
Book Description

The nutrition of an individual during gestation and the first two years of life—the first 1,000 days—sets the stage for lifelong health. Nutrition quality and quantity in this period can influence the risk of developing diseases that constitute today’s epidemics. Early-life nutrition can program the body’s tissues, organ structure and function, and metabolic and immunologic responses. These factors impact growth, development and cognition, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, allergies and obesity. The first part of Early Nutrition and Long-Term Health examines the mechanisms by which early nutrition affects the risk of developing these conditions. The second part of this book reviews specific non-communicable diseases (NCDs) associated with early nutrition. The third part discusses the effects of nutritional programming from fetal life to toddlerhood. Prevention of over- or undernutrition in early life, rather than dietary, behavioral or therapeutic interventions in later life, is likely to have a greater return on society’s investment in coping with the modern epidemic of NCDs.

  • Examines the relation between early life nutrition and long-term health
  • Covers the mechanistic aspects of nutritional programming and its impact on risk of chronic non-communicable diseases
  • Reviews associations between infant and child diet and its effect on growth, development, cognition and later occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, allergies, metabolic conditions and obesity

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Contributors
  6. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition
  7. Nutrition in the First 1000 Days of Life: Society’s Greatest Opportunity
  8. Part I: Nutrition in Early Life
    1. Chapter 1: Prenatal Nutrition and Nutrition in Pregnancy: Effects on Long-Term Growth and Development
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Epidemiology
      4. Evidence from animal studies
      5. The human literature
      6. Discussion
      7. Future trends and research
      8. Conclusions
      9. Sources of additional information
    2. Chapter 2: Breastfeeding and Human Milk: Short and Long-Term Health Benefits to the Recipient Infant
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Human milk composition
      4. Short-term benefits
      5. Long-term benefits
      6. Future research directions
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. List of Abbreviations
    3. Chapter 3: Early Nutrition: Effects on Infants’ Growth and Body Composition
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Early nutrition: the role of genetics and epigenetics
      4. Maternal nutritional status and its effect on offspring
      5. Programming of growth and body composition of term newborns by early nutrition
      6. Influence of early nutrition on preterm infants’ growth and body composition
      7. Conclusions
      8. Future trends and research
      9. Sources of additional information
    4. Chapter 4: Early Nutrition: Effects on Short and Long-Term Health: Two Examples
      1. Abstract
      2. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and prevention of early preterm birth
      3. LC-PUFA status and allergy risk
      4. Maternal LC-PUFA supply and child neurodevelopment
      5. Infant LC-PUFA supply and child neurodevelopment
      6. Effects of infant protein supply
      7. Breastfeeding confers slower growth and less later obesity risk than conventional bottle feeding
      8. Mechanisms of protective effects of breastfeeding: the early protein hypothesis
      9. Conclusions
      10. Disclosure of interests
    5. Chapter 5: Early Nutrition: Effects of Specific Nutrient Intake on Growth, Development, and Long-Term Health
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Proteins
      4. Fats: long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fats
      5. Folate
      6. Iron
      7. Iodine
      8. Zinc
      9. Summary
      10. Future trends and research
      11. Sources of additional information
    6. Chapter 6: The Effect of Infant Allergen/Immunogen Exposure on Long-Term Health
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Mechanisms of sensitization and tolerization of proteins, and timing of introduction of food allergens
      4. Long-term effect on immunologic/allergic response of introduction of allergens/immunogen exposure in early life
      5. Future trends and research needs
      6. Sources of additional information
    7. Chapter 7: Early Nutrition and its Effect on Allergy Development
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy
      4. Maternal nutrition during lactation
      5. Nutrition during infancy (birth to 1 year of age)
      6. Future trends and research needs
      7. Sources of additional information
    8. Chapter 8: Impact of Early Nutrition on Intestinal Microbiome: Effects on Immunity and Long-Term Health
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Infant microbiota composition and stability from birth to 2 years to 4 years to adult life
      4. Early nutrition and other factors influence intestinal microbiota development
      5. Microbiota effects on (long-term) health
