Parting Thoughts

Rachel Sams, writing in the Baltimore Business Journal, says that experts believe as many as 70 percent of people feel like impostors at least once in their lives. Impostor Syndrome takes an exacting toll and could be holding you back or compromising your talents, impact, and career trajectory.

There is hope.

You can manage and overcome the Impostor Syndrome by utilizing the following behaviors:

•  focus on facts

•  challenge your limiting beliefs

•  get clear on your strengths

•  talk about it

It takes emotional honesty, introspection, and feedback from others to achieve the self-awareness and self-acceptance needed to combat the Impostor Syndrome. But the time and energy invested produces substantial dividends in terms of health, outlook, and performance. After reading this book, ask yourself if you’ve become adept at explaining away or minimizing evidence of your success and never truly owning your accomplishments. If you have, you may live in fear of being unmasked. Take heart. The Impostor Syndrome is a well-researched, well-documented phenomenon. You are not alone. With acceptance, self-awareness, and support, you can utilize the skills and talents you already possess to benefit others, strengthen your organization, and achieve your own leadership goals.

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