
Book Description

Beginning Windows 8 Application Development - XAML Edition introduces you to the Windows 8 modern app design paradigm and the new Windows 8 programming model developed around this paradigm. You'll learn to build rich, immersive applications designed to run on the many devices that will be powered by Windows 8.

With the introduction of Windows 8, once again Microsoft has re-envisioned the way that PCs and devices will be used and applications will be built in a world that has become far more connected. The Windows 8 modern UI style is far more than a programming model and Beginning Windows 8 Application Development - XAML Edition takes you beyond the syntax of any development language. We examine the factors such as UX (User Experience), social integration, and maintaining data and settings across multiple devices.

  • Gives an early start to building next-generation connected applications

  • Introduces new programming libraries available in Windows 8

  • Explores Windows 8 app design concepts

  • What you'll learn

    Beginning Windows 8 Application Development - XAML Edition will enable you to:

  • Apply Windows 8 modern UI style design guidelines to build effective user interfaces

  • Consume services to bring data into your application

  • Effectively use application tiles and notifications

  • Use the cloud to share data and application settings across multiple devices

  • Integrate with Windows by exposing your application's data to Windows Search and Share menus

  • Who this book is for

    Beginning Windows 8 Application Development - XAML Edition is for the novice programmer with a basic understanding of .NET development who is interested in learning how to build the next generation of applications designed to run on Windows 8. Readers who already have an understanding of C# will get the most out of the book and is also an excellent choice for more experienced developers who are not sure where to start learning about programming for Windows 8.

    Table of Contents

    1. Title
    2. Dedication
    3. Contents at a Glance
    4. Contents
    5. About the Author
    6. About the Technical Reviewer
    7. Acknowledgments
    8. Introduction
    9. Chapter 1: Welcome to a Touch-First World
      1. Moving to More Natural Interaction
      2. Windows 8 Touch Language
      3. Keys to a Successful Touch Interface
      4. Beyond Touch
      5. Conclusion
    10. Chapter 2: The Windows Design Language
      1. Swiss Design Style
      2. Windows Design Language
      3. Conclusion
    11. Chapter 3: Designing Windows 8 Applications
      1. Communication Is Key
      2. What Should the Application Be Good At?
      3. Identify Functional Requirements
      4. Evaluate Identified Requirements
      5. Decompose Requirements
      6. Build Interaction Flows
      7. Wireframes
      8. Visual Design
      9. Conclusion
    12. Chapter 4: Visual Studio 2012 and Windows Store Application Types
      1. Visual Studio Editions
      2. Getting Started with Visual Studio
      3. Windows Store Application Types
      4. Conclusion
    13. Chapter 5: XAML Controls in the Visual Studio Toolbox: The Common Controls
      1. Grid
      2. StackPanel
      3. Border
      4. TextBlock
      5. TextBox
      6. Button
      7. RadioButton
      8. CheckBox
      9. ComboBox
      10. Image
      11. FlipView
      12. GridView and ListView
      13. Rectangle
      14. A Word on Style
      15. Conclusion
    14. Chapter 6: XAML Controls in the Visual Studio Toolbox: Other Controls
      1. AppBar
      2. Canvas
      3. CaptureElement
      4. ContentControl
      5. ContentPresenter
      6. Ellipse
      7. Frame
      8. HyperlinkButton
      9. ItemsControl
      10. ItemsPresenter
      11. ListBox
      12. MediaElement
      13. PasswordBox
      14. Popup
      15. ProgressBar
      16. ProgressRing
      17. RepeatButton
      18. RichEditBox
      19. RichTextBlock and RichTextBlockOverflow
      20. ScrollBar
      21. ScrollContentPresenter
      22. ScrollViewer
      23. SemanticZoom
      24. Slider
      25. ToggleButton
      26. ToggleSwitch
      27. ToolTip
      28. VariableSizedWrapGrid
      29. ViewBox
      30. VirtualizingStackPanel
      31. WebView
      32. WrapGrid
      33. Conclusion
    15. Chapter 7: Building the User Interface
      1. Introducing Style
      2. DataTemplates
      3. The MovieBrowser Sample Application
      4. Conclusion
    16. Chapter 8: Data Binding
      1. Observer Pattern
      2. Managing and Synchronizing ApplicationDatawiththeUserInterface
      3. Dependency Objects and Dependency Properties
      4. XAML Binding
      5. Value Converters
      6. Conclusion
    17. Chapter 9: Introducing MVVM
      1. The Problem When Code Is Too Close to the User
      2. Automated Testing
      3. Moving the Code Away from the User
      4. Important Interfaces to MVVM
      5. Conclusion
    18. Chapter 10: Starting the ViewModel
      1. The MovieBrowser Model
      2. Data Templates
      3. Sample Data
      4. ViewModel
      5. Integrating the ViewModel
      6. Conclusion
    19. Chapter 11: Inversion of Control
      1. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
      2. Back to Inversion of Control
      3. Selecting an Inversion of Control Method
      4. Conclusion
    20. Chapter 12: The Role of Service Agents
      1. Introducing the Service Agent
      2. Removing Dependency
      3. Conclusion
    21. Chapter 13: Asynchronous Programming Model
      1. Laying Some Foundation
      2. The Case Study
      3. Breaking Out of Sequence
      4. Conclusion
    22. Chapter 14: Mocking the Service Agent
      1. Craftsmanship and API Design
      2. Designing the MovieBrowser Catalog Service Agent
      3. Building the Movie Catalog Service Agent
      4. Conclusion
    23. Chapter 15: Connecting to Data in the Cloud
      1. Connecting Applications
      2. Battling Complexity with REST
      3. OData Protocol by Example
      4. Conclusion
    24. Chapter 16: Completing the Service Agent
      1. Asynchronous Programming and the UI Thread
      2. Choosing How to Call the Service
      3. Conclusion
    25. Chapter 17: Interacting with Windows Search and Share
      1. Contracts
      2. Application Contracts
      3. Search Contract
      4. Share Contract
      5. Conclusion
    26. Chapter 18: Notifications and Tiles
      1. Toast Notifications
      2. Tiles
      3. Conclusion
    27. Chapter 19: Sensors, Devices, and the Location API
      1. Physical and Virtual Sensors
      2. Accelerometer
      3. Inclinometer
      4. Compass
      5. Ambient Light
      6. Geolocation
      7. Camera
      8. Conclusion
    28. Chapter 20: Sharing Apps in the Windows Store
      1. Branding Your Application
      2. Navigating the Submission Process
      3. Packaging Your Application
      4. Conclusion
    29. Index