
Book Description

Industrial Agents explains how multi-agent systems improve collaborative networks to offer dynamic service changes, customization, improved quality and reliability, and flexible infrastructure. Learn how these platforms can offer distributed intelligent management and control functions with communication, cooperation and synchronization capabilities, and also provide for the behavior specifications of the smart components of the system. The book offers not only an introduction to industrial agents, but also clarifies and positions the vision, on-going efforts, example applications, assessment and roadmap applicable to multiple industries. This edited work is guided and co-authored by leaders of the IEEE Technical Committee on Industrial Agents who represent both academic and industry perspectives and share the latest research along with their hands-on experiences prototyping and deploying industrial agents in industrial scenarios.

  • Learn how new scientific approaches and technologies aggregate resources such next generation intelligent systems, manual workplaces and information and material flow system
  • Gain insight from experts presenting the latest academic and industry research on multi-agent systems
  • Explore multiple case studies and example applications showing industrial agents in a variety of scenarios 
  • Understand implementations across the enterprise, from low-level control systems to autonomous and collaborative management units

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Preface
  6. List of Contributors
  7. Part I: Industrial Agents: Concepts and Definitions
    1. Chapter 1: Software Agent Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. 1.1 Introduction
      3. 1.2 Fundamentals of Agents and Agent-Based Systems
      4. 1.3 Supporting Technologies and Concepts
      5. 1.4 Conclusions
    2. Chapter 2: Industrial Agents
      1. Abstract
      2. 2.1 Introduction
      3. 2.2 Modern Industrial Manufacturing Systems and Their Requirements
      4. 2.3 Architectural Types of Industrial Manufacturing Systems
      5. 2.4 The Holonic Paradigm and MAS-Based Holonic Systems
      6. 2.5 Development Tools for Industrial MASs
      7. 2.6 How MASs Can Nourish Other Industrial Approaches
      8. 2.7 Industrial MASs: Challenges and Research Areas
      9. 2.8 Conclusions
    3. Chapter 3: The Design, Deployment, and Assessment of Industrial Agent Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. 3.1 Introduction
      3. 3.2 Distributed Versus Self-Organizing Design
      4. 3.3 Design Challenges and Directions
      5. 3.4 Deployment
      6. 3.5 Assessment
      7. 3.6 Conclusions
  8. Part II: Industrial Agents: Related Concepts and Technologies
    1. Chapter 4: Industrial Agents in the Era of Service-Oriented Architectures and Cloud-Based Industrial Infrastructures
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 4.1 Introduction
      4. 4.2 Technologies
      5. 4.3 Bridging Agents and SOA-Enabled Devices
      6. 4.4 Use Case: Cyber-Physical Infrastructure Simulation by Coupling Software Agents and Physical Devices
      7. 4.5 Use Case: Service-Oriented Industrial Automation System
      8. 4.6 Conclusions and Future Directions
    2. Chapter 5: Distributed Real-Time Automation and Control - Reactive Control Layer for Industrial Agents
      1. Abstract
      2. 5.1 Introduction/Motivation
      3. 5.2 RCLs for Industrial Agents
      4. 5.3 Standard-Based Realization
      5. 5.4 Example
      6. 5.5 Discussion
      7. 5.6 Conclusions
    3. Chapter 6: Industrial Agents Cybersecurity
      1. Abstract
      2. 6.1 Introduction
      3. 6.2 Technology Trends and IAs
      4. 6.3 Agent Threat Context
      5. 6.4 Requirements on IA Solutions
      6. 6.5 Discussion
      7. 6.6 Conclusions
    4. Chapter 7: Virtual Enterprises Based on Multiagent Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgment
      3. 7.1 Introduction/Motivation
      4. 7.2 Characteristics of VEs
      5. 7.3 The Benefits of Forming VEs
      6. 7.4 Obstacles and Approaches for VEs
      7. 7.5 MASs in the Coordination of VEs
      8. 7.6 MASs in E-commerce Applications
      9. 7.7 Case Study
      10. 7.8 Benefits and Assessment
      11. 7.9 Discussion
      12. 7.10 Conclusions
    5. Chapter 8: An Assessment of the Potentials and Challenges in Future Approaches for Automation Software
      1. Abstract
      2. 8.1 Introduction
      3. 8.2 Related Work
      4. 8.3 Assessing the Potentials and Challenges in Industry
      5. 8.4 Concepts for Agents in Manufacturing Automation
      6. 8.5 Summary and Outlook
    6. Chapter 9: Agent-Based Control of Production Systems—and Its Architectural Challenges
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 9.1 Introduction
