
Book Description

Communication is the essence of management .To Succeed in a professional corporate environment ,it is imperative to be well versed in the essential communication tolls. These help one not only in developing interpersonal relations but also in maintaining effective business relations ,necessary for personal as well as organizational growth .This book on fundamentals of business communication identifies ,outlines and elucidates the prominent concepts that undergraduate students should understand to prepare for and excel in their carriers. Brimming with examples ,exhibits and exercises ,this book will serve as suitable guide for students preparing to step in to competitive professional world.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Contents
  4. About the Author
  5. Dedication
  6. Preface
  7. 1. Nature, Value and Process of Communication
    1. Introduction
    2. Business English as Language of Business Communication
      1. Is Business English a Different Kind of English?
    3. Scope of Business English
      1. Communication to Inform
      2. Communication to Persuade
    4. Basic Forms and Types of Communication
    5. Basic Elements of Communication Process
      1. The Linear Concept of Communication
      2. The Shannon–Weaver Model
      3. The Elements of Communication
    6. Two-way Communication
    7. Value and Self Development
      1. Meetings and Social Visits
      2. Group Behaviour
      3. High-context Cultures
      4. Low-context Cultures
      5. Time As a Cultural Factor
      6. Space As a Cultural Factor
    8. Media of Communication
      1. Communication and Electronic Media
      2. Communication and Social Media
    9. Review Your Learning
    10. Reflect on Your Learning
  8. 2. Communication Barriers and Methods to Overcome Them
    1. The Major Difficulties in Communication
      1. Barriers to Communication
      2. Improving Communication
    2. Principles of Effective Communication
      1. The Seven Cs of Communication
    3. Universal Elements in Communication
    4. Review Your Learning
    5. Reflect on Your Learning
  9. 3. Oral Communication
    1. What Is Oral Communication?
    2. Importance and Objectives of Oral Communication in Business
    3. Use of English in Oral Communication
      1. The Phoneme
      2. Sounds of English Speech
      3. Phonetic Symbols: The IPA Symbols
      4. Classification of Sounds
      5. The Study of Phoneme
      6. The Syllable
      7. Prosodic Features of an Utterance
      8. Pitch and Intonation
      9. The Rhythmic Patterns of English Speech
      10. The Choice of Tone and Its Significance
      11. Pause
      12. Fluency in Spoken English
      13. Pronunciation
      14. Change of Meaning by the Stress Shift
      15. The English Phonemic System and Its Notation
      16. How to Improve Your Pronunciation
    4. Characteristics and Principles of Effective and Successful Oral Communication
      1. Guidelines for Effective Oral Communication
    5. Barriers to Effective Oral Communication
      1. Language Barrier
    6. To Be Assertive Without Being Aggressive
      1. Being Assertive Without Being Aggressive
    7. Conversation
      1. What Is Conversation?
      2. Social Conversation
      3. Effective Conversation
    8. Review Your Learning
    9. Reflect on Your Learning
  10. 4. Written Communication
    1. The Art of Writing
      1. The Skills Required in Written Communication
    2. The Purpose of Writing
      1. Writing to Inform
      2. Writing to Persuade
    3. Principles of Effective Writing
      1. Accuracy
      2. Brevity
    4. Planning, Writing, and Revising: Business Messages
    5. Letters and Memos
      1. Memos: Format and Appearance
      2. Office Memorandum
      3. Good News and Routine Letters
      4. Request Letters
      5. Persuasive Letters
      6. Collection Letters
      7. Examples
      8. Letter of Acknowledgement
      9. Application Letter
      10. Sales Letters
    6. Drafting an Application Letter
      1. The First Paragraph
      2. The Second Paragraph
      3. The Third Paragraph
      4. General Tips
    7. Essentials of Good Business Letters and Memos
      1. Simplicity
      2. Clarity
      3. Conciseness
      4. Standard and Neutral Language
      5. You-Attitude
      6. Sincerity and Tone
      7. Emphasis
    8. Writing E-mails
      1. Receiver’s E-mail Account
      2. Subject Line
      3. Sending Copies
    9. Circulars and Notice
      1. Notice
      2. Circular
    10. Report Writing
      1. What Is a Report?
      2. Purpose of a Report
      3. Types of Reports
      4. Objectives of a Report
      5. Writing Reports
      6. Attributes of a Good Report
      7. Methods of Reporting
    11. Reference Style
      1. Books
    12. CV Writing
      1. Heading
      2. Objective
      3. Education
      4. Work Experience
      5. Awards and Honours
      6. Activities
      7. References
      8. Summary
      9. Essentials of a Good CV
      10. Suitable Organization
      11. Appropriate Length
    13. Writing Minutes of Meetings
