
Book Description

As digital cameras and software packages become more advanced, seemingly by the minute, it has become easier than ever to overlook the basic elements which have always resulted in the best photographs, no matter how fancy (or primitive) the camera itself. Composition is the single most important aspect of creating great images, no matter what level of photographer you happen to be. No amount of digital wizardry can turn a badly composed image into a picture you would want to display. While many books on composition tend to overcomplicate the subject, this book breaks down everything you need to know into small, digestible chunks of information that you will actually remember once you're out and about taking pictures. Instead of plodding through long and complex pages of text, this book supplements the necessary information, such as the basics of the rule of thirds and how to get good highlights and shadows, with tons of gorgeous, full color images that actually show you what to do and how to do it, rather than just telling you what to try. You'll be amazed at the gorgeous images you'll create, whether your passion is for photographing your family, pets, travel adventures, nature, or anything else.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Halftitle
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. About the Author
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Introduction
  9. Contents
  10. Chapter 1: A Strong Focal Point
    1. What is my subject?
    2. Main subject versus focal point
    3. Harmony and emphasis
    4. Keep it simple
  11. Chapter 2: Light, Shadow, and Color
    1. Sharpen your awareness
    2. Make the light work for you
    3. Backlight
    4. Soft light
    5. Storm light
    6. Midday light
    7. What is color?
    8. Analogous versus complementary color
    9. Color context
  12. Chapter 3: Viewpoint and Perspective
    1. Clearly defined vision
    2. The right lens
    3. Finding your viewpoint
    4. The power of perspective
    5. Depth of field and focus
    6. Aperture
    7. Focus point
    8. Lens focal length
    9. Subject distance
  13. Chapter 4: Rules of Composition
    1. Rule of thirds
    2. Rule of space
    3. Rule of odds
    4. Gestalt theory
    5. Quick composition tips
  14. Chapter 5: Leading Lines
    1. Mergers
    2. Frame boundaries
    3. Framing devices
    4. Horizontal and vertical lines
    5. Dynamic diagonals
    6. S-curves and Z-lines
  15. Chapter 6: Breaking the Rules
    1. Breaking the rule of thirds
    2. Breaking the rule of space
    3. Portraits
    4. Breaking the rule of odds
    5. Breaking horizon rules
  16. Epilogue: Where Do You Go from Here?
    1. Have a game plan
    2. The order of events
    3. Work it
    4. Critique your results
    5. Equipment and technology
    6. Trust that little voice in your head
  17. Index