
Book Description

For many companies, mastering “innovation” is a daunting challenge yet an urgent necessity. In this groundbreaking book, corporate innovation guru Robert B. Tucker offers a practical, straightforward approach you can use to design and implement a systematic, growth-generating innovation process that is right for your company or business unit. You'll enjoy the stories and gain valuable insights from Tucker's study of firms that have launched successful innovation initiatives. And you will avoid their mistakes while benefiting from their best practices.

You'll learn how to:

Cultivate a culture that makes innovation everybody's responsibility and unleashes bottled-up potential for change
“Mine” the future and seize new opportunities to deliver superior solutions to customers
Establish an “idea management” system so good ideas don't get lost—or show up in the hands of your competitors
Fortify your firm's “idea factory” to increase the speed to market of new products, services, process improvements, and business models
Lead an innovation initiative and build buy-in with senior management

This second edition has been completely revised and updated throughout. It includes a new Innovation Self-Assessment Instrument, so you can evaluate current culture and practices in an objective way, and a discussion of the newly emerging position of chief innovation officer.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Introduction
    1. Principle 1: innovation must be approached as a disciplined process.
    2. Principle 2: innovation must be approached comprehensively.
    3. Principle 3: Innovation must include an organized, systematic, and continual search for new opportunities.
    4. Principle 4: Innovation must be directed from the top and involve the total enterprise.
    5. Principle 5: Innovation must be customer-centered.
    6. How the Chapters Ahead Will Guide You
  5. CHAPTER 1: What It Takes to Drive Growth
    1. Why Innovation Is the Best Way to Stimulate Growth
    2. What Innovation Is, and What It Isn’t
    3. The Purpose of Innovation: Create New Customer Value
    4. The Three Types of Innovation
    5. Type 1: Product Innovation
    6. Type 2: Process Innovation
    7. Type 3: Strategy Innovation
    8. Not All Innovations Jump-Start Growth
    9. Substantial Innovations
    10. Breakthrough Innovations
    11. Designing Your Firm’s Innovation Process
    12. Assessing Your Firm’s Innovation Adeptness
    13. Scoring
  6. CHAPTER 2: Leading Innovation
    1. The Leader’s Quandary
    2. Managing the Present or Inventing the Future?
    3. Six Essentials of Leading Innovation
    4. Leadership Strategy 1: Innovation must be led from the top.
    5. Leadership Strategy 2: Design and implement an innovation process.
    6. Leadership Strategy 3: Spread responsibility for making innovation happen.
    7. Leadership Strategy 4: Allocate resources and decide on levels of risk.
    8. Leadership Strategy 5: Establish innovation metrics.
    9. Leadership Strategy 6: Reward and incentivize innovation.
  7. CHAPTER 3: Cultivating the Culture
    1. What Is Culture, Anyway?
    2. Fear—the Enemy of an Innovative Culture
    3. From Controlling Behavior to Shaping Behavior
    4. Creating the Culture: What Doesn’t Work
    5. Unpacking the Steps Leading to Breakthrough
    6. Creating an Innovation-Adept Culture
    7. Culture Strategy 1: Assess variance between present climate and optimum climate.
    8. Culture Strategy 2: Describe barriers to innovation.
    9. Culture Strategy 3: Describe your current innovation process.
    10. Culture Strategy 4: Address the “lack of time” barrier.
    11. Culture Strategy 5: Institute practices that create openness.
    12. Culture Strategy 6: Balance the mix of people.
    13. Culture Strategy 7: Identify mavericks.
    14. Culture Strategy 8: Improve or change the system.
    15. Culture Strategy 9: Examine your attitude regarding innovation and individual contributors.
    16. Culture Strategy 10: Identify and develop champions.
    17. Culture Strategy 11: Identify and recruit innovators.
    18. Designing Your Firm’s Approach to an Innovation-Adept Culture
  8. CHAPTER 4: Fortifying the Idea Factory
    1. What is An Idea Factory?
    2. Model 1: The Suggestion System
    3. Model 2: Continuous Improvement Teams
