
Book Description

Creating Special Effects for TV and Video is a concise and practical introduction to the techniques used in television production. Now completely updated, this third edition covers a wide range of special effects in a simple and practical form, with clear illustrations and photographs that support the text.

Creating Special Effects for TV and Video is a concise and practical introduction to the techniques used in television production. Now completely updated, this third edition covers a wide range of special effects in a simple and practical form, with clear illustrations and photographs that support the text.

Bernard Wilkie now a freelance consultant, director and writer, spent 25 years creating special effects for BBC TV where he became manager of one of the largest and most specialised visual FX units in the world.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Table of Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Special Effects Design
    1. The special effects designer
    2. Overlapping responsibility
  8. The Importance of Sound
    1. The restaurant
    2. The battle
  9. The Camcorder
    1. Transitory effects
    2. Filmed sequences
  10. Film Cameras
    1. Camera speeds
    2. Stop-frame and time-lapse cameras
  11. Animation Stand Camerawork
    1. Uses
    2. Preparation
  12. Stop-Frame Film Animation
    1. Technique
    2. Puppet construction
    3. Life-sized animation
  13. The Computer
    1. Motion control
  14. Computerised Effects - 1
    1. Explosions
    2. Morphing
  15. Computerised Effects - 2
    1. Flames
    2. Texture
    3. Creativity
  16. Fifty-Fifty Mirrors (Beam-Splitters)
    1. Ghost effects
    2. Depth of field
    3. Auto-focus
  17. Mirrored Effects
    1. Extending the picture
    2. Changing direction
    3. Calculating reflecting angles
  18. Periscopes
    1. Periscope
    2. Underwater periscope
    3. Underwater lighting
    4. Snorkel shots
  19. Polystyrene Fabrication and Modelling
    1. Cutting and shaping
    2. Joining
    3. Finishing
  20. Plastic Forming Machines
    1. Expanded-polystyrene cutter
    2. Vacuum-forming machine
  21. Plaster of Paris
    1. Mixing the plaster
    2. Release agents
    3. Miscellaneous
  22. Plaster Turning
    1. Horizontal method
    2. Vertical method
  23. Mould Making
    1. How to make a two-piece mould
  24. Flexible Moulds
    1. Hot melt
    2. Silicone rubber
    3. Latex
    4. Registration
  25. Latex Casting
    1. Casting latex
    2. Grade
    3. Finish
    4. Other uses
  26. Glass Fibre Lay-Ups and Casting Resin
    1. Lay-up
    2. Casting
    3. Finishing
  27. Matte and Glass Shots
    1. Matte shots
    2. Glass shots
  28. Models and Miniatures
    1. Static shots
    2. Shots with action
  29. Action Miniatures
    1. Water
    2. Fire
    3. Trains
    4. Explosions and demolition
  30. Hanging Miniatures
    1. Chroma key
    2. Outdoors
    3. Fixing
  31. Hanging Miniatures-Applications 1
    1. Background
    2. Economics
    3. Realisation
    4. Movement
  32. Hanging Miniatures-Applications 2
    1. The safety bonus
    2. Reflections in the water
  33. Model Landscapes
    1. Fields and trees
    2. Perspective
    3. Matte lines
  34. Model Ships
    1. Sub-frame
    2. Wakes and bow waves
    3. Outdoors
    4. Submarine shots
  35. Model Seas
    1. Miniature sea
    2. Waves
    3. Horizon
  36. Scenic Projection
    1. Back projection
    2. Front-axial projection
    3. Application
  37. Chroma Key: Colour Separation Overlay
    1. What it can do
    2. Limitations
  38. Optical Printing
    1. Optical mattes
    2. Selected frames
    3. Comic animation
  39. Underwater Sequences
    1. Contamination
    2. Foreshortening
    3. Natural growth
    4. Pre-washing
    5. The sea bed
  40. Water in the Studio
    1. Dump tanks
    2. Supplies
    3. Ornamental fountains
  41. Dry-Ice Generators
    1. Simple generation
    2. Controlled generation
    3. Operational notes
  42. Radar and Oscilloscopes
    1. Radar scanner
    2. Oscillographs
    3. Mock traces
  43. Laboratory and Chemical Effects
    1. Chemical equipment
    2. Chemical reactions
  44. Ray Guns and Blasters
    1. Weapons
    2. Ray effects
    3. Static ray
    4. Target
  45. Robots and Monsters
    1. Eyes
    2. Eyeballs
    3. The mouth
    4. Other movements
  46. The Smoke Gun
    1. Studio guns
    2. Gas guns
    3. Outdoor smoke machines
    4. Using the smoke gun
  47. Pyrotechnic and other Smokes
    1. Charcoal smoke
    2. Hot-wire smoke
  48. Flames
    1. Flame forks
    2. Flame drum
    3. Lighting effects
