How to do it...

  1. Navigate to Interfaces | Assignments.
  2. Click on the Wireless tab.

  1. Click on the Add button to add a new interface.
  2. Select the correct interface in the Parent Interface drop-down box. If your wireless card is not listed, then it was not detected by pfSense, and you will have to troubleshoot this issue.

  1. Select Access Point in the Mode drop-down box.
  2. Enter a brief description in the Description edit box.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. Now that we have added the wireless card, we can assign the interface, in a manner similar to the method used for adding wired Ethernet cards. Click on the Interface Assignments tab.
  5. Select the wireless card added in the previous steps in the Available network ports drop-down box. When you have selected it, click on the Add button.

  1. Click on the name of the newly assigned interface (for example, OPT1) in the Interface column. This will bring you to the wireless interface’s configuration page.

  1. In the IPv4 Configuration Type drop-down box, select Static IPv4.
  2. In the IPv6 Configuration Type drop-down box, select Static IPv6, or just leave it at the default setting of None.
  3. Scroll down to Static IPv4 Configuration. In this section, enter an IP address in the IPv4 Address edit box, and select the correct CIDR in the CIDR drop-down box.
  4. If you chose Static IPv6 as the IPv6 Configuration Type, you will need to enter an IPv6 address in the IPv6 Address edit box under Static IPv6 Configuration. You must also select the correct CIDR.
  5. In the Common Wireless Configuration section, select the appropriate 802.11 standard in the Standard drop-down box.
  6. Select a channel for your wireless card to use in the Channel drop-down box.
  7. In the Network-Specific Wireless Configuration section, select Access Point in the Mode drop-down box.
  8. Enter an SSID in the SSID edit box.
  9. Check the Force the card to use WME (wireless QoS) checkbox.
  10. In the WPA section, check the Enable WPA checkbox.
  11. Enter a pre-shared key in the WPA Pre-Shared Key edit box.
  12. When you are done making changes, click on the Save button.
  13. Click on the Apply Changes button.

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