    4. Model 3: The Open Door Policy
    5. Model 4: New Venture Teams
    6. Model 5: The Growth Incubator
    7. Model 6: The Top-Line, All-Enterprise Approach
    8. Model 7: Innovation Teams
  9. CHAPTER 5: Mining the Future
    1. Filling the Funnel at Royal Dutch/Shell
    2. Taking the Fuzz Out of the Front End of Innovation
    3. How Growth-Spawning Companies Mine the Future
    4. Mining Strategy 1: Scan and monitor the sources of innovation opportunity.
    5. Mining Strategy 2: Create your personal future-scan system.
    6. Mining Strategy 3: Integrate future scanning with your company’s idea management system.
    7. Mining Strategy 4: Assault industry assumptions.
    8. Mining Strategy 5: Broaden your company’s vision.
    9. Mining Strategy 6: Strategize your place in the first-mover, fast-follower race.
    10. Designing Your 21st-century Future-Mining Capability
  10. CHAPTER 6: Filling the Idea Funnel
    1. Reinventing Ideation
    2. Ideation Strategy 1: Activate your own idea factory first.
    3. Ideation Strategy 2: Benchmark and learn new ideation methods.
    4. Ideation Strategy 3: Invite Everyone’s Participation
    5. Ideation Strategy 4: Focus on the unarticulated needs of customers.
    6. Ideation Strategy 5: Seek ideas from new customer groups.
    7. Ideation Strategy 6: Involve supply chain partners in ideation.
  11. CHAPTER 7: Producing Powerful Products
    1. Driving Growth Via New Products
    2. How Innovation-Adept Firms Approach Product Innovation
    3. Six Strategies for Producing Powerful Products
    4. Product Innovation 1: Study previous breakthrough products.
    5. Product Innovation 2: Focus relentlessly on value creation throughout the development process.
    6. Product Innovation 3: Design and implement a new product development process.
    7. Product Innovation 4: Use a learning strategy for more radical ideas.
    8. Product Innovation 5: Use cross-functional teams.
    9. Product Innovation 6: Use rapid prototyping.
    10. Upgrading Your Own Product Strategy
  12. CHAPTER 8: Generating Growth Strategies
    1. Who Moved Our Value Proposition?
    2. Getting Serious About Strategy Innovation Growth
    3. The Payoff of Strategy Innovation
    4. Doing More with Chicken at Tyson Foods
    5. The Elements of Successful Strategy Innovation
    6. Growth Strategy 1: Look for Opportunities in Market Positioning.
    7. Growth Strategy 2: Look for opportunities in customer outsourcing.
    8. Growth Strategy 3: Look for opportunities in understanding customer needs.
    9. Growth Strategy 4: Look for opportunities to reinvent your business model.
    10. Growth Strategy 5: Look for opportunities to redefine value-added.
    11. Growth Strategy 6: Rethink how your product or service gets into the hands of customers.
  13. CHAPTER 9: Selling New Ideas
    1. Selling Strategies for the Global Economy
    2. The Bottleneck Clogging the Pipeline, or Why Selling Ideas Is a Growing Challenge
    3. Seven Strategies for Selling New Ideas
    4. Selling Strategy 1: Make everyone an idea evangelist.
    5. Selling Strategy 2: Focus on the customer’s mean time to payback.
    6. Selling Strategy 3: Make it safe for customers to experiment.
    7. Selling Strategy 4: Sell conceptually.
    8. Selling Strategy 5: Build markets for your products and services.
    9. Selling Strategy 6: Convert the early adopters and gatekeepers first.
    10. Selling Strategy 7: Be persistent.
  14. CHAPTER 10: Taking Action in Your Firm
    1. Objectives
    2. Culture
    3. Idea Management
    4. Ownership of the process
    5. Rewards/Recognition
    6. Company-wide Training
    7. Responsibilities & Timeline
  15. Acknowledgments
  16. Source Notes and Resources for Further Study
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 1: What It Takes to Drive Growth
    3. Chapter 2: Leading Innovation
    4. Chapter 3: Cultivating the Culture
    5. Chapter 4: Fortifying the Idea Factory
    6. Chapter 5: Mining the Future
    7. Chapter 6: Filling the Idea Funnel
    8. Chapter 7: Producing Powerful Products
    9. Chapter 8: Generating Growth Strategies
    10. Chapter 9: Selling New Ideas
    11. Chapter 10: Taking Action in Your Firm
  17. Index
  18. About the Author
  19. About Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  20. Be Connected