      1. Elements of Minutes
    14. Paragraph and Essay Writing
      1. What Is a Paragraph?
      2. How to Write a Paragraph and Beyond
      3. Paragraph Development
      4. Features of a Good Paragraph
    15. Essay Writing
      1. Beyond Paragraph: Unity and Coherence
      2. Essay Structure: Beginning, Middle and End
    16. Précis Writing
      1. The Benefits of Précis Writing
      2. Qualities of Good Précis
      3. Guidelines for Making the Summary/Précis
      4. Strategies for Reducing the Number of Words
      5. Using Words for Phrases
      6. Give One Word Substitution
      7. Substitution and Generalization
      8. Count the Number of Words
      9. Sample Précis
    17. Review Your Learning
    18. Reflect on Your Learning
  11. 5. Non-verbal Communication
    1. What Is Non-verbal Communication?
    2. Characteristics, Importance, and Forms of Non-verbal Communication
    3. Kinesics
    4. Meta Communication: Body Language and Paralanguage
    5. Proxemics or Space Language, Time Language and Surroundings
      1. Physical Setting
      2. Dress
      3. Personal Space
    6. Gestures
      1. Positive Gestures
      2. Negative Gestures
    7. Vocal Cues
      1. Intonation
      2. Volume
      3. Rate
      4. Fillers
      5. Enunciation
    8. Physical Appearance and the Skill to Present Yourself
    9. Review Your Learning
    10. Reflect on Your Learning
  12. 6. Listening
    1. What Is Listening?
    2. How Do We Listen?
      1. Listening As a Management Tool
    3. Principles of Effective Listening
    4. Problems in Effective Listening
      1. Lack of Concentration
      2. Unequal Statuses
      3. The Halo Effect
      4. Complexes
      5. A Closed Mind
      6. Poor Retention
      7. Premature Evaluation and Hurried Conclusions
      8. Abstracting
      9. Slant
      10. Cognitive Dissonance
    5. Inculcating Listening Efficiency
    6. Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Listeners
    7. Review Your Learning
    8. Reflect on Your Learning
  13. 7. Organizational Communication
    1. Some Important Functions of Management
    2. Need for Communication in Management
      1. How Communication Is Used by Managers
      2. Communication Concerns of the Manager
    3. Importance of Communication in Management
    4. Communication Structure in an Organization
      1. Vertical Communication
      2. Horizontal Communication
    5. Communication and the Line and Staff Management
    6. Formal and Informal Communication
      1. Formal Communication
      2. Informal Communication
    7. Grapevine
    8. Corporate Communication
      1. Information to Be Communicated at the Workplace
    9. Review Your Learning
    10. Reflect on Your Learning
  14. 8. Applications
    1. New Media
      1. Phones
      2. Voice Mail
      3. Conference Calls
      4. Cell Phones
      5. Video Conferencing
    2. Telephonic Communication
      1. Making a Call
      2. Common Telephone Courtesies
      3. Telephone Etiquette Observed by Administrative Assistants
      4. Telephone Precautions
    3. Interviews
      1. Types of Interviews
      2. What Does a Job Interview Assess?
      3. Focus of Job Interviews
      4. Strategies for Success at Interviews
      5. Answers to Some Common Interview Questions
    4. Group Discussion
      1. Leadership
      2. GD Protocol
      3. Discussion Techniques
      4. Listening
    5. Negotiation Skills
      1. The Nature of Negotiation
      2. The Need for Negotiation
      3. Factors Affecting Negotiation
      4. Stages in the Negotiation Process
      5. Negotiation Strategies
    6. Business Etiquette
      1. Introductions
    7. Public Speaking
      1. The Art of Public Speaking
      2. Goals of Public Speaking
      3. Speech Styles
      4. The Public Speaking Process
      5. Guidelines for Developing Public Speaking Skills
    8. Presentation Skills
      1. Preparing a Presentation
    9. Visual Aids and Elements
      1. When to Use Visual Aids
      2. How to Use Visual Aids
      3. Different Mediums of Presentation
      4. Time the Presentation
      5. Become Familiar with the Location of the Presentation
    10. Review Your Learning
    11. Reflect on Your Learning
  15. 9. Grammar
    1. Avoiding Substandard Language
      1. Language, Tone, and Level of Formality
    2. English Usage
      1. Dangling Modifiers
      2. Vague References of This, That, and Which
      3. Lack of Parallel Construction
      4. Inconsistent Use of Verb Tenses
      5. Choosing the Mood
      6. Separation of Related Sentence Elements
      7. Lack of Subject–Verb Agreement
      8. Lack of Pronoun Agreement
      9. Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs
    3. Punctuation
      1. The Comma
    4. Enriching Vocabulary
    5. Idioms and Proverbs
    6. Foreign Words and Phrases
      1. Latin Words and Phrases
      2. Some English Idioms
      3. Phrasal Verbs
      4. Some Common Phrasal Verbs
    7. Review Your Learning
    8. Reflect on Your Learning
  16. Notes
  17. Acknowledgements
  18. Copyright