
Elevate your reports with more user control and interactive elements

Want to create exciting, user-friendly visualizations to bring greater intelligence to your organization? By mastering the full power of SAS Visual Analytics, you can add features that will enhance your reports and bring more depth and insight to your data. Interactive Reports in SAS Visual Analytics: Advanced Features and Customization is for experienced users who want to harness the advanced functionality of Visual Analytics on SAS Viya to create visualizations or augment existing reports. The book is full of real-world examples and step-by-step instructions to help you unlock the full potential of your reports.

In this book, you will learn how to

  • create interactive URL links to external websites
  • use parameters to give the viewer more control
  • add custom graphs and maps
  • execute SAS code using SAS Viya jobs
  • and more!

Table of Contents

  1. About This Book
  2. About The Author
  3. Chapter 1: Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. SAS Visual Analytics
    3. SAS Viya
  4. Chapter 2: Creating Advanced Data Items and Filters
    1. Introduction
    2. Example: Creating a Calculated Item and a Basic Filter
    3. Example: Grouping an Aggregated Measure
    4. Example: Using a Common Filter
    5. Example: Creating a Periodic Aggregated Measure and Adding Time Filters
    6. Example: Creating a Moving Average
    7. Example: Creating a Tabular Aggregated Measure
  5. Chapter 3: Linking to External Websites
    1. Introduction
    2. Step 1: Research
    3. Step 2: Hardcode
    4. Step 3: Parameterize
    5. Step 4: Test
    6. Example: Creating a Static URL Link
    7. Example: Creating a Web Link
    8. Step 1: Research
    9. Step 2: Hardcode
    10. Step 3: Parameterize
    11. Step 4: Test
    12. Example: Searching a Web Page
    13. Step 1: Research
    14. Step 2: Hardcode
    15. Step 3: Parameterize
    16. Step 4: Test
    17. Example: Linking to a File
    18. Step 1: Research
    19. Step 2: Hardcode
    20. Step 3: Parameterize
    21. Step 4: Test
    22. Example: Viewing a Map Location (Additional)
    23. Step 1: Research
    24. Step 2: Hardcode
    25. Step 3: Parameterize
    26. Step 4: Test
    27. Example: Linking to a Parameterized Report (Additional)
    28. Step 1: Research
    29. Step 2: Hardcode
    30. Step 3: Parameterize
    31. Step 4: Test
  6. Chapter 4: Applying Numeric Parameters
    1. Introduction
    2. Step 1: Create
    3. Step 2: Populate
    4. Step 3: Apply
    5. Step 4: Test
    6. Example: Highlighting Values below a Threshold
    7. Step 1: Create
    8. Step 2: Populate
    9. Step 3: Apply
    10. Step 4: Test
    11. Example: Displaying Countries with Orders above a Minimum
    12. Step 1: Create
    13. Step 2: Populate
    14. Step 3: Apply
    15. Step 4: Test
    16. Example: Showing Top Customers
    17. Step 1: Create
    18. Step 2: Populate
    19. Step 3: Apply
    20. Step 4: Test
    21. Example: Grouping Values Based on a Threshold
    22. Step 1: Create
    23. Step 2: Populate
    24. Step 3: Apply
    25. Step 4: Test
    26. Example: Viewing Data for the Next N Years
    27. Step 1: Create
    28. Step 2: Populate
    29. Step 3: Apply
    30. Step 4: Test
  7. Chapter 5: Using Character Parameters
    1. Introduction
    2. Step 1: Create
    3. Step 2: Populate
    4. Step 3: Apply
    5. Step 4: Test
    6. Example: Searching for a String
    7. Step 1: Create
    8. Step 2: Populate
    9. Steps 3 and 4: Apply and Test
    10. Example: Selecting Characteristics for Indirect Filtering
    11. Step 1: Create
    12. Step 2: Populate
    13. Step 3: Apply
    14. Step 4: Test
    15. Example: Ranking Top or Bottom Values
    16. Step 1: Create
    17. Step 2: Populate
    18. Step 3: Apply
    19. Step 4: Test
    20. Alternate Solution
    21. Example: Choosing Multiple Measures
    22. Step 1: Create
    23. Step 2: Populate
    24. Step 3: Apply
    25. Step 4: Test
    26. Example: Selecting a Region (Additional)
    27. Step 1: Create
    28. Step 2: Populate
    29. Step 3: Apply
    30. Step 4: Test
  8. Chapter 6: Working with Date Parameters
    1. Introduction
    2. Step 1: Create
    3. Step 2: Populate
    4. Step 3: Apply
    5. Step 4: Test
    6. Example: Highlighting a Selected Month
    7. Step 1: Create
    8. Step 2: Populate
    9. Step 3: Apply
    10. Step 4: Test
    11. Example: Choosing a Month to Compare Values
    12. Step 1: Create
    13. Step 2: Populate
    14. Step 3: Apply
    15. Step 4: Test
    16. Example: Viewing the Last Five Years of Available Data
    17. Step 1: Create
    18. Step 2: Populate
    19. Step 3: Apply
    20. Step 4: Test
    21. Example: Viewing 10 Years after a Selected Year
    22. Step 1: Create
    23. Step 2: Populate
    24. Step 3: Apply
    25. Step 4: Test
    26. Example: Displaying Data within a Selected Range