      6. Probiotic intervention to influence microbiota and subsequent health effects
      7. Conclusions
      8. Future trends and research needs
      9. Sources of additional information
    9. Chapter 9: Eating Development in Young Children: Understanding the Complex Interplay of Developmental Domains
      1. Abstract
      2. Summary of motor skill development
      3. Summary of cognitive and self-awareness development
      4. Summary of sensory development
      5. Looking at the “whole child”: putting the science to work
      6. Future trends and additional research needs
      7. Summary
      8. Sources of additional information
  9. Part II: Early Nutrition and Non-Communicable Disease
    1. Chapter 10: Early Nutrition and its Effect on the Development of Celiac Disease
      1. Abstract
      2. Celiac disease
      3. Early nutrition and the risk of celiac disease
      4. Conclusions
      5. Future trends and research
      6. Sources of additional information
    2. Chapter 11: Early Nutrition and its Effect on the Development of Obesity
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Addressing the problem
      4. Modifiable factors in preconception and pregnancy
      5. Modifiable factors in early infancy
      6. Sources of additional information
    3. Chapter 12: Early Life Nutrition and its Effect on the Development of Type-2 Diabetes
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Developmental programming of T2DM
      4. Role of epigenetics in programming of T2DM
      5. Role of the gut microbiome in the development of T2DM
      6. Transgenerational effects
      7. Critical developmental windows and strategies for intervention
      8. Summary
      9. Future trends and research
      10. Sources of additional information
    4. Chapter 13: Early Nutrition and its Effect on the Development of Allergic Diseases
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Clinical presentation and disease course for food-related allergic manifestations
      4. Role of nutrition in the dietary management and primary prevention of allergic conditions (AD, FPIES, EOE)
      5. Atopic dermatitis and maternal diet restriction
      6. Conclusions
      7. Future trends and research needs
      8. Sources of additional information
    5. Chapter 14: Early Nutrition and its Effect on the Development of Functional GI Disorders
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Infants (0–12 months)
      4. Between 1 and 4 years
      5. Conclusions
      6. Future trends and research
      7. Sources of additional information
  10. Part III: Nutritional Programming in the First 1,000 Days
    1. Chapter 15: Programming Long-Term Health: Maternal and Fetal Nutrition and Diet Needs
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Periconceptional nutritional and dietary needs
      4. Nutrition during pregnancy
      5. Nutrition during the postnatal period
      6. Gaps in knowledge and recommendations for future research
      7. Conclusions, recommendations for practice, and additional resources
      8. Sources of additional information
    2. Chapter 16: Programming Long-Term Health: Nutritional and Dietary Needs in Infant Prematurity
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Feeding the premature infant: nutritional needs and feedings practices
      4. Conclusions
    3. Chapter 17: Programming Long-Term Health: Establishing Healthy Eating Patterns in Early Infancy
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Learning how to eat: developmental stages and factors in infants’ and toddlers’ eating skill and behaviors
      4. Child-caring in child eating behavior formation, nutrition, and growth: the role of food parenting practices and styles
      5. Future trends and research
      6. Conclusions
      7. Sources of additional information
    4. Chapter 18: Programming Long-Term Health: Effect of Parent Feeding Approaches on Long-Term Diet and Eating Patterns
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Responsive parenting and responsive feeding
      4. Breastfeeding and responsive feeding
      5. Hunger and satiety cues
      6. Parenting styles
      7. Parenting feeding styles
      8. Parenting feeding practices
      9. Conclusions
      10. Future research needs
      11. Acknowledgments
      12. Sources of additional information
    5. Chapter 19: Programming Long-Term Health: Nutrition and Diet in Infants Aged 6 Months to 1 Year
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Basic nutritional needs
      4. Poor nutrition
      5. Selected food-related health-outcomes
      6. Future trends and research
      7. Summary and conclusions
      8. Sources of additional information
    6. Chapter 20: Programming Long-Term Health: Nutrition and Diet in Toddlers
      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Growth, development, and key nutritional issues
      4. Development of dietary patterns in the toddler year: learnings from three large dietary surveys in diverse geographies
      5. Conclusions and public health implications
      6. Future trends in research
      7. Acknowledgments
      8. Sources of additional information
  11. Index