    4. Flaming brands
  49. Fire Effects in the Studio
    1. Use of flame forks
    2. Smoke
    3. Outdoor sets
  50. Fire Effects in the Open
    1. Burning buildings
    2. Flame arks
    3. Petrolgel
  51. Fires and Furnaces
    1. Open fires
    2. Actions
    3. Furnaces and red-hot coals
  52. Hot and Molten Metal
    1. Pokers
    2. Pouring molten metal
    3. Flat iron
    4. Use of heated items
  53. Explosives
    1. Their use
    2. Types
    3. Regulations
  54. Firing Boxes and Exploders
    1. Uses
    2. Facilities
    3. Danger points
    4. Circuits
    5. Nail board
  55. Pyrotechnics
    1. Stage pyrotechnics
    2. Explosions
  56. Pyrotechnics in the Studio
    1. Detonators and pyrofuses
    2. Fireworks
    3. Safety
  57. Pyrotechnics in the Open
    1. The mortar
    2. Ground explosions
    3. The trip-wire
  58. Safe Studio Explosions - 1
    1. Whoofer
    2. Elasticated explosions
  59. Safe Studio Explosions-2
    1. Swinging weight
    2. Falling weight
  60. Pyrofuses and Bullet Hits
    1. Pyrofuses
    2. Bullet hits
    3. Circuit test
  61. Bullet Effects in Scenery
    1. Walls
    2. Rocks
    3. Woodwork
    4. Direction
  62. Bullet Effects on Vases and Bottles
    1. Using projectiles
    2. Using detonators
  63. Bullet Effects in Glass and Mirrors
    1. Bullet effect by editing
    2. Capsule gun
    3. Shatter glass
  64. Bullet Effects on People
    1. Bullet plates
    2. Blood
    3. Operation
    4. Viewpoint
  65. Bullet Effects Using Compressed Air
    1. Capsule gun
    2. Bicycle pump
  66. Safety Precautions
    1. Pyrotechnic material
    2. Wiring up
    3. Flammables
  67. Arrows
    1. Whip pan
    2. Flight line
    3. Spring-up arrow
    4. Reverse filming
  68. Knives
    1. Compressed air knife thrower
    2. Knife-throwing act
    3. Safe knives
  69. Swords and Daggers
    1. Dagger
    2. Fixed dagger
    3. Retractable sword
    4. Blood spurt
  70. Prosthetics
    1. Body attachments
  71. Breaking Windows
    1. Windows for jumping through
    2. Simulated broken windows
    3. Shock wave
  72. Breaking Bottles, Crockery and Chairs
    1. Bottles
    2. Cups, saucers and vases
    3. Chairs and stools
    4. Plaster
  73. Breaking and Collapsing Scenery
    1. Falling shelves
    2. Brick walls
    3. Collapsing floor
    4. Mine shaft collapse
  74. Lava, Quicksand and Swamps
    1. Hot lava
    2. Quicksand
    3. Swamps
  75. Gunge and Custard Pies
    1. Oil and tar
    2. Custard pies
    3. Soup
    4. Spillages
  76. Dirt and Decay
    1. Dust
    2. Filth
    3. Decay
    4. Peat
    5. Soot
  77. Cobwebs
    1. Cobweb gun
    2. Applying cobwebs
    3. The mixture
  78. Wind and Blizzards
    1. Snow blizzard
    2. Wind
    3. Superimposition
    4. Film loop
  79. Frost and Ice
    1. Frost
    2. Ice
    3. Ice blocks
  80. Snow
    1. Falling snow in studio
    2. Falling snow outdoors
    3. Paper snow
    4. Polystyrene granules
  81. Fog and Mist
    1. A foggy night
    2. A foggy day
    3. Vignette
    4. Superimposed effects
  82. Rain in the Studio
    1. Rain in the studio
    2. Rain down a window
    3. Wet/dry/wet
    4. Water on the floor
  83. Rain in the Open
    1. Rain heads
    2. Rivers and ponds
  84. Radio Control
    1. Master controls
    2. Explosions
  85. Remote Control
    1. Electric ignition
    2. Solenoids
    3. Bowden cable
    4. Pneumatics and hydraulics
  86. Destruction of Automobiles
    1. Destruction by fire
    2. Exploding vehicle
    3. Smoke from a travelling automobile
    4. Steam from the radiator
  87. Automobile Crashes
    1. The ramp
    2. Demolition
    3. Turn-over trucks
    4. Vehicle repairs
  88. Special Lighting Devices
    1. Axial lighting
    2. Black-spot lighting
    3. Eye-line
  89. Projected Light Effects
    1. Static projected effects
    2. Reflected light
    3. Aircraft, trains and spaceships
    4. Animated light effects
  90. Some Special Plants
    1. Wilting flowers
    2. Falling blooms
    3. Falling fruit
    4. Leaping flowers
  91. Modifying Equipment
    1. Cloned functions
    2. Shaking equipment
  92. Photographs on the Screen
    1. Model shots
    2. Props
    3. The photocopier
  93. Sparks and Flashes
    1. The spark coil
    2. The scissors
    3. Video camera damage
  94. Scoring Devices and Game Shows
    1. The visual display unit
    2. Slide projectors
    3. Computer generation
  95. Personal Equipment
    1. The viewfinder
    2. Firing box
    3. The pocket knife
    4. The electric test meter
    5. The tool holder
  96. Further Reading
  97. Glossary