
Book Description

The Impostor Syndrome is a well-researched, well-documented phenomenon that occurs when successful and intelligent professionals feel they do not deserve their accomplishments and that they have faked their way to success. This syndrome can cause negative stress, fear, anxiety, loss of confidence, and can eventually lead to derailment. However, by overcoming inaccurate beliefs about yourself and your abilities, you can overcome the Impostor Syndrome and enjoy a more fulfilling career.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  3. Title Page
  4. Contents
  5. Are You an Impostor?
    1. How Impostor Syndrome Affects You
    2. How Impostor Syndrome Affects Others
    3. Wait! I Can Explain!
  6. Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
    1. Step 1: Focus on Facts
    2. Step 2: Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs
    3. Step 3: Get Clear on Your Strengths
    4. Step 4: Talk About It
  7. Parting Thoughts