      4. 9.2 Terms and Definitions
      5. 9.3 Generic Engineering Processes
      6. 9.4 Application Cases
      7. 9.5 Architectural Challenges
      8. 9.6 Conclusions and Overview
    7. Chapter 10: Identification and Implementation of Agents for Factory Automation Exploiting Mechatronical Concepts for Production System Structuring
      1. Abstract
      2. 10.1 Introduction
      3. 10.2 Starting Points
      4. 10.3 Mechatronic-Oriented Agent Systems
      5. 10.4 Summary
  9. Part III: Industrial Agent Applications
    1. Chapter 11: Cloud Based Agent Framework for the Industrial Automation Sector
      1. Abstract
      2. 11.1 Introduction
      3. 11.2 Application Overview
      4. 11.3 Application Details
      5. 11.4 Benefits and Assessment
      6. 11.5 Discussion
      7. 11.6 Conclusions
    2. Chapter 12: Multi-Agent Systems for Real-Time Adaptive Resource Management
      1. Abstract
      2. 12.1 Introduction
      3. 12.2 The Problem and Solution for Adaptive Scheduling
      4. 12.3 Examples of Applications for Industry
      5. 12.4 Discussion
      6. 12.5 Conclusion
    3. Chapter 13: Large-Scale Network and Service Management with WANTS
      1. Abstract
      2. 13.1 Introduction and Motivation
      3. 13.2 WANTS at a Glance
      4. 13.3 WANTS in Details
      5. 13.4 Discussion
      6. 13.5 Conclusions
    4. Chapter 14: Cross-Domain Energy Savings by Means of Unified Energy Agents
      1. Abstract
      2. 14.1 Introduction/Motivation
      3. 14.2 Application Overview
      4. 14.3 Application Details
      5. 14.4 Benefits and Assessment
      6. 14.5 Discussion
      7. 14.6 Conclusions
    5. Chapter 15: A Multi-Agent System Coordination Approach for Resilient Self-Healing Operations in Multiple Microgrids
      1. Abstract
      2. 15.1 Introduction/Motivation
      3. 15.2 Problem Overview: Coordination and Control of Microgrids
      4. 15.3 Application Details: The Multi-Agent System Coordination Approach for a Resilient Self-Healing Operation
      5. 15.4 Benefits and Assessment: Impacts of MAS Coordination on Multiple Microgrid Transient Stability
      6. 15.5 Discussion and Conclusions
    6. Chapter 16: Multi-Agent System for Integrating Quality and Process Control in a Home Appliance Production Line
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 16.1 Introduction/Motivation
      4. 16.2 Application Overview
      5. 16.3 Application Details
      6. 16.4 Benefits and Assessment
      7. 16.5 Discussion
      8. 16.6 Conclusions
    7. Chapter 17: Industrial Agents for the Fast Deployment of Evolvable Assembly Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. 17.1 Introduction
      3. 17.2 Problem Overview
      4. 17.3 IADE—Its Architecture and Associated Concepts
      5. 17.4 On the Implementation of the IADE Stack
      6. 17.5 Benefits and Assessment
      7. 17.6 Lessons Learned
      8. 17.7 Conclusions
    8. Chapter 18: Automation Agents for Controlling the Physical Components of a Transportation System
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 18.1 Introduction/Motivation
      4. 18.2 Application Overview
      5. 18.3 Application Details
      6. 18.4 Benefits and Assessment
      7. 18.5 Discussion
      8. 18.6 Conclusions
    9. Chapter 19: Intelligent Factory Agents with Predictive Analytics for Asset Management
      1. Abstract
      2. 19.1 Introduction/Motivation
      3. 19.2 Application Overview
      4. 19.3 Application Details
      5. 19.4 Case Study
      6. 19.5 Benefits and Assessment
      7. 19.6 Discussion
      8. 19.7 Conclusions
    10. Chapter 20: A Biomimetic Approach to Distributed Maintenance Management Based on a Multi-Agent System
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 20.1 Motivation
      4. 20.2 An Overview of the Applications
      5. 20.3 Application Details: AI2MS, a MAS Based on a Biomimetic Approach
      6. 20.4 Benefits and Assessment
      7. 20.5 Discussion
      8. 20.6 Conclusion
    11. Chapter 21: Programming of Multiagent Applications with JIAC
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 21.1 Introduction/Motivation
      4. 21.2 Application Overview
      5. 21.3 Application Details
      6. 21.4 Tools
      7. 21.5 Benefits and Assessment
      8. 21.6 Discussion
      9. 21.7 Conclusion
  10. Part IV: A Survey on Factors that Impact Industrial Agent Acceptance
    1. Chapter 22: A Survey on Factors that Impact Industrial Agent Acceptance
      1. Abstract
      2. Acknowledgments
      3. 22.1 Introduction
      4. 22.2 Factors for Industrial Agent Acceptance
      5. 22.3 Methodology, Data Collection, and Demographics
      6. 22.4 Survey Results and Analysis
      7. 22.5 Conclusions
  11. Reference Index
  12. Author Index
  13. Subject Index