credits, Choose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style, Special Notes on Scrolling Credits, Special Notes on Scrolling Credits
scrubbing (iMovie for iOS), Tap-Hold Scrubbing
SD cards, importing videos from, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck
marked footage, Selecting Marked Footage
specific project elements, Select Specific Project Elements
selecting video clips
by dragging, Select by Dragging
entire clips, Select an Entire Clip
multiple clips, Select Multiple Clips at OncePlay a Selection, Select Multiple Clips at Once, Play a Selection
Sepia effects, Warmth
shaky footage, Video StabilizationRemove Stabilization, Degrees of Stabilization, Remove Stabilization, Remove Stabilization
sharing iOS movies
to CNN iReport, CNN iReport
to Facebook, FacebookYouTube, Facebook, Facebook, YouTube
to Vimeo, VimeoiMessage, iMessage
to YouTube, YouTubeVimeo, YouTube, Vimeo
via AirDrop, AirDrop, AirDrop
via Camera Roll, The Camera RolliMessage, iMessage, iMessage
via iMessage, iMessageMail, Mail, Mail, AirDrop
via iMovie Theater, iMovie Theater
via Mail, Mail
sharing movies online
raw footage, First, a Word About Sharing Raw Footage
to Facebook, Share to Facebook
uploading to Vimeo, Upload to Vimeo, After Your Vimeo Movie Is Up
via CNN iReport, Share to CNN iReportPost a Movie on Your Own Site, Upload to iReport, Post a Movie on Your Own Site
via email, Share via EmailShare via Email, Share via Email, Share via Email
via own web page, Share to Your Own Web PagePost to Blogging Services, Post to Blogging Services
via YouTube, Share to YouTubePost to Facebook, Post to YouTube, After the YouTube Movie Is Up, After the YouTube Movie Is Up, Post to Facebook
sharing videos between iDevices
basics, Sharing Basics
from iTunes, From iTunes to iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV
to iMovie Theater, Sharing BasicsShare to iTunes, iMovie Theater, Share to iMovie Theater, Share to iMovie Theater, Share to iTunes
to iTunes, Share to iTunesFrom iTunes to iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV, From iTunes to iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV, From iTunes to iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV
Shortcut menu (iMovie), The Shortcut Menu
reaction, Cutaways and Cut-Ins
Shot List tab (movie trailers), The Shot List Tab, The Trailers Catalog
variety of, Variety of Shots
Show Separate Days In Events feature, Review Event Footage
Show Waveforms checkbox, Working with Filmstrips
Side by Side video effects, Side by SidePicture in Picture (PiP), Picture in Picture (PiP), Picture in Picture (PiP)
sizing photos, Retime Multiple PhotosFit, Crop, and Rotate Photos, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo, Fit, Crop, and Rotate Photos
Audio Skimming, Audio Skimming
filmstrips, Skim FilmstripsSelect Multiple Clips at Once, Select Multiple Clips at Once
in Precision Editor, The Precision Editor
Skin Tone Balance tool, Skin Tone Balance
Slide Left/Right transitions, Slide Left, Slide Right
Slow Motion effect, One-Step Effects
Smart Albums (iPhoto), Work with More Than One Library
smartphone recording (aspect ratios), Aspect Ratios: The Missing Manual
snap to beats, Snap to Beats in Your ProjectBeat Markers in the Precision Editor, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor
video markers and, Resize Clips
songs, previewing/adding to videos, Preview a SongChange the Volume of a Song, Change the Volume of a Song
Sony camcorders, From a DVD Camcorder
video clips (iMovie for iOS), Sort ClipsSort Clips, Sort Clips
video footage, EventsReview Event Footage, How Events Work, Review Event Footage
ambient, Detach Clip AudioAudio Effects and Enhancements, Audio Effects and Enhancements
continuity of, Maintain Continuity
effects, Sound EffectsAdd and Edit Connected Audio, Add and Edit Connected Audio, Add and Edit Connected Audio
Sound Effects browser, iTunes
Speed Editor (video effects), Change a Clip’s Speed
Spin In/Spin Out transitions, Spin In, Spin Out
video clips, Split a ClipAspect Ratios: The Missing Manual, Aspect Ratios: The Missing Manual, Aspect Ratios: The Missing Manual
video clips (iMovie for iOS), Freeze a FramePlay Back Your Movie, Play Back Your Movie
Sports theme, customizing, Customize the Sports ThemeCustomize the Sports Theme, Customize the Sports Theme, Customize the Sports Theme
stabilization, video, Stabilization, Color Fixes, Cropping, and RotatingAuto Enhance, Video Stabilization, Degrees of Stabilization, Remove Stabilization, Fix Jellyroll Footage, Remove Shutter Adjustments, Auto Enhance
still frames, extracting, Create a Still FrameCreate a Still Frame, Create a Still Frame, Create a Still Frame
storing projects in events, Where Projects LiveCreate a Project, Where Projects Live, Create a Project
iOS movie trailers, Fill in the DetailsAdjust Clips and Photos, Film Straight to the Storyboard, Adjust Clips and Photos
playback, Storyboard PlaybackFull-Screen Playback, Full-Screen Playback, Full-Screen Playback
