
Book Description

In the last two decades, advancement in technology has transformed every aspect of librarianship. Law Librarianship in Academic Law Libraries discusses issues and model practices in academic law libraries. This text will help librarians and library school students understand the operation, resources and facilities that are available in the academic law library. It explains the practices and trends that are widely practiced in different parts of the world. This book describes the expectations of an aspiring professional with an interest in specializing in law librarianship; revealing facts pertaining to management and administration which are not necessarily taught in library schools. The first chapter introduces the history of academic law libraries, and defines law librarianship. The remaining chapters are dedicated to different aspects of law librarianship including the importance of emerging technologies and how they are implemented in the academic law libraries setting, finishing with a concluding chapter on global opportunities available for law librarians.

  • Provides an insight to academic law librarianship practices
  • Practical tips on building a career in academic law librarianship
  • Describes in detail the education and professional development opportunities for academic law librarianship
  • Features customized classification schemes that have been used in academic law libraries

Book Description

In the last two decades, advancement in technology has transformed every aspect of librarianship. Law Librarianship in Academic Law Libraries discusses issues and model practices in academic law libraries. This text will help librarians and library school students understand the operation, resources and facilities that are available in the academic law library. It explains the practices and trends that are widely practiced in different parts of the world. This book describes the expectations of an aspiring professional with an interest in specializing in law librarianship; revealing facts pertaining to management and administration which are not necessarily taught in library schools. The first chapter introduces the history of academic law libraries, and defines law librarianship. The remaining chapters are dedicated to different aspects of law librarianship including the importance of emerging technologies and how they are implemented in the academic law libraries setting, finishing with a concluding chapter on global opportunities available for law librarians.

  • Provides an insight to academic law librarianship practices
  • Practical tips on building a career in academic law librarianship
  • Describes in detail the education and professional development opportunities for academic law librarianship
  • Features customized classification schemes that have been used in academic law libraries

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. List of figures and tables
  7. About the author
  8. Acknowledgement
  9. Prologue
  10. Introduction
  11. 1. What is law librarianship?
    1. Qualifications for law librarians
    2. Education of law librarians
    3. Academic law libraries
    4. Structure of academic law libraries
    5. History of academic law libraries
    6. Accreditation & standards for academic law libraries
    7. Other types of law libraries
    8. Conclusion
  12. 2. Users of the academic law library
    1. Faculty/Professors (Full-time & Adjunct)
    2. Graduate students (LL.M & Ph.D.)
    3. Undergraduate students (JD/LL.B)
    4. Distance education students
    5. Researchers
    6. Visiting fellows
    7. Prospective students
    8. Alumni
    9. Members of the public
    10. Users with disabilities
    11. Mooting teams
    12. Law journal editors
    13. Conclusion
  13. 3. Collection development/management
    1. The law library collection
    2. Materials found in academic law libraries
    3. Managing academic library collections
    4. Law library collection development policy
    5. Selection process
    6. Selecting electronic resources
    7. Selection tools
    8. Acquisitions
    9. Weeding
    10. Copyright & licensing
    11. Inter-library loans
    12. Resource sharing & cooperative collection
    13. Managing the foreign, comparative & international law collections (FCIL)
    14. Conclusion
  14. 4. Reader services
    1. Reader services
    2. Circulation services
    3. Reference & information services
    4. Library instruction & teaching
    5. Creating instructional materials
    6. Legal citation and legal abbreviation
    7. Conclusion
  15. 5. Cataloguing & classification
    1. Cataloguing
    2. The Anglo-American cataloguing rules
    3. Resource description and access (RDA)
    4. International standard of bibliographic description (ISBD)
    5. Selected classification schemes used for law materials
    6. Conclusion
  16. 6. IT practices in academic law libraries
    1. How is IT managed in academic law libraries?
    2. Role of the IT department in academic law libraries
    3. Integrated library systems (ILS)
    4. Law library websites
    5. Social media practices in academic law libraries
    6. Institutional repositories (IRs)
    7. Conclusion
  17. 7. Management & administration in academic law libraries
    1. Status of the library director
    2. Role of the law library director/head of law library
    3. Human resources
    4. Financial resources
    5. Physical resources
    6. Succession planning
    7. The library committee
  18. 8. Professional development and networking
    1. Membership in professional associations and organizations
    2. Professional associations for law librarians
    3. Short courses for academic law librarians
    4. Publishing
    5. Professional ethics
    6. Conclusion
  19. Conclusion
  20. Appendix I. Examples of law librarianship course descriptions in the master of library science programs in ALA accredited schools in Canada and the United States
    1. Canada
    2. LIBR 533: Legal information sources and services – course description
    3. United States
    4. Z654: Law librarianship (3 cr.)
  21. Appendix II. Code of professional ethics
    1. Code of ethics of the American Library Association
    2. AALL ethical principles
    3. Code of professional practice for library and information professionals
  22. Appendix III. AALL social media policy
    1. This policy applies to:
    2. Policy for social media site administrators:
    3. Guidelines:
    4. Responsibility for the enforcement of this policy:
    5. Violation of this policy:
    6. General statement:
    7. Social media policies for site administrators
  23. Appendix IV. Legal publishers & booksellers
  24. Bibliography
  25. Index