
Book Description

Lauren Ipsum introduces kids to computer science through a whimsical story that never once mentions computers!

Table of Contents

  1. Lauren Ipsum: A Story About Computer Science and Other Improbable Things
  2. Advance Praise for Lauren Ipsum
  3. The Computers in This Book
  4. 0. Mostly Lost
  5. 1. A Hidden Ally
  6. 2. Sense and Sensibleness
  7. 3. Rounding Error
  8. 4. What the Tortoise Said to Laurie
  9. 5. Welcome to Symbol
  10. 6. A Tinker’s Trade
  11. 7. Read Me
  12. 8. More Than One Way to Do It
  13. 9. Don’t Repeat Yourself
  14. 10. A Well-Timed Entrance
  15. 11. A Fair Exchange
  16. 12. An Improbable Twist
  17. 13. The Game of Life
  18. 14. In the Abstract
  19. 15. Cleverness When It Counts
  20. 16. A Change of Plan
  21. 17. Chasing Elegants
  22. 18. Many Hands Make Light Work
  23. 19. Branching Out
  24. 20. Fin
  25. 21. One More Thing
  26. The Field Guide to Userland
    1. Chapter 0: Mostly Lost
      1. Jargon
      2. Wandering salesman
      3. The Upper and Lower Bounds
      4. Mile Zero
    2. Chapter 1: A Hidden Ally
      1. Xor
      2. Steganosaurus
    3. Chapter 2: Sense and Sensibleness
      1. Composing
      2. Bach’s First Law of Eponymy
      3. Bach’s second Law of Eponymy
      4. Bach’s Third Law of Eponymy
      5. Ampère
      6. Sense vs. Sensibleness
    4. Chapter 3: Rounding Error
      1. Round Robin Algorithm
    5. Chapter 4: What the Tortoise Said to Laurie
      1. Recursion
      2. Achilles and the Tortoise
      3. Chasing Your Tail
      4. Infinity
      5. Infinite Regress
    6. Chapter 5: Welcome to Symbol
      1. Semantic Turnstile
      2. Ponens
      3. Tollens
      4. It’s Only Logical
    7. Chapter 6: A Tinker’s Trade
      1. Hamiltonian Cycle
      2. Fair Coin
      3. Circle
      4. Improbable vs. Impossible
    8. Chapter 7: Read Me
      1. Cryptography
    9. Chapter 8: More Than One Way to Do It
      1. Hugh Rustic
    10. Chapter 9: Don’t Repeat Yourself
      1. Axiom
    11. Chapter 10: A Well-Timed Entrance
      1. Timing Attack
    12. Chapter 11: A Fair Exchange
      1. A Fair Flip
    13. Chapter 12: An Improbable Twist
      1. Attempted Mythology
      2. The Doppelganger
    14. Chapter 13: The Game of Life
      1. Gliders
    15. Chapter 14: In the Abstract
      1. Five Whys
    16. Chapter 15: Cleverness When It Counts
      1. Following the Byzantine Process
      2. Mandelbroccoli
    17. Chapter 16: A Change of Plan
      1. Bruto Fuerza
    18. Chapter 17: Chasing Elegants
      1. Elegants
      2. Fresnel
      3. Decomposing
      4. Relating
    19. Chapter 18: Many Hands Make Light Work
      1. Network
      2. Baudot
    20. Chapter 19: Branching Out
      1. The Garden of Forking Paths
    21. Chapter 21: One More Thing
      1. Telegraph
      2. Kelvin Scale
  27. More Smart Books for Curious Kids!
  28. About the Author
  29. Copyright