Storyboard tab (movie trailers), The Storyboard Tab
Strikethrough option (text), Underline, Strikethrough, Color, Shadow
styles, title, Titles, Subtitles, and CreditsChoose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style, Choose a Title Style
Swap transitions, Swap
System Fonts Panel, The System Font PanelGeneral Guidelines, The System Font Panel, General Guidelines, General Guidelines, General Guidelines


tape camcorders, From an SD CardFrom the Finder, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck, From a Tape Camcorder or DV Deck, From the Finder
adding to titles, Adjust the TimingSpecial Notes on Scrolling Credits, Special Notes on Scrolling Credits
adjusting theme transitions, Adjust Theme TransitionsCustomize the Sports Theme, Adjust Theme Transitions, Adjust Theme Transitions, Customize the Sports Theme
choosing, Choose a ThemeChange a Theme, Change a Theme
custom theme transitions/titles, Custom Theme Transitions and Titles
customizing map transitions, Customize Transitions That Are Maps
customizing Sports theme, Customize the Sports ThemeCustomize the Sports Theme, Customize the Sports Theme, Customize the Sports Theme
in iMovie for iOS, ThemesAdd Titles, Change a Theme, Turn Theme Music On or OffEdit a Transition, Add Titles, Edit a Transition
Themes window, Create a Project
titles based on, Theme-Based Titles
three-shot sequences, Reaction Shots
tight editing, Tight Editing
photos, Timing ChangesThe Dimensions of an iMovie Photo, Retime Multiple Photos, The Dimensions of an iMovie Photo
titles, Add by Double-ClickingType the Text, Adjust the Timing, Type the Text
adding custom, Add a Custom Title
adding text, Adjust the TimingSpecial Notes on Scrolling Credits, Type the Text, Special Notes on Scrolling Credits
adjusting timing of, Adjust the Timing, Adjust the Timing
dragging into position, Drag the Title into PositionType the Text, Drag the Title into Position, Add by Double-Clicking, Adjust the Timing, Type the Text
in iMovie for iOS, Turn Theme Music On or Off, Add Titles, Change a Title, Transitions“Delete” Transitions Altogether, “Delete” Transitions Altogether
Scrolling Credits, Special Notes on Scrolling CreditsFont, Size, and Style, Font, Size, and Style
theme-based, Theme-Based Titles
title cards, Using Photos and Graphics
toolbar, accessing with I button (iPhones), Add Titles
trailing/leading clips, The Precision Editor
training films, iMovie’s Many Roles
transferring videos between, Import Video from Your ComputerTransfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another, Transfer Video from One iDevice to Another
audio and, Detach Clip Audio
automatic, How Transitions Affect the Length of Your MovieTransitions: The iMovie Catalog, Automatic Transitions, Transitions: The iMovie Catalog
beats and, Beat Markers in the Precision Editor
catalog of, Transitions: The iMovie CatalogThemes, Themes
duration of, A Long Discussion of Transition LengthsTransitions: The iMovie Catalog, A Long Discussion of Transition Lengths, Automatic Transitions, Transitions: The iMovie Catalog
in iMovie for iOS, Edit a Transition
when to avoid, When to Not Use TransitionsCreate Individual Transitions, When to Not Use Transitions, Create Individual Transitions
Travel Maps, Travel MapsRemove a Map, Change Travel Points, Remove a Map
trim handles, How Transitions Affect the Length of Your MovieTransitions: The iMovie Catalog, Transitions: The iMovie Catalog
audio (iMovie for iOS), Adjust Timing
troubleshooting (iMovie)
editing, Editing
general maintenance, General iMovie TroubleshootingiMovie Doesn’t See the Tape Camcorder, Keep Your Hard Disk Happy, iMovie Doesn’t See the Tape Camcorder
hard disks, Keep Your Hard Disk HappyiMovie Doesn’t See the Tape Camcorder, Keep Your Hard Disk Happy, iMovie Doesn’t See the Tape Camcorder
starting up/importing, Starting Up and ImportingCan’t Drag Certain Photos into the Movie, Can’t Drag Certain Photos into the Movie


warmth slider, WarmthCrop Video, Crop Video
waveforms (audio)
visualizing sound changes with, Finding the Rubber BandDucking, Ducking, Ducking
web movies, iMovie’s Many Roles
websites for downloading
iDVD: The Missing Manual, iDVD
prerecorded music, iTunes
websites for further information
CNN iReport, Upload to iReport
Help, Where to Get Help
iMic from Griffin Technology, Narration
iMovie-compatible cameras, From a Camera or Camcorder
Vimeo accounts, Share to Vimeo
YouTube accounts, Share to YouTube
YouTube Video Manager, After the YouTube Movie Is Up
websites, posting videos on, Post a Movie on Your Own Site
White Balance tool, White BalanceContrast, White Balance, Skin Tone Balance, Contrast
Window menu (iMovie), Window MenuiMovie Help, Movie Properties, Swap Project and Event, iMovie Help
Wipe Left/Right/Up/Down transitions, Wipe Left, Wipe Right, Wipe Up, Wipe Down
changing filmstrip size, Change the Size of Your Clips
hiding/showing Audio Waveforms, Hide/Show Clip Audio
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