Substitution and Regular Expressions

Regular expressions, and their use with the substitute command, are what give vi most of its significant editing power.

The Substitute Command

The general form of the substitute command is:


Omitting the search pattern (:s//replacement/) uses the last search or substitution regular expression.

An empty replacement part (:s/pattern//) “replaces” the matched text with nothing, effectively deleting it from the line.

Substitution flags




Confirm each substitution


Change all occurrences of old to new on each line (globally)


Print the line after the change is made

It’s often useful to combine the substitute command with the ex global command, :g:

:g/Object Oriented/s//Buzzword compliant/g

vi Regular Expressions


(period) Matches any single character except a newline. Remember that spaces are treated as characters.


Matches zero or more (as many as there are) of the single character that immediately precedes it.

The * can follow a metacharacter, such as ., or a range in brackets.


When used at the start of a regular expression, ^ requires that the following regular expression be found at the beginning of the line. When not at the beginning of a regular expression, ^ stands for itself.


When used at the end of a regular expression, $ requires that the preceding regular expression be found at the end of the line. When not at the end of a regular expression, $ stands for itself.

Treats the following special character as an ordinary character. Use \ to get a literal backslash.


Matches whatever regular expression was used in the last search.

[ ]

Matches any one of the characters enclosed between the brackets. A range of consecutive characters can be specified by separating the first and last characters in the range with a hyphen.

You can include more than one range inside brackets and specify a mix of ranges and separate characters.

Most metacharacters lose their special meaning inside brackets, so you don’t need to escape them if you want to use them as ordinary characters. Within brackets, the three metacharacters you still need to escape are - ]. The hyphen (-) acquires meaning as a range specifier; to use an actual hyphen, you can also place it as the first character inside the brackets.

A caret (^) has special meaning only when it’s the first character inside the brackets, but in this case, the meaning differs from that of the normal ^ metacharacter. As the first character within brackets, a ^ reverses their sense: the brackets match any one character not in the list. For example, [^a-z] matches any character that’s not a lowercase letter.


On modern systems, the locale can affect the interpretation of ranges within brackets, causing vi to match letters in a surprising fashion. It is better to use POSIX bracket expressions (see POSIX Bracket Expressions) to match specific kinds of characters, such as all lowercase or all uppercase characters.


Saves the pattern enclosed between ( and ) into a special holding space or “hold buffer.” You can save up to nine patterns in this way on a single line.

You can also use the n notation within a search or substitute string:


changes abcdabcd into alphabet-soup.[3]

<  >

Matches characters at the beginning (<) or end (>) of a word. The end or beginning of a word is determined either by a punctuation mark or by a space. Unlike (...), these don’t have to be used in matched pairs.

POSIX Bracket Expressions

POSIX bracket expressions may contain the following:

Character classes

A POSIX character class consists of keywords bracketed by [: and :]. The keywords describe different classes of characters, such as alphabetic characters, control characters, and so on (see the following table).

Collating symbols

A collating symbol is a multicharacter sequence that should be treated as a unit. It consists of the characters bracketed by [. and .].

Equivalence classes

An equivalence class lists a set of characters that should be considered equivalent, such as e and è. It consists of a named element from the locale, bracketed by [= and =].

All three constructs must appear inside the square brackets of a bracket expression.

POSIX character classes


Matching characters


Alphanumeric characters


Alphabetic characters


Space and tab characters


Control characters


Numeric characters


Printable and visible (nonspace) characters


Lowercase characters


Printable characters (includes whitespace)


Punctuation characters


Whitespace characters


Uppercase characters


Hexadecimal digits

Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings


Is replaced with the text matched by the nth pattern previously saved by ( and ), where n is a number from one to nine, and previously saved patterns (kept in hold buffers) are counted from the left on the line.

Treats the following special character as an ordinary character. To specify a real backslash, type two in a row (\).


Is replaced with the entire text matched by the search pattern when used in a replacement string. This is useful when you want to avoid retyping text.


The string found is replaced with the replacement text specified in the last substitute command. This is useful for repeating an edit.

u or l

Changes the next character in the replacement string to uppercase or lowercase, respectively.

U or L and e or E

U and L are similar to u or l, but all following characters are converted to uppercase or lowercase until the end of the replacement string or until e or E is reached. If there is no e or E, all characters of the replacement text are affected by the U or L.

More Substitution Tricks

  • You can instruct vi to ignore case by typing :set ic.

  • A simple :s is the same as :s//~/.

  • :& is the same as :s. You can follow the & with g to make the substitution globally on the line, and even use it with a line range.

  • You can use the & key as a vi command to perform the :& command, i.e., to repeat the last substitution.

  • The :~ command is similar to the :& command, but with a subtle difference. The search pattern used is the last regular expression used in any command, not necessarily the one used in the last substitute command.

  • Besides the / character, you may use any nonalphanumeric, nonwhitespace character as your delimiter, except backslash, double quote, and the vertical bar (, ", and |).

  • When the edcompatible option is enabled, vi remembers the flags (g for global and c for confirmation) used on the last substitution and applies them to the next one.

[3] This works with vi, nvi, and Vim, but not with elvis or vile.

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