    27. Step 1: Create
    28. Step 2: Populate
    29. Step 3: Apply
    30. Step 4: Test
  9. Chapter 7: Using SAS Graph Builder to Create Custom Graphs
    1. Introduction
    2. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    3. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    4. Step 3: Configure Roles
    5. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    6. Step 5: Save and Use
    7. Example: Using a Data-Driven Lattice
    8. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    9. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    10. Step 3: Configure Roles
    11. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    12. Step 5: Save and Use
    13. Example: Syncing Hierarchies
    14. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    15. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    16. Step 3: Configure Roles
    17. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    18. Step 5: Save and Use
    19. Example: Creating a Chart with Overlays
    20. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    21. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    22. Step 3: Configure Roles
    23. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    24. Step 5: Save and Use
    25. Example: Using Overlays with a User-Defined Lattice
    26. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    27. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    28. Step 3: Configure Roles
    29. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    30. Step 5: Save and Use
    31. Example: Building a Custom Map
    32. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    33. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    34. Step 3: Configure Roles
    35. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    36. Step 5: Save and Use
    37. Example: Building a Custom Map with Polygon Layers
    38. Step 1: Choose Graph Elements
    39. Step 2: Lay Out Elements
    40. Step 3: Configure Roles
    41. Step 4: Adjust Appearance
    42. Step 5: Save and Use
  10. Chapter 8: Using Data-Driven Content to Create Custom Graphs
    1. Introduction
    2. Requirements
    3. Benefits
    4. Example: Using a Circle Packing Plot
    5. Example: Using and Modifying a Sunburst Plot
    6. Example: Creating a Visualization
    7. Displaying Sample Data
    8. Displaying JSON-Formatted Data
    9. Example: Incorporating a Visualization into SAS Visual Analytics
    10. Using Utilities
    11. Creating Dynamic Variables
    12. Setting Up Callback Functions
    13. Initializing and Validating Data
    14. Drawing/Updating the Visualization
    15. Viewing in SAS Visual Analytics
    16. Example: Using a Visualization as the Target of an Action
    17. Using Sample Data when No Data Is Available
    18. Updating the Visualization
    19. Viewing in SAS Visual Analytics
    20. Example: Highlighting Selected Values in the Visualization
    21. Updating CSS Styles
    22. Applying CSS Styles
    23. Viewing in SAS Visual Analytics
    24. Example: Using a Visualization as the Source of an Action
    25. Updating CSS Styles
    26. Deselecting All Elements
    27. Applying CSS Styles to Selected Elements
    28. Viewing in SAS Visual Analytics
    29. Additional Considerations
    30. Handling Axes
    31. Managing Resize Events
    32. Saving URL Mappings
  11. Chapter 9: Working with Jobs in SAS Visual Analytics
    1. Introduction
    2. Step 1: Create the SAS Program
    3. Step 2: Create the Job Definition
    4. Step 3: Create the Job Form
    5. Step 4: Execute and Test
    6. Example: Returning SAS Results
    7. Step 1: Create the SAS Program
    8. Step 2: Create the Job Definition
    9. Step 3: Create the Job Form
    10. Step 4: Execute and Test
    11. Example: Returning SAS Results Using an HTML Form
    12. Step 1: Create the SAS Program
    13. Step 2: Create the Job Definition
    14. Step 3: Create the Job Form
    15. Step 4: Execute and Test
    16. Example: Adding Data to a Table
    17. Step 1: Create the SAS Program
    18. Step 2: Create the Job Definition
    19. Step 3: Create the Job Form
    20. Step 4: Execute and Test
    21. Example: Updating Data in a Table
    22. Step 1: Create the SAS Program
    23. Step 2: Create the Job Definition
    24. Step 3: Create the Job Form
    25. Step 4: Execute and Test
    26. Example: Deleting Data from a Table
    27. Step 1: Create the SAS Program
    28. Step 2: Create the Job Definition
    29. Step 3: Create the Job Form
    30. Step 4: Execute and Test
    31. Additional Considerations
  12. Chapter 10: Sharing Reports
    1. Introduction
    2. Viewing Reports in SAS Visual Analytics
    3. SAS Visual Analytics Apps
    4. SAS Visual Analytics SDK
  13. Appendix A: Loading Geographic Polygon Data to CAS
  14. Appendix B: Working with Data-Driven Content
  15. Appendix C: Additional Resources