
Book Description

Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Sixth Edition, provides a concise, balanced overview of MATLAB's functionality that facilitates independent learning, with coverage of both the fundamentals and applications. The essentials of MATLAB are illustrated throughout, featuring complete coverage of the software's windows and menus. Program design and algorithm development are presented clearly and intuitively, along with many examples from a wide range of familiar scientific and engineering areas.

This updated edition includes the latest MATLAB versions through 2016a, and is an ideal book for a first course on MATLAB, or for an engineering problem-solving course using MATLAB, as well as a self-learning tutorial for professionals and students expected to learn and apply MATLAB.

  • Updated to include all the newer features through MATLAB R2016a
  • Includes new chapter on complex variables analysis
  • Presents a comparison of execution time between compiled and un-compiled code that includes examples
  • Describes the new H2 graphics features

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Preface
    1. Acknowledgments
  6. Part 1: Essentials
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 1: Introduction
      1. Abstract
      2. 1.1. Using MATLAB
      3. 1.2. The desktop
      4. 1.3. Sample program
      5. Summary
      6. Exercises
      7. Appendix 1.A. Supplementary material
    3. Chapter 2: MATLAB Fundamentals
      1. Abstract
      2. 2.1. Variables
      3. 2.2. The workspace
      4. 2.3. Arrays: Vectors and matrices
      5. 2.4. Vertical motion under gravity
      6. 2.5. Operators, expressions, and statements
      7. 2.6. Output
      8. 2.7. Repeating with for
      9. 2.8. Decisions
      10. 2.9. Complex numbers
      11. Summary
      12. Exercises
      13. Appendix 2.A. Supplementary material
    4. Chapter 3: Program Design and Algorithm Development
      1. Abstract
      2. 3.1. The program design process
      3. 3.2. Programming MATLAB functions
      4. Summary
      5. Exercise
    5. Chapter 4: MATLAB Functions and Data Import-Export Utilities
      1. Abstract
      2. 4.1. Common functions
      3. 4.2. Importing and exporting data
      4. Summary
      5. Exercises
    6. Chapter 5: Logical Vectors
      1. Abstract
      2. 5.1. Examples
      3. 5.2. Logical operators
      4. 5.3. Subscripting with logical vectors
      5. 5.4. Logical functions
      6. 5.5. Logical vectors instead of elseif ladders
      7. Summary
      8. Exercises
      9. Appendix 5.A. Supplementary material
    7. Chapter 6: Matrices and Arrays
      1. Abstract
      2. 6.1. Matrices
      3. 6.2. Matrix operations
      4. 6.3. Other matrix functions
      5. 6.4. Population growth: Leslie matrices
      6. 6.5. Markov processes
      7. 6.6. Linear equations
      8. 6.7. Sparse matrices
      9. Summary
      10. Exercises
    8. Chapter 7: Function M-files
      1. Abstract
      2. 7.1. Example: Newton's method again
      3. 7.2. Basic rules
      4. 7.3. Function handles
      5. 7.4. Command/function duality
      6. 7.5. Function name resolution
      7. 7.6. Debugging M-files
      8. 7.7. Recursion
      9. Summary
      10. Exercises
      11. Appendix 7.A. Supplementary material
    9. Chapter 8: Loops
      1. Abstract
      2. 8.1. Determinate repetition with for
      3. 8.2. Indeterminate repetition with while
      4. Summary
      5. Exercises
    10. Chapter 9: MATLAB Graphics
      1. Abstract
      2. 9.1. Basic 2-D graphs
      3. 9.2. 3-D plots
      4. 9.3. Handle graphics
      5. 9.4. Editing plots
      6. 9.5. Animation
      7. 9.6. Color etc.
      8. 9.7. Lighting and camera
      9. 9.8. Saving, printing and exporting graphs
      10. Summary
      11. Exercises
    11. Chapter 10: Vectors as Arrays and Other Data Structures
      1. Abstract
      2. 10.1. Update processes
      3. 10.2. Frequencies, bar charts and histograms
      4. 10.3. Sorting
      5. 10.4. Structures
      6. 10.5. Cell arrays
      7. 10.6. Classes and objects
      8. Summary
    12. Chapter 11: Errors and Pitfalls
      1. Abstract
      2. 11.1. Syntax errors
      3. 11.2. Logic errors
      4. 11.3. Rounding error
      5. Summary
      6. Chapter exercises
  7. Part 2: Applications
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 12: Dynamical Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. 12.1. Cantilever beam
      3. 12.2. Electric current
      4. 12.3. Free fall
      5. 12.4. Projectile with friction
      6. Summary
      7. Exercises
    3. Chapter 13: Simulation
      1. Abstract
      2. 13.1. Random number generation
      3. 13.2. Spinning coins
      4. 13.3. Rolling dice
      5. 13.4. Bacteria division
      6. 13.5. A random walk
      7. 13.6. Traffic flow
      8. 13.7. Normal (Gaussian) random numbers
      9. Summary
      10. Exercises
    4. Chapter 14: Introduction to Numerical Methods
      1. Abstract
      2. 14.1. Equations
      3. 14.2. Integration
      4. 14.3. Numerical differentiation
      5. 14.4. First-order differential equations
      6. 14.5. Linear ordinary differential equations (LODEs)
      7. 14.6. Runge-Kutta methods
      8. 14.7. A partial differential equation
      9. 14.8. Complex variables and conformal mapping
      10. 14.9. Other numerical methods
      11. Summary
      12. Exercises
    5. Chapter 15: Signal Processing
      1. Abstract
      2. 15.1. Harmonic analysis
      3. 15.2. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
    6. Chapter 16: SIMULINK
      1. Abstract
      2. 16.1. Mass-spring-damper dynamic system
      3. 16.2. Bouncing ball dynamic system
      4. 16.3. The van der Pol oscillator
      5. 16.4. The Duffing oscillator
      6. Exercises
      7. Appendix 16.A. Supplementary material
    7. Chapter 17: Symbolics Toolbox
      1. Abstract
      2. 17.1. Algebra
      3. 17.2. Calculus
      4. 17.3. Laplace and Z transforms
      5. 17.4. Generalized functions
      6. 17.5. Differential equations
      7. 17.6. Implementation of funtool, MuPAD and help
      8. Exercises
  8. Appendix A: Syntax: Quick Reference
    1. A.1. Expressions
    2. A.2. Function M-files
    3. A.3. Graphics
    4. A.4. if and switch
    5. A.5. for and while
    6. A.6. Input/output
    7. A.7. load/save
    8. A.8. Vectors and matrices
  9. Appendix B: Operators
  10. Appendix C: Command and Function: Quick Reference
    1. C.1. General-purpose commands
    2. C.2. Logical functions
    3. C.3. MATLAB programming tools
    4. C.4. Matrices
    5. C.5. Mathematical functions
    6. C.6. Matrix functions
    7. C.7. Data analysis
    8. C.8. Polynomial functions
    9. C.9. Function functions
    10. C.10. Sparse matrix functions
    11. C.11. Character string functions
    12. C.12. File I/O functions
    13. C.13. 2D graphics
    14. C.14. 3D graphics
    15. C.15. General
  11. Appendix D: Solutions to Selected Exercises
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
    5. Chapter 5
    6. Chapter 6
    7. Chapter 7
    8. Chapter 8
    9. Chapter 9
    10. Chapter 11
    11. Chapter 13
    12. Chapter 14
  12. Index