Latex Casting


One of the most versatile materials, aqueous-based liquid latex may be poured into moulds to reproduce all sorts of property items and costume embellishments. It is available in both heavy and light grades.

Casting latex

Poured into plaster moulds, latex adheres to the walls, whereupon the water content soaks into the plaster leaving the latex behind.

Moulds should have their internal surfaces clean, dry and uncontaminated with release agents. Latex is poured in through a convenient hole and after being swilled around is emptied out. This action should be repeated at least three times at intervals of 30 minutes allowing each application to thoroughly coat the internal surface of the mould.

The cast may be left to dry naturally, but it is more convenient to put it in a moderate oven. The heat cures the latex and dries out the mould.


The heavy grade of castng latex may be used for making many items ranging from mock armour to sticks and iron bars used in fight scenes. Latex items have the advantage that they can take a great deal of punishment without suffering damage.

The lighter grade may be used in the construction of face-masks to be worn by actors. With eye and mouth holes cut out, the latex mask can, by the application of make-up, be made to blend into the natural face to a degree where it is almost impossible to tell where the joins occur.

Another use for the lighter grade is in the making of insects, animals and medical specimens.

Vegetables, meats and fish can also be cast easily and cheaply.


Latex can be coloured with most paints and enamels and even with varnishes and lacquers. These finishes crack if severely handled, but seldom flake off.

Other uses

Applied with a brush, latex painted over expanded polystyrene gives it a hard resilient coating that is useful for artificial bricks and rocks.

Bandage wound round an actor’s leg and coated with latex can be cut off when dry and used later as a simulated plaster cast

A puddle of latex poured onto a sheet of glass and allowed to dry may be painted to resemble oil, paint, molasses, etc. Laid on the floor in the studio it looks real without being messy. Useful for applying to cookers, expensive rented furniture, carpets, etc.



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