iOS 6 Programming Pushing the Limits

Publisher’s Acknowledgements

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Editorial and Production

VP Consumer and Technology Publishing Director: Michelle Leete

Associate Director–Book Content Management: Martin Tribe

Associate Publisher: Chris Webb

Acquisitions Editor: Craig Smith

Assistant Editor: Ellie Scott

Development Editor: Tom Dinse

Copy Editor: Melba Hopper

Technical Editor: Jay Thrash

Editorial Manager: Jodi Jensen

Senior Project Editor: Sara Shlaer

Editorial Assistant: Leslie Saxman


Associate Marketing Director: Louise Breinholt

Marketing Manager: Lorna Mein

Senior Marketing Executive: Kate Parrett

Composition Services

Compositor: Indianapolis Composition Services

Proofreader: Cynthia Fields

Indexer: Potomac Indexing, LLC

About the Authors

Rob Napier is a builder of tree houses, hiker, and proud father. He began developing for the Mac in 2005, and picked up iPhone development when the first SDK was released, working on products such as The Daily, PandoraBoy, and Cisco Mobile. He is a major contributor to Stack Overflow and maintains the Cocoaphony blog (

Mugunth Kumar is an independent iOS developer based in Singapore. He graduated in 2009 and holds a Masters degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, majoring in Information Systems. He writes about mobile development, software usability, and iOS-related tutorials on his blog ( Prior to iOS development he worked for Fortune 500 companies GE and Honeywell as a software consultant on Windows and .NET platforms. His core areas of interest include programming methodologies (Object Oriented and Functional), mobile development and usability engineering. If he were not coding, he would probably be found at some exotic place capturing scenic photos of Mother Nature.


To Neverwood. Thanks for your patience.

To my mother who shaped the first twenty years of my life

About the Technical Editor

Jay Thrash is a veteran software developer who has spent the past three years designing and developing iOS applications. During his career, he developed a keen interest in the areas of user interaction and interface design.

Prior to settling down as an iOS developer, Jay has worked on a variety of platforms and applications, including flight simulators and web application development. He has also spent over six years in the PC and console gaming industry.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

After spending much of last year writing for iOS 5, Rob thanks his family for their patience as he did it all again for iOS 6. Mugunth thanks his parents and friends for their support while writing this book. Thanks to Wiley, especially Craig Smith and Ellie Scott, for the continued support, encouragement, and nudging that it takes to get a book out the door. Thanks to Jay Thrash for jumping into the fray and tech editing for us, and to Tom Dinse who made sure that it was intelligible. Thanks to the Apple engineers at WWDC who put up with a deluge of questions, probing, and occasional complaining. And special thanks to Steve Jobs for a lifetime of elegant boxes. He will be missed.

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