
The history of law librarianship in academic law libraries has shown that the profession has evolved over the years from services being offered to the skill sets and training of librarians. Information technology has impacted the operation and delivery of services in academic law libraries. This book has discussed some of the areas of operations in these libraries such as collection development and management, readers and technical services.

It has looked at the various training options available in library schools for librarians who want to specialize in law librarianship. The academic qualification requirements and competencies of librarians working in academic law libraries have been identified. This book has identified the different user groups who will be using the academic law library; their information seeking habits and expectations.

This book has highlighted some of the best practices and activities of academic law libraries by discussing the different models of administration such as the central and autonomous structures. Professional development has been identified as a key activity in the career of an academic law librarian, the book has provided a list of the activities of professional law libraries associations.

Generally this book will assist the novice librarian who is planning to specialize in academic law librarianship to understand what to expect when they are gainfully employed in this setting and as they advance in their career.

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