
Book Description

Want to build your own website—one that represents you, your cause, or your organization—without outside help? With this free guide, Shelley Powers quickly teaches you the basics: you’ll learn how to use HTML, CSS, and other web tools to create a simple site that works on both traditional computers and mobile devices.

It’s never been simpler to create your own place on the Web, but there are still lots of details to sort out. This short book walks you through each step, from working with content and adding style to getting the word out and building a following. Why wait? Pick up this book and get going. Right now.

  • Pick a domain name and sign up with a web hosting company
  • Learn how to structure web pages with basic HTML elements
  • Add unique style to your website with CSS stylesheets
  • Work with web forms, incorporate multimedia, and use semantic HTML5 elements
  • Help people find your site via a search engine or social media
  • Add a blog or other dynamic content to generate a loyal following
  • Dive into advanced web technologies, including the Cron job scheduler, and the SSH/SFTP secure shell

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Setting Up Your Web Space
    1. Getting a Domain
      1. The Top-Level Domain
      2. Registering Your Domain
    2. Using Hosting Companies
      1. Types of Web Hosting
      2. Finding Your Hosting Company
      3. Signing Up with a Host
      4. Your Website’s Address and Connecting Your Domain
    3. Communicating with Your Server Using FTP
      1. Introducing the cPanel
      2. Setting Up and Using an FTP Account
      3. Uploading Your First Web Page
    4. Setting Up an Email Address
    5. Quick Review of Web Server Basics
  2. 2. Structuring The Web Content with HTML
    1. Basic Page Structure
      1. The doctype
      2. The html Element
      3. The head Element and an Introduction to Empty Elements
      4. The body Element
    2. Commonly Occurring HTML Elements
      1. Inline Elements
      2. Common Block-Level Elements
      3. The div and span Elements
  3. 3. Styling the Page with CSS
    1. CSS Stylesheets
    2. Applying CSS
    3. The CSS
      1. Fonts
      2. Decorative Accents and Color
      3. Spacing
      4. Layout
    4. Finishing Up 
  4. 4. Going Beyond the Basics
    1. The New Accessible/Semantic HTML5 Elements
      1. The article, section, header, and footer Elements
      2. The nav, aside, and figure Elements
    2. Adding Links to Video and Audio Files
    3. Using a Static Page Template
    4. Adding a Simple Mail-To Form
  5. 5. Adding Dynamic Content
    1. Creating a Subdomain For Your Weblog (or Other Purpose)
    2. Creating the Wordpress Weblog
    3. Exploring Your New Weblog
    4. Choosing Your Weblog’s New Look
    5. Adding the Perfect Site Widgets
    6. Adding a Plugin
    7. Creating Wordpress Posts and Pages
      1. Posts
      2. Pages
    8. Incorporating Social Media Into Your Site
    9. Helping People Find Your Site
    10. Adding Weblog Comments
  6. 6. Advanced Web Technologies and Techniques
    1. The File Manager
    2. Managing Recurring Tasks with Cron
    3. Command Line Access with SSH
    4. Secure FTP (SFTP)
    5. Website Statistics
    6. Adding Support for Digital Certificates and SSL
    7. Moving Your Site
      1. Backing Up Your Files and Moving Them
      2. Exporting and Importing the Database