
Book Description

3D Storytelling is the ultimate guide for directors, cinematographers, producers, and designers of stereoscopic 3D movies and videos. With an emphasis on the aesthetic over the technical, this book is an essential foundation for showing you how to use 3D creatively to tell a story.

Hollywood producer Bruce Block and Dreamworks stereoscopic supervisor Philip Captain 3D McNally blend their vast real-world experience and teaching skills to help you learn how to:

* Think in 3D
* Integrate 3D design into your script or story
* Direct and design the 3D depth of your shots
* Use stereoscopic windows
* Work with the depth cues in 3D
* Create a comfortable viewing experience for the audience
* Plan editing and directorial considerations for 3D
* Understand closed, open, and unstable 3D space

Brimming with practical information that can be immediately applied to your 3D production, the book also features interviews with some of the industry’s leading stereographers, as well as 3D diagrams and photographs that illustrate how 3D works, how it can be controlled in production, and how 3D can be used to tell a story.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  5. Foreword
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Introduction
  8. 1 CHAPTER ONE - The Basics
    1. Thinking in 3D
    2. Human Vision and 3D Photography
    3. Interoccular Eyes and Interaxial Lenses
    4. Stereoscopic 3D Camera Systems
      1. Camera/Mirror Arrangements
    5. 3D Viewing
    6. 3D Projection and Display
  9. 2 CHAPTER TWO - The Visual Variables
    1. Orthographic Stereo
    2. The 3D Visual Variables
      1. Visual Variable 1: Camera Convergence
      2. Visual Variable 2: Interaxial Distance
        1. A. IA Controls Volume
        2. B. IA Controls Scale
        3. C. IA Controls Depth
        4. Parallax
        5. Depth Bracket
      3. Visual Variable 3: Stereoscopic Window
  10. 3 CHAPTER THREE - The Six Visual Sins
    1. Sin #1: Divergence
    2. Sin #2: Coupling and Decoupling
    3. Sin #3: Geometry Distortions
    4. Sin #4: Ghosting
    5. Sin #5: Window Violations
    6. Sin #6: Point-of-Attention Jumps
  11. 4 CHAPTER FOUR - 3D Aesthetics
    1. Planning the 3D
    2. Viewing 3D Images
    3. Aspect Ratio in 3D
    4. Placing the Subject in Depth
    5. The Big Choice
    6. The 2D Depth Cues in 3D
    7. Closed and Open Space
    8. 3D Unstable Space
    9. Pre-Visualizing 3D
    10. Visual Structure
    11. Window and Camera Movement
    12. 3D and Editing
  12. Appendices
    1. A. Stereographer Interviews
    2. B. Subject Placement and Depth Bracket
    3. C. Screen Resolution and Divergence
    4. D. Stereoscopic Image Pairs
    5. E. How We See 3D
    6. F. Movies to Watch
  13. Glossary
  14. Index