
Book Description

Ever-changing business needs have prompted large companies to rethink their enterprise IT. Today, businesses must allow interaction with their customers, partners, and employees at more touch points and at a depth never thought previously. At the same time, rapid advances in information technologies, like business digitization, cloud computing, and Web 2.0, demand fundamental changes in the enterprises’ management practices. These changes have a drastic effect not only on IT and business, but also on policies, processes, and people. Many companies therefore embark on enterprise-wide transformation initiatives. The role of Enterprise Architecture (EA) is to architect and supervise this transformational journey. Unfortunately, today’s EA is often a ponderous and detached exercise, with most of the EA initiatives failing to create visible impact. The enterprises need an EA that is agile and responsive to business dynamics. Collaborative Enterprise Architecture provides the innovative solutions today’s enterprises require, informed by real-world experiences and experts’ insights. This book, in its first part, provides a systematic compendium of the current best practices in EA, analyzes current ways of doing EA, and identifies its constraints and shortcomings. In the second part, it leaves the beaten tracks of EA by introducing Lean, Agile, and Enterprise 2.0 concepts to the traditional EA methods. This blended approach to EA focuses on practical aspects, with recommendations derived from real-world experiences. A truly thought provoking and pragmatic guide to manage EA, Collaborative Enterprise Architecture effectively merges the long-term oriented top-down approach with pragmatic bottom-up thinking, and that way offers real solutions to businesses undergoing enterprise-wide change.

  • Covers the latest emerging technologies affecting business practice, including digitization, cloud computing, agile software development, and Web 2.0
  • Focuses on the practical implementation of EAM rather than theory, with recommendations based on real-world case studies
  • Addresses changing business demands and practices, including Enterprise 2.0, open source, global sourcing, and more
  • Takes an innovative approach to EAM, merging standard top-down and pragmatic, bottom-up strategies, offering real solutions to businesses undergoing enterprise-wide changes

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1. Why Collaborative Enterprise Architecture?
    1. Reasons for this book
    2. Goals and benefits of enterprise architecture
    3. The gray reality: Enterprise architecture failures
    4. Enriching EA by Lean, Agile, and Enterprise 2.0 Practices
  8. Chapter 2. What Is Enterprise Architecture?
    1. The meaning of architecture
    2. Applying architecture to an enterprise
    3. EA applicability and use
  9. Chapter 3. What Enterprise Architects Do: Core Activities of EA
    1. Defining the IT strategy (EA-1)
    2. Modeling the architectures (EA-2)
    3. Evolving the IT landscape (EA-3)
    4. Assessing and building capabilities (EA-4)
    5. Developing and enforcing standards and guidelines (EA-5)
    6. Monitoring the project portfolio (EA-6)
    7. Leading or coaching projects (EA-7)
    8. Managing risks involved in IT (EA-8)
  10. Chapter 4. EA Frameworks
    1. What is an EA framework?
    2. The Zachman framework for enterprise architecture
    3. The open group architecture framework (TOGAF)
    4. Gartner methodology (formerly META framework)
    5. The role and use of EA frameworks
  11. Chapter 5. EA Maturity Models
    1. Applying maturity model to EA
    2. OMB EA assessment framework
    3. Architecture capability maturity model of the US department of commerce
    4. EA maturity model by MIT center for information system research
    5. Experiences with the maturity models
  12. Chapter 6. Foundations of Collaborative EA
    1. Reflections on complexity
    2. The EA dashboard as a yardstick for EA effectiveness
  13. Chapter 7. Toward Pragmatism: Lean and Agile EA
    1. The architecture factory: Applying lean and agile methods to EA
    2. Lean and agile principles
    3. Building Block 1: Get rid of waste by streamlining architecture processes
    4. Building Block 2: Involve all stakeholders by interlocking architecture scrums
    5. Building Block 3: Practice iterative architecture through EA Kanban
  14. Chapter 8. Inviting to Participation: EAM 2.0
    1. A primer on Enterprise 2.0
    2. Building Block 4: Participation in knowledge
    3. Building Block 5: Participation in decisions
    4. Building Block 6: Participation in transformation
    5. The bottom line: Inviting to explore
  15. Chapter 9. The Next Steps: Taking Collaborative EA Forward
    1. A summary
    2. Getting started with collaborative EA
    3. Looking ahead
  16. APPENDIX: The Bank4Us staff
  17. References